Douluo: Martial Soul Divine Seal Throne, seize the throne Bibi Dong

Chapter 141: City of Killing, Yu Xiaogang’s Burial Ground

Tiandou City.

Inside the special palace of Tang Sect.

After more than half a day's effort, Tang San calmed down completely.

His face was as gloomy as water, and the scarlet color in his eyes had been there all day long.

The heavy breathing of an old cow has been echoing in the hall, and the veins on his forehead have not stopped for a moment.

The slightly narrowed eyes were filled with hatred towards Wuhun Palace.

Especially Qian Renyu, he now wants to skin him and cramp him, and wants to cut Qian Renyu into pieces.

In the original battle of Qibao Glazed Sect, it was Qian Renyu who suddenly took action at the last moment and captured Xiao Wu.

If Qian Renyu hadn't taken action at that time, as long as Xiao Wu was still by his side, Xiao Wu would have been safe no matter what.

Even if it is really unsafe in the end, Xiao Wu can still sacrifice himself if he is well prepared.

Not that, during the battle of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, everything was too sudden, and Xiao Wu's sacrifice failed.

Others in the main hall were discussing Tang San's proposal to release all the villains in the Killing City.

The lively discussion has not stopped for half a day, and everyone has different opinions.

Including the Tiandou royal family, Xuexing also sent his own parents and children to discuss the matter in order to come up with the most suitable plan.

"I agree to this matter!"

At this time, Tang Chen, who was also in the hall, suddenly spoke.

As the killing king of the killing city.

As soon as Tang Chen opened his mouth, he immediately suppressed everyone's voices.

Everyone's thoughts were confused at this moment, and they all had deep eyebrows.

Tang San was also very surprised. He knew that Tang Chen had never agreed to release the villains in the Killing City.

But now...

Tang Chen suddenly agreed, which was beyond his expectation.

"Great-grandfather, you..." Tang San said doubtfully.

Hearing this, Tang Chen continued: "Xiaosan, you are our hope, but now your state of mind has been completely messed up!"

"If you are not allowed to calm down these states of mind, your subsequent promotion will be very difficult, so my great-grandfather is on your side this time."

"The people in the Killing City are indeed extremely vicious, but compared with your messed up mood and your future, this seems insignificant!"

"I can be on your side in this matter, and you can arrange the plan to release everyone in the Killing City!"

Tang San's breathing was rapid.

Understand what Tang Chen wants to express.

For a moment, the whole person seemed to come alive.


"Then I will immediately arrange a plan to release everyone in the Killing City!"

"This time, I will lead the team myself!"

Tang San said sonorously and forcefully.

The hatred is too great, and now he just wants to do something so that he can have more influence on Wuhun Palace.

Seeing this, everyone else wanted to continue arguing.

From beginning to end, I am still not happy to see the people who released Killing City.

But thinking about Tang Chen's identity, thinking about Tang Chen's strength, and thinking about Tang Chen's support for Tang San.

One by one, they suppressed all their thoughts back to the bottom of their hearts.

His strength was inferior to that of others, and there was no way he could argue in front of Tang Chen.

Big fists are the last word. This is an eternal truth!

"Xiaosan, don't lead the team yourself on this matter!"

Suddenly, Dai Mubai said: "You are our core now. If there are changes during the execution of this time, you will be very passive and dangerous!"

"If I'm not wrong, the people from Wuhun Palace definitely want to behead you, so you'd better stay in Tiandou City!"

"We are both the Shrek Seven Monsters. Let me be responsible for leading the team to the Killing City this time!"

Dai Mubai volunteered. As Dai Mubai asked for help, Yu Xiaogang also stepped forward.

Different from Dai Mubai's thoughts, Yu Xiaogang had other thoughts.

"Mistress, and me!"

"I am now the national master of the Tiandou Empire. I will follow you to the Slaughter City. Maybe we can use the reason of pardon to let some of the soul masters of the Slaughter City be used by us!"

"Mubai is now the first heir to the Star Luo Empire. He can also express the same position on behalf of the Star Luo Empire. We can be the most suitable candidate!"

"At the same time, this is also the time to make the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire famous, and since we are all members of the Tang Sect, we can also gain more prestige for the Tang Sect you established!"

Tang San remained silent.

Listen to Yu Xiaogang's analysis.

Carefully analyze the pros and cons of this matter in my mind.

After pondering for a long time, a light suddenly burst out from his eyes.

"Teacher, Boss Dai, this matter will trouble you."

"If you think about it carefully, you may indeed be a very good candidate!"

"But you alone may not be enough, we still need to send out Titled Douluo!"

"Otherwise, the defeat in the first battle will happen again!"

Tang San said in a deep voice.

After Tang San finished speaking, Tang Chen immediately added: "Just arrange a few Titled Douluo. Our Haotian Sect can produce two Titled Douluo!"

At this time, Yu Yuanzhen said: "Since the Haotian Sect has sent two, I will go with them. Such three titled Douluo are enough to handle this matter properly!"

Ning Fengzhi didn't speak, and neither did Bone Douluo.

The three titled Douluo should be about the same.

After confirming the list of personnel, the group continued to have more precise discussions on this matter.

After everything was settled, the group of people on the confirmed list left Tiandou City.


half a month later.

Kill the lonely town outside.

Qian Renyu walked around this place, feeling the deathly silence around him, with a look of indifference on his face.

"This place can indeed be a good battlefield!"

"Those villains have stayed in the killing city all their lives, and I am too lazy to come and clean them up."

"If they are released, they cannot leave here alive!"

"There are so many blood debts, but a pardon can't calm everything down!"

The people who followed Qian Renyu were speechless. They were not very powerful, just a few titled Douluo following them.

Yue Guan and Gui Mei were suddenly beside Qian Renyu.

The two old backbones of Wuhun Palace are still very easy to use in some aspects.

After Qian Renyu sighed slightly, he suddenly looked towards Yueguan: "Yueguan, what is the information from the spies?"

"Tang San and his group want to release the people in the Killing City, so they should have set out long ago?"

Seeing this, Yue Guan hurriedly explained: "Your Majesty, they indeed set out half a month ago, and the spies passed on part of the list."

Qian Renyu took Yueguan's letter and read it, looking at part of the list of personnel that the spies had found out.

In just one glance, his eyes fell on the words between Dai Mubai and Yu Xiaogang.

"What a coincidence, this guy Yu Xiaogang actually came out of Tiandou City."

"After all, the Killing City can really be a good place, and it can become the burial place of Yu Xiaogang!"

Qian Renyu smiled faintly, and then turned the list into powder.

Things that were not very interesting at first suddenly peaked the interest.

There is no need to doubt how much influence Yu Xiaogang has had on Wuhun Palace.

If it happened to happen here, there would be no reason for Yu Xiaogang to continue to go back alive. (End of chapter)

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