Douluo: Martial Soul Divine Seal Throne, seize the throne Bibi Dong

Chapter 126 Bibi Dong’s final struggle was completely defeated!

The atmosphere in the entire cordoned off area was very silent.

Qian Renyu's footsteps touched everyone's mind.

The aura of Qiandaoliu spread throughout the entire blockade area, replacing the blockade jointly arranged by many titled Douluo.

With the title of the strongest in the sky, Qian Daoliu alone can rival all the titled Douluo present.

Thanks to Qian Daoliu's help, Golden Crocodile Douluo and many other titled Douluo breathed a sigh of relief.

They stopped arranging the blockade and focused their attention on Qian Renyu and Bibi Dong.

Among them were Yue Guan and Gui Mei, as well as many people from the original Elder Hall among the many titled Douluo.

There were quite a few looks with a little something strange about them.

Bibi Dong has been the pope for more than ten years and has still won the hearts of many people.

If conditions allowed, they would still be able to intercede for Bibi Dong.

But in the current matter, they still knew that there was no chance to plead for mercy.

Collaboration with the enemy is absolutely unforgivable in any force.

Wuhun Palace has the most soul masters in the entire Douluo Continent and is also the force with the most titled Douluo.

It can stand in a tripartite position with the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire in a non-imperial manner.

It is even more impossible for such a powerful force to tolerate such a thing happening.

Bibi Dong collaborated with the enemy, so he should naturally accept the punishment for collaborating with the enemy!

Qian Renyu arrived in front of Bibi Dong.

In terms of height, Qian Renyu has a slight advantage.

He looked at Bibi Dong with indifferent eyes, feeling Bibi Dong's aura of dejection at the moment.

Just standing so quietly brought huge pressure to Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong's face was ferocious, with a complicated look on her cheeks.

Suddenly, all the complexity was suppressed, and a cold blast shot out from his widened eyes:

"Qian Renyu, please stop looking at me in such a condescending manner!"

"Today I am weak and suppressed by you, but that does not mean that I will give in!"

"As long as I am given the slightest chance, I will still not give up on pulling you down from the position of Pope!"

"As for your desire to destroy my martial spirit, I also want to see if you really have this ability!"

Bibi Dong scolded angrily.

Very dissatisfied with Qian Renyu's performance at this moment.

He vented his anger violently, and his slightly depressed aura became stronger again, just like returning to the light.

His slightly stooped body stood up straight again.

Wiping away the blood from the corner of her mouth, Bibi Dong's eyes reappeared with determination.

Martial spirits are the most important to soul masters.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to destroy a person's strength, you must destroy the opponent's martial spirit.

Without the help of martial souls, soul masters would have no place to store their soul power.

But if you want to destroy the martial soul, it seems that you haven't heard of anything similar in the past years.

She, Bibi Dong, is a person with the Rakshasa status and the owner of twin martial souls.

With multiple advantages, Wuhun's power is even more powerful than that of others.

Qian Renyu can suppress her, but he may not be able to completely destroy the martial spirit.

"Do you think I don't have the ability to destroy your martial spirit?"

"Bibi Dong, you have been confident and failed many times, why do you never learn a lesson?"

"As you know very well, I will never do anything I'm not sure about!"

Qian Renyu smiled coldly, not caring at all that Bibi Dong was still unruly at this moment.

Bibi Dong was silent. She was obviously uneasy because of Qian Renyu's words, but she didn't show the slightest worry on her face.

Compared to Qian Renyu's whispers, she still chose to believe in her knowledge of martial spirits.

With its own strength, the martial soul is so powerful that it cannot be destroyed so easily. The conversation between the two easily fell into the ears of other people.

Many titled Douluo looked at the two martial spirits of the Death Spider Emperor and the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor behind Bibi Dong with their brows furrowed.

A powerful aura emanated from the two Spider Emperor martial spirits, which were one level more powerful than the martial spirits they possessed.

Complementing each other, and combined with Bibi Dong's own strength, it seems that...

Without expressing their guesses, many titled Douluo became mute at this moment.

"The martial spirit is so powerful that it is indeed not that easy to destroy!"

"But if it is forcibly abolished, there should still be some ways, but Bibi Dong has already broken through to level 99, and he still has the inheritance of the divine status with him!"

"There seems to be only one level difference between level 98 and level 99, but there should be a huge difference between the two. Is there any improvement that I don't know about?"

Golden Crocodile Douluo frowned, his own strength was only level 98, and he could not clearly judge the strength of Bibi Dong's martial spirit as a level 99 titled Douluo.

After a thoughtful moment, his eyes fell on Qian Daoliu.

Among all the people present, only Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong were in the same realm.

"As you become a demigod, the strength of your martial spirit will increase a lot. This is an undoubted fact!"

"Furthermore, when the strength reaches level 95, each time the martial soul is upgraded, it will undergo a corresponding transformation."

"Now Bibi Dong's martial soul has transformed to the extreme. It is only the last step to become a god. It is not easy to destroy it!"

Qian Daoliu answered in a deep voice.

From a fair standpoint, it was not because Qian Renyu was his grandson.

And he was also unconditionally supporting Qian Renyu at this moment, so he specifically said something nice at this moment.

Golden Crocodile Douluo suddenly realized that every increase in strength after level 95 can bring about a martial soul transformation. He knew this very well.

At this moment, Qian Daoliuyi could explain, and he could vaguely guess how far Bibi Dong's martial spirit had reached as he stood in the demigod realm.

Xiaoyu, I guess there's no way to destroy Bibi Dong's martial spirit, right?

Golden Crocodile Douluo thought in his heart.

However, just when he thought so.

Qian Renyu moved.

There are thousands of Daoliu suppressing Bibi Dong.

When he started to do it, it became a lot easier invisibly.

He teleported behind Bibi Dong and stretched out his two hands. Even the two spider emperor spirits, Death Spider Emperor and Soul-eating Spider Emperor, were just shadows.

But at this moment, it was still firmly in his hand.


Qian Renyu shouted softly.

Three colors of light exploded in the palm of his hand.

In an instant, three colors of light enveloped the two Spider Emperor martial spirits.


Piercing screams came from the mouths of the two spider king spirits.

Sharp, harsh, shocking to the soul.

Along with the screams of the two Spider Emperor Spirits, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of Bibi Dong's mouth.

She was not allowed to react any more, and the aura that was originally in the realm of demigods suddenly plummeted.

Level 99, level 98...level 90...

Every breath brings a decline in strength.

After his strength dropped below Titled Douluo, his speed increased by several levels.

Bibi Dong suppressed the breath of her fall, and her eyes instantly widened many times.

He turned around in disbelief and looked at his two martial souls enveloped in three-color light.

This, how is this possible? ! (End of chapter)

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