Douluo: Martial Soul Divine Seal Throne, seize the throne Bibi Dong

Chapter 108 Bibi Dong’s secret, Ren Xue’s choice

A moment later, the Pope's Palace.

Qian Renyu sat on the papal throne.

He leaned forward slightly and looked at Qian Renxue who was standing under the steps with a soft gaze.

At this moment, Qian Renxue's expression was very ugly, and her whole person was enveloped in a layer of gloom and disbelief.

The expression on his eyebrows, which was originally very cold, beat from time to time, and his breathing seemed a little messy.

Qian Renyu said nothing, quietly watching Qian Renxue's reaction at this moment.

Just now, he had told Qian Renxue all the bastard things that the cheap daddy Qian Xunji had done back then.

After knowing what happened back then, Qian Renxue was falling into torment in her heart.

An atmosphere of silence enveloped the entire hall.

Qian Renxue's heavy breathing became the only sound in the hall at this moment.

"Brother, is everything you said true?" Qian Renxue asked in a deep voice after a long time.

Qian Renyu refused to deny: "It's all true. Grandpa told us back then that her fault was not hers when we were young."

"Regarding this matter, I investigated many files and found out everything that happened back then. The culprit was our bastard father."

"It is precisely for these reasons that since I succeeded in forcing the throne to ascend to the throne of pope, I have given her many opportunities, but she has never grasped them."

"My decision has been made, but after all, we are siblings, and she is also your biological mother. The remaining half of the decision is left to you to choose!"

Qian Renyu spoke calmly, deciding everything without being arbitrary.

A very calm voice told Qian Renxue how her attitude towards Bibi Dong had changed.

Qian Renxue understood what Qian Renyu meant: "Brother, what you mean is that you can no longer tolerate her. As long as I make a decision, if it is the same as your choice, then you will directly attack her, right?" !”

"Yes, the foundation of Wuhun Palace cannot be destroyed because of her."

Qian Renyu replied very calmly: "It is true that our bastard father was sorry for her, but our Wuhun Palace has not sorry for her."

"Even after she killed our bastard father, although grandpa did not deal with her to buy us time to grow up, part of the reason was because she was our biological mother."

"Otherwise, grandpa could have killed her directly. In the end, grandpa returned to the position of pope and allowed us, brother and sister, to grow up safely."

Qian Renyu's tone was light and airy.

Although Qian Daoliu did not take action against Bibi Dong back then, partly because he was ashamed of Bibi Dong, partly because he wanted time for himself and Qian Renxue to grow up, and partly because Bibi Dong had obtained the power of the Rakshasa God. Bit inheritance.

But no matter which aspect it is, the real reason is that Bibi Dong is their biological mother.

Otherwise, a inheritor of the divine throne would not be able to compete with the Qiandaoliu of that year.

Qian Daoliu really wanted to take action, but even Bibi Dong's ten lives were not enough to die.

Qian Renxue sighed faintly: "If I can't make the same decision as you for the time being, will you blame me?"

"No!" Qian Renyu said: "I said, I will not make arbitrary decisions on this kind of matter!"

Hearing this, Qian Renxue nodded: "In that case, I think I'll give her one more chance. You've given her so many chances, so I'll give her one too!"

"If she is really stubborn, I will personally destroy her and let her find Yu Xiaogang, whom she loves."

"At that time, she will truly understand what kind of person Yu Xiaogang is. With Yu Xiaogang's personality, he should not continue to like her who has been abolished in the future."

"I can't kill her myself, but I will let her live in regret and pain for the rest of her life!"

Qian Renxue gave the answer. After the reply was given, his expression became extremely complicated.

She didn't know these things before, so she really wanted to kill Bibi Dong quickly.

But after truly knowing all of Bibi Dong's secrets, it suddenly felt as if the decision could not be made that way.

Qian Renyu was not surprised by Qian Renxue's reactions and decisions. After thinking for a while, he whispered:

"This is indeed a way. It means we don't have to bear the bad reputation of matricide!"

"But when the time comes, after she wastes the opportunity you gave her, I will ultimately be the one to destroy her!"

"It's up to me, the elder brother, to do the job of being a villain!"

Qian Renxue wanted to argue, but when she met Qian Renyu's determined gaze, all the words she wanted to say were blocked.

Taking a deep breath, he took the initiative to change the subject:

"Let's just decide this matter!"

"But besides this matter, Tang San also has matters concerning the Shangsan Sect and the Tiandou Empire. What are you going to do about it, brother?"

"Now that I have returned to the Spirit Hall, I should put my skills to use!"

Qian Renyu was slightly silent.

He thought about this thoughtfully.

"Since you want to be useful."

"Then let's start dealing with the matters between the Shangsan Sect and the Tiandou Empire!"

"In the battle of the Qibao Glazed Sect, both the Haotian Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family were involved, and the Tiandou Empire's account has been settled."

"Next, it's time to settle matters between the Haotian Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family."

"This time, we will destroy them all!"

Qian Renxue's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Understanding Qian Renyu's arrangement, he instantly showed an eagerness to give it a try.

Just when Qian Renxue was thinking about showing off, Yue Guan suddenly walked in from outside the Pope's Palace.

Seeing Qian Renyu and Qian Renxue talking, he realized that he had come at the wrong time.

Bowing and saluting, he said in a nutshell: "Your Majesty, the latest spies have come to report that Tang San and his entourage have entered the Tiandou Empire a few days ago!"

"I have the courage to come here to ask Your Majesty, what should I do regarding Tang San and his party?"

Qian Renyu was slightly surprised. Just as he was talking about the Shangsan Sect, he suddenly heard news about Tang San and his party.

After a little analysis of Tang San and his group's entry into Heaven Dou, there wasn't much surprise.

"I understand, most of the Shangsan Sect plans to cooperate with the Tiandou Empire!"

"In that case, then you will arrange the canonization of the saint, and also put on the agenda the things that our Spirit Hall has been preparing for over the years!"

Something that took years of preparation?

Yue Guan was slightly surprised and quickly thought of what Qian Renyu was talking about.

"Your Majesty, are you talking about the establishment of a country that our Wuhun Palace has been preparing for these years?" Yueguan asked.

Qian Renyu nodded slightly: "Yes, after so many years of preparation, it's time for Wuhun Palace to transform into Wuhun Empire!"

"I will complete the unfinished business of Wuhun Palace!" (End of this chapter)

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