Starting boy Ma Kongqun

Chapter 356: The Demonic Flame Covering the Sky, the Sword Light Soaring into the Sky

Chapter 356: The Demonic Flame Covering the Sky, the Sword Light Soaring into the Sky

When a country is about to rise, there will be auspicious signs; when a country is about to fall, there will be evil.

Today, chaos has repeatedly occurred in Dayu. Although Prince Rui Li Xun has occupied the capital and ascended the throne to proclaim himself emperor and established the "orthodox" era, his position was not legitimate and the people in the court and the public do not trust him.

Unfortunately, Li Xun invited some strange-looking and cruel demons from somewhere to help him.

Not only do these demons parade around in broad daylight, they also treat human life as worthless. They often kill living beings to show off their power or even to satisfy their appetites. They have turned a magnificent imperial capital into a place filled with demonic flames and evil spirits, and the people are worried about their lives every day.

At this moment, a banquet was being held in the "Jixian Hall" which was set up to house these demons. The six third-grade demons in the realm of thunder tribulation who were attending the banquet sat on the high seats, and dozens of incompletely transformed, half-human, half-beast little demons in the courtyard were preparing "ingredients".

The six monsters had different personalities and tastes. Some liked to eat things raw, some liked to fry, stir-fry, or deep-fry, some liked flesh and blood, some liked offal, and there was even a monster who was a monkey and only liked to eat brains raw.

In order to satisfy their needs, these little demons had to resort to some tricks, cutting alive a group of skinned men, women, old and young, and then cooking different parts of the body using different methods, and then putting them on plates and sending them to the hall.

At this moment, the courtyard was filled with piles of bones, blood all over the ground, and wailing sounds deafening, like a hell on earth.

The six demons in the hall were feasting.

Sitting in the middle were two burly men who looked exactly the same, with ferocious expressions and sturdy bodies. They were brothers from the same mother, named Ban Ya and Ban Zhua. Their mother was Madam Ban, the "female mountain king" of Ailao Mountain, and one of the six second-grade fire demons who were now in the limelight around Li Xun.

Because they have a powerful backer and have always been brothers in arms, they are able to take the leading position among these six demons who all have the strength of a third-grade thunder tribulation.

On the left and right sides, there are two demons standing sideways.

On the left is a skinny young man and a one-eyed old man with a sinister look.

The young man was the demon in the form of a monkey, “The Powerful Ape Demon” Yuan Tianlai; the old man was a thousand-year-old wolf demon, known as Lang Jiugong.

On the right is a scholar in white and a huge monk.

The monk's name is Chang Qing, and his true form is a giant python with brocade scales; the monk's name is "Wujie", but he is a wild boar spirit.

Yuan Tianlai grabbed the head of a beautiful girl with an expression of endless fear on her face with his left hand, and stabbed the top of the head with the index finger of his right hand, making a round hole in the hard skull like a chisel. He then put it to his mouth and sucked hard, sucking the still warm brain matter inside the skull into his mouth and swallowing it into his stomach.

He casually threw the head to the ground, and the terrifying force he unintentionally released caused the head to be shattered and flattened, leaving only a distorted, abstract, and hideous face lying flat on the ground.

"What a joy!" Yuan Tianlai burped and shouted in a sharp voice, "Now I finally understand the fun of being a demon!"

"It should be so." The monk Wujie opposite poured a large bowl of hot blood into his mouth, and licked the blood stains on his lips with his bright red tongue. His round, greasy face was full of satisfaction. "When Master Yuan was here, we had to hide our minions and endure. Now that Master Yuan is gone, if we still wrong ourselves, then wouldn't Master Yuan's departure be in vain?"

"That's right! That's right!" Spain, who was sitting in the middle, grabbed a half-eaten roasted thigh and said with a smile, "From now on, we are the masters of this world. We can do whatever we want!"

As demons were dancing wildly and evil spirits were rising, a man cast a spell to hide his figure. He saw the whole scene clearly from mid-air. In an instant, his pupils were filled with blood and his eyes were red with anger.

