Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 343 Love Sword Technique, Qin Se and Chords

Chapter 343 Love Sword Technique, Qin Se and Chords

Ma Ji, who had only been at peace for a few days, once again started a war. This time he set his sights outside the Taiyuan Prefecture under his rule and targeted the bandits in other prefectures in Jin Province.

Officials from all over Shanxi Province were very dissatisfied with his transgression.

However, this matter was initiated by King Wu Li Hang who was holding the Emperor's Sword. Although everyone was dissatisfied, they had nothing to do. On the contrary, they had to do their best to cooperate, lest His Highness King Wu, who for some reason was very concerned about this matter, fall on him.

Ma Ji was well versed in the importance of military strength and speed, so he made the decision. The five hundred elite border troops had already left Taiyuan Prefecture.

But what the outside world didn't know was that he himself was one step faster and had already arrived above Jiukong Mountain in Pingyang Mansion with Jiao Na and Dian Dang Yu Qi.

Dian Dang leaned against the bright moon and starry sky and looked down for a while. He pointed to a spot in the mountain where a few lights flickered and said with a sweet smile: "Master Ma, that is where the thieves are hiding. I don't know what kind of rules we will follow this time." When I came here, my husband gave me orders to follow your instructions."

She seemed to have not yet adapted to her current identity, and she continued to refer to Li Hang and Ma Ji by their past names.

Ma Ji said with a smile: "When the case of Prince Jin was tried previously, His Highness and I blocked the news. Even the people in Prince Jin's palace were charged with poor protection, in order to avoid alerting the enemy. This time, I sent troops again. We used the strategy of "hiding it from the sky" and letting the army attract people's attention to cover our arrival here first. Naturally, we had to catch the opponent by surprise. "

Dian Dang covered his mouth and said with a smile: "Master Ma is a humble gentleman, but I didn't expect that he would act so cunningly!"

Two rays of sword light as brilliant as Jinxia enveloped their figures, merging in the air and circling rapidly.


Since they decided to take advantage of their unpreparedness and strike with a thunderous strike, the two of them directly used the most powerful killing move they could perform at the moment, the third move of the "Four Moves of Affection".

The light of the knife stretched longer and longer, then became thinner and lighter, and finally turned into translucent rays of light that were as thin as autumn hair and invisible to the naked eye. They intertwined with each other to form a dense net with a radius of several miles, heading towards The cottage hidden in the mountains fell silently.

The watchtower built at the corner of the village to guard the village was the first to touch this snare.

After saying that, his body rose slowly and then merged into the bright full moon behind him, disappearing without a trace before the eyes of Ma Ji and Jiao Na.

Jiao Na inspired the fox clan's secret method "Love Charm". Under the subtle spells between each other, her cultivation level continued to rise until she broke through the barrier of the fifth level martial arts refining realm and reached the fourth level. The realm of Dan.

Diandang nodded simply and said: "Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Temporarily suppressing these thoughts in his heart, he turned back and nodded to Jiao Na, and the "Cicada Wing Knife" appeared in their hands at the same time.

While Ma Ji admired the other party's cultivation and methods, he also had some doubts. Based on his usual observation, when Dian Dang got along with Tang Heng, he seemed to be smiling and laughing, but there was a hint of sincere awe inside. It means that if it is just because of the difference between wives and concubines, it would be a bit unreasonable...

Ma Ji shrugged and said: "Soldiers never tire of deceit, so naturally we cannot be gentlemen when dealing with the enemy. Later, Jiaona and I gave each other a hard blow, clearing away the miscellaneous fish and forcing Taotie to show up. The concubine lurked aside first, waiting for an opportunity to take action. A fatal blow!"

The criss-crossing light, which is only an inch apart from each other, penetrates the entire watchtower made of logs without any hindrance, as well as the bodies of the five thieves who are on guard inside the building.

Because the light was too thin and extremely sharp, after cutting through it, not only the watchtower remained in its original state, but even the five thieves had no feeling at all.

It was only when the net continued to fall and began to cut into other buildings in the village and the sleeping bandits in the buildings that the watchtower and the five bandits disintegrated and scattered, turning into a pile of square-inch wooden sticks and pieces of meat. Ma Ji had already asked from Yaizhen that in this village there were only private soldiers trained by the White Lotus Sect for King Jin, and followers he had taken the opportunity to train. There were no old, weak, women or children, so he could kill without any scruples.

The snare continues to fall, cutting through everything including the human body like dry matter.

"who is it?"

With a loud roar, a black light broke through the roof of a certain building and soared into the sky, accurately hitting the intersection of the two light rays and exploding with a bang.

The extremely terrifying power of annihilation broke a big hole in the net, and a figure came out from the damage, holding a large bow and standing in the void, with a look of shock and anger on his face. He was none other than Taotie, one of the Nine Dragon Sons.

The net formed by the light of the sword quickly dissipated, and Ma Ji and Jiao Na appeared and rose into the sky to confront Taotie from a distance.

In the cottage below, only the room where Taotie was located remained intact. The rest collapsed and collapsed. The people inside were unconscious in their sleep, and the house and bed turned into a pile of broken pieces that were indistinguishable from each other. piece.

"You are Ma Ji!" Taotie recognized the identity of the person in front of him at a glance. Even though his enemy was extremely jealous when meeting him, he did not lose his composure and asked with an ugly face, "Where is Yaizhen?"

Ma Ji smiled and said: "I can come here, what do you think of him?"

Taotie gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't look for you to avenge my son's murder, but you came to my door yourself. Let's make a complete settlement today!"

Before he finished speaking, the big bow in his hand buzzed three times in a row, and he fired three arrows at an extraordinary high speed. Each time, he held three arrows between his fingers, which were thinner than chopsticks and only two feet long. The black "Impermanent Arrow" arrows, nine small arrows left the string almost in no particular order, turned into nine life-like biting snakes in the air, and shot at Ma Ji and Jiao Na from different angles.

"Bingdilian blooms!"

Ma Ji and Jiao Na had a clear understanding of each other, and they evolved the unbreakable defense in the "Four Stances of Love". The layers of sword light turned into two ninth-grade lotuses growing side by side, covering their bodies.

The "Impermanent Arrows" containing the power of destruction hit the lotus shadow one after another, causing the petals to wither and dissipate, and at the same time, they themselves also bounced away.

But the nine "impermanent arrows" flew away, circled around and then flew back. The petals of the lotus also died and grew with each passing year. The offensive and defensive momentum of each other seemed to be endless, and it turned into a stalemate.

Taotie was astonished when he saw Ma Ji, who was in the fourth-level elixir-holding realm, dragging Jiao Na, whose aura was not stable enough and who seemed to be only in the fifth-level refining realm, to be evenly matched with him who was in the third-level thunder calamity realm. The most murderous intention is even greater.

Now that the opponent is so powerful, but they are still so young and promising, if they are allowed to continue to grow, he will soon be no match for him.

In his hand appeared three "embersless arrows" that were still only two feet long, but as thick as a thumb, and were all red in color.

When the three "embersless arrows" touched the two side-by-side lotuses, they exploded into a ball of blazing flames, covering both the lotus and the two people inside.


Ma Ji and Jiao Na shouted in unison from the flames, and then the two side-by-side lotuses exploded from the inside out. Each lotus had ninety-nine and eighty-one petals, and the total number was one hundred and sixty-two. The petals formed by the incomparable light of the "Cicada Wing Knife" carried the flames attached to them and shot towards Taotie like meteors all over the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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