Douluo: Martial Soul Divine Seal Throne, seize the throne Bibi Dong

Chapter 104 Bibi Dong panicked, this traitor is not a human being!


The second young master actually wants to be a saint? !

Yue Guan trembled suddenly, and the ghost following him also trembled at the same time.

The two have worked together for decades, and it can be said that they know each other very well. When Qian Renxue said this, their eyes instantly collided.

The surprise and weirdness in his eyes were clearly displayed.

Things are really going to get a lot bigger now. The second young master plans to become the Holy Maiden of Wuhun Palace right after he returns, which will definitely shake the whole Wuhun Palace again!

Although Yue Guan is timid, he can be regarded as a role model among the wallflowers.

But being timid doesn't mean there's something wrong with your brain.

Qian Renxue's words immediately made him think of many things.

"If nothing else happens, that one probably won't want the second young master to take the position of a saint!"

"In that person's heart, the position of the saint has always been reserved for Nana, even though she has been pulled down from the papal throne by the crown prince."

"But in today's Wuhun Palace, as long as you have a little thought, you can understand that she wants to return to the Pope's throne anytime and anywhere."

Yue thought secretly with concern.

He has been with Bibi Dong for more than ten years.

Many things can still be understood.

With Bibi Dong's behavior, it is absolutely impossible for such things to be implemented easily.

And it just so happened that Qian Renyu, the current pope, would never give Bibi Dong any face.

In the next Wuhun Hall, if there is no accident, there will definitely be an accident.

Suppressing his impetuous heart, Yue Guan carefully looked at Qian Renyu. Gui Mei also focused on Qian Renyu at the same moment.

As for Qian Renxue.

Make your purpose clear.

Her beautiful eyes didn't move away from Qian Renyu for even a second.

"it is good!"

Qian Renyu's words are concise and concise.

In a simple matter, he agreed to Qian Renxue's request simply and neatly.

Qian Renxue's return to the Spirit Hall does require a level of identity, although the identity of the Second Young Master is also useful enough.

But it would not be a bad idea to have an additional level of identity as the Saint of the Spirit Hall.

Fortunately, through the conferment of this level of identity, some people can be completely cut off.

Qian Renxue breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the answer she wanted to hear.

"I knew you wouldn't reject me, brother!"

"Then after we go back this time, we can prepare for the canonization ceremony of the saint."

"I haven't returned to Wuhun Hall for many years, and it's not unacceptable to suddenly come back and take the position of a saint!"

Qian Renxue said minding her own business.

As he spoke, he slowed down his speaking speed.

After a slight pause, he said again:

"She probably won't be happy for me to sit in this position."

"I'm afraid there will be many things going on when I return to the Spirit Hall this time!"

"Brother, you still have a lot to do at the moment. If it affects you, you can postpone the canonization ceremony for a while."

Qian Renxue added silently.

After weighing the pros and cons, Qian Renyu did not feel too embarrassed.

Qian Renyu stared at Qian Renxue indifferently, and smoothed down the messy hair from Qian Renxue's forehead when the ghost left the Tiandou Palace.

"I don't need to ask for her permission to do things!"

"Since we want to canonize a saint, we naturally need to do it immediately after returning this time!"

"I will take full care of her affairs!"


Half a month later.

Wuhun City, the Pope's Palace.

After returning to the Pope's Palace, Qian Renyu devoted himself to the things he should do as a Pope. Regarding the canonization of the saint, arrangements have been made for Yue Guan and the ghosts to start.

As for Qian Renxue, she returned alone to the courtyard where she had been idle.

The entire Wuhun City seemed to be very peaceful.

However, this was not the case in Bibi Dong's residence.

A tense atmosphere enveloped Bibi Dong's courtyard all the time.

With a gloomy face, one could tell just by looking at him how angry Bibi Dong was at this moment.

Hu Liena stood beside Bibi Dong obediently.

"Teacher, are you worried about his plan to canonize a saint?" Hu Liena asked.

Bibi Dong didn't say anything, just hummed lightly.

If the gaze in a pair of eyes could kill, Bibi Dong would really like to kill Qian Renyu with his gaze.

He was forced to step down from the papal position.

It was a humiliation, and got Qian Daoliu's platform.

In the battle of Qibao Glazed Sect, he was arranged to be the vanguard.

This was another humiliation, and there was also a shadow of Qian Daoliu in it.

Yuexu wanted to be the acting pope a while ago.

This was still a humiliation, and every humiliation was within the taboo line that she could never accept.


Return with Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue has not yet become familiar with the current Wuhun City.

Without saying a word, he immediately arranged for Qian Renxue to take the seat of the saint.

All kinds of things were connected together, and it was clear that Qian Renyu wanted to completely remove Bibi Dong's power from her.

The entire top management of Wuhun Palace knew about it.

The position of the Saint of Wuhun Palace has always been reserved for Hu Liena.

This can also be seen in the training of Hu Liena from childhood to adulthood.

However, before everything could be fully put into practice, Qian Renyu had already been forced to the point of no return.

"Teacher, if it's a matter of the saint's position, then teacher, you'd better not be so upset!"

"He is now extremely powerful in the Spirit Hall!"

Hu Liena was silent for a long time and then spoke again.

Bibi Dong did not remain silent this time.

Hearing what Hu Liena said, I felt that Hu Liena knew how to care about people.

No matter what, he would not make himself angry or humiliate himself in any way like Qian Renyu did.

"The overwhelming power is only temporary!"

"This matter will be handled by the Master Council. The position of Saint has been predetermined for you from the very beginning."

"Although I am no longer the contemporary Pope, this position can only be yours. I will definitely interfere in this matter!"

Bibi Dong gave a sonorous and forceful reply.

After giving such an answer, his aura seemed to become much stronger.

"Qian Renxue is also back. I can't continue to make concessions on this matter. I will continue to make concessions on this matter!"

"It will only make me fall into more and more decline and must be reversed!"

Again, he answered in the affirmative in his mind.

A superb light burst out from Bibi Dong's eyes.

Hu Liena watched Bibi Dong's reaction throughout the whole process, and she always felt that her teacher seemed to be different.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something but not knowing what to say.

Bibi Dong selectively ignored Hu Liena's reactions and said calmly: "Okay, you don't need to mention this matter to my teacher!"

"Now that Qian Renxue has returned to Wuhun Palace, go over and let her know and ask her to come see me!"

"Tell her I'm waiting for her here!" (End of Chapter)

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