This person was none other than Yan Chixia, who had teamed up with Ma Ji to eliminate demons in Lanruo Temple in the past.

His hair stood on end with rage, his whiskers standing on end, he gritted his teeth and whispered, "The sky and the earth are boundless, I borrow the power of heaven and earth. Unsheath!"

Before he finished speaking, a green gas rose from the top of the old sword case on his back. Ninety-nine and eighty-one three-foot-long, two-finger-wide, simple-style long swords connected end to end flew out in the green gas, and hovered vertically around him with the sword tips pointing downwards.

Yan Chixia rubbed his hands together and stretched out his palms. Thunder emanated from his palms, shaking the eighty-one long swords. He shouted, "Ten Thousand Swords Technique!"

Under the vibration of thunder, these long swords trembled and continued to split, each one turned into two, two turned into four...

In just a blink of an eye, tens of thousands of long swords densely covered the sky and the sun.

Yan Chixia put his hands together and crossed his fingers, only his two index fingers stretched out, pointing towards the courtyard below: "Kill the demon!"

He must have had incredible opportunities in recent years, and his cultivation progress was only slightly slower than that of a horse. He was barely on par with Wang Heng, who had the divine artifact "Heaven-Repairing Stone" in his hand, and now he was also in the second-grade fire calamity realm.

With such strength and with hatred in his heart, the power of this attack was truly terrifying.

Tens of thousands of long swords merged into a snow-white torrent, like a river bursting its banks, rushing down three thousand feet, carrying boundless and vast power.

The moment Yan Chixia summoned his flying sword, the six demons below had already sensed it. When he performed the supreme sword technique "Ten Thousand Swords Technique" of "Sword Light Differentiation", the six demons were even more horrified and trembling in their hearts.

They all burst out with strength at the same time, shattering the hall they were in. Looking up at the source of the danger they had sensed, they could see a torrent of brilliant sword blades falling from the sky.


In the face of great danger, the brothers Ban Ya and Ban Zhua became extremely ferocious. They simultaneously took out a seven-foot-long, palm-wide, thick-backed, straight-blade sword in their hands, and with a wild roar, they swung the sword towards the sky.


Yuan Tianlai pulled out a black gold stick that was as long as two long sticks and as thick as a bowl from behind his back, and started hitting the man in the air with the "raising fire to burn the sky" style.

"Let's do it together!"

Lang Jiugong was cunning and experienced. He knew that only if the six of them worked together could they have a chance of survival from the sword-killing move that came from the sky. After he shouted to remind the other two hesitant monsters, he opened his mouth and spit out a red bead, which became as big as a house in the wind and spun rapidly into the sky.

Chang Qing and Wu Jie, after being reminded by Lang Jiugong, immediately realized that trying to escape at this moment was a bad idea, and they took out their most valuable treasures and skills and followed Lang Jiugong in taking action.

When six third-grade thunder demons joined forces to attack, their power was no less than that of an ordinary second-grade demon.

When the torrent formed by thousands of swords came into contact with the attack of the six monsters, the long swords immediately shattered and turned into a rain of light in the sky.

But that long sword was formed by Yan Chixia using ninety-nine and eighty-one "Tianlong Swords" to differentiate the sword light. As long as the "Tianlong Sword" hidden in the core of the sword light is not destroyed, the sword light will be destroyed and reborn endlessly.

However, the six demons were far inferior in cultivation to Yan Chixia. Their combined attack with all their might could only slightly curb Yan Chixia's offensive. When their momentum weakened and they were exhausted, their power was immediately broken and swept into the torrent of sword blades. In just a few breaths, they were completely destroyed by the thousands of swords.

The sword torrent split into hundreds of tributaries, rushing and sweeping through Jixian Hall, instantly killing all the demons, big and small.

Yan Chixia had just vented his anger and retracted his flying sword when suddenly three extremely powerful auras rose up from the palace. An old woman's voice filled with anger and resentment shook the world: "Give me back my son's life!"

(End of this chapter)

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