Douluo: Martial Soul Divine Seal Throne, seize the throne Bibi Dong

Chapter 147 Anyone who crosses the boundary will die!


Qian Renyu spoke again.

Among the many villains in the killing city.

Several figures stood on the dome as soon as they appeared.

The aura on each person's body has reached a very tyrannical level, reaching the level of a titled Douluo.

Living in the city of killing, I had received protection from Tang Chen, and also received amnesty from Tang Chen as the king of killing.

Originally, he could use his own strength in the killing city, and his cultivation was not stagnant.

After many years, each of them is still very strong.


The so-called powerful is only for those who are not as strong as a Titled Douluo.

For Qian Renyu, the strength of these individuals is actually just that.

A little bit different than ordinary soul masters.

An ordinary soul master can destroy thousands of people with one blow.

As for these figures, they need to use one move alone, but they still cannot easily destroy thousands of them in one blow.

After all, it is still at the level of a titled Douluo.

The heads of the two members of the Haotian Sect were flying into the sky and then falling.

As they were dying, they saw several figures emerging from the Killing City.

There was a hint of relief in their eyes.

But underneath the look of relief, there was also a lot of regret.

Why, why didn't I wait until these people appeared before leaving the killing city!

Under multiple titled Douluo, the two of them still had a chance to escape, and they wouldn't have to face Qian Renyu alone.

With a few more people, there will be many more opportunities!

As long as everything goes smoothly, these titled Douluo in the Killing City can become scapegoats.

After all, they are all people from the killing city, so if they die, they will die!


There are no ifs in this world.

The heads of the two members of the Haotian Sect fell to the ground.

The eyes that slowly closed could no longer see any brilliance in this world.

Not long after, several figures of titled Douluo appeared in the Killing City.

All eyes were focused on Qian Renyu.

Feeling the aura on Qian Renyu's body, these figures started attacking without getting excited.

After all, he was someone who could survive in the killing city, and he was still powerful enough to be pardoned by Tang Chen.

There is no shortage of brainless people in the killing city, but the brainless people are all dead.

Those who survived, their brains were still good enough.

"Everyone listen to the order and disperse and leave this place!"

"We will never die if the people of Wuhun Palace die. They don't want to see us leave this place!"

"We have a large number of people in the Killing City. As long as we flee in all directions, it is impossible for the people in Wuhun Palace to kill us all!"

"I swear in the name of the Titled Douluo of the Killing City that anyone who can leave this place alive will definitely take revenge on the Spirit Hall in the future!"

"If someone unfortunately dies here, it is fate, no one else is to blame!"

At this time, the voice of a titled Douluo penetrated all directions.

Every villain who rushed out of the killing city heard the oath of this titled Douluo.

They don't care about those who swear but don't swear.

In the Killing City, there has never been such a thing as reputation.

But everyone still knows it very well, and everyone knows it well.

Qian Renyu brought the people from Wuhun Palace here to surround them, because he definitely didn't want to see them leave alive.

It is obvious that we must flee in all directions!

Those who were able to escape were just lucky. If you can't escape, you can only be lucky enough.

After everyone thought about their thoughts, the villains started to move one by one.

After rushing out of the killing city, they all clearly identified their respective locations.

After confirming the location of the titled Douluo, Yue Guan and Gui Mei, they all left in the opposite direction.

Everyone's speed exploded to the extreme at this time.

He went straight to fight with the people who belonged to the Wuhun Palace without any hesitation. There would be plenty of time and opportunity for revenge.

Right now, staying alive is the most important thing.

The final victory is always written by the survivors.

Qian Renyu watched all this indifferently, watching the villains of the Killing City fleeing in all directions.

Several cold lights burst out from his eyes.

Soon, cold eyes were locked on these titled Douluo.

Several titled Douluo from the Killing City did not break out in one direction, obviously they saw what happened to the two people who died in the Haotian Sect.

Escape in one direction is not enough to truly stay safe.

If you take several directions together, you can survive.

"We belong to the Wuhun Palace. Elders, please obey your orders!"

"Encirclement and Suppression, Killing City Title Douluo, don't let these villains leave the town!"

Qian Renyu spoke indifferently.

In several different directions, he no longer set out personally to encircle and suppress these titled Douluo.

Although he can take care of all these people very efficiently by taking action himself.

But the many other villains in the Killing City are not something Titled Douluo like Yueguan and Gui Mei can deal with.

Among them, there are not a few Soul Saint Soul Douluo. When these villains gather together, they can still pose a threat to Titled Douluo.


He no longer insisted on this, and simply let people like Yue Guan and Gui Mei attack the Titled Douluo directly.

As for the thugs in the killing city who are just like fish.

These people, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

"Your Majesty, this seems to help all these villains get out of trouble!"

Yue Guan shouted loudly: "If we take action against these Titled Douluo, we may not be able to achieve the effect just now, and it will be easy for us to be held back by these Titled Douluo from the Killing City!"

As soon as this statement came out, several titled Douluo belonging to Wuhun Palace agreed.

The current situation is different from the previous one. The titled Douluo from the Killing City has not yet appeared.

They are still very confident in dealing with ordinary trash fish.

But facing a titled Douluo of the same level, there is still a bit of pressure.

"Just carry out my orders!"

"I will personally take action against the miscellaneous fish in the killing city!"

Qian Renyu shouted softly.

The next second, the three-color Divine Seal Throne appeared behind him.

It is not a simple projection, nor a mini version, but a real complete body.

The three-colored steps fell from the Divine Seal Throne. Qian Renyu walked up the steps and sat majestically on the Divine Seal Throne.

His indifferent eyes looked at the villains of the Killing City who were still fleeing in all directions.

Soon, beams of light dropped down and flew in all directions of the town, surrounding the entire town like sharp blades.

Although these sharp blades are not really sharp, they are all connected with the aura above the three-color divine seal throne.

There is no need to deliberately activate it, you can use part of the power of the new three-color divine seal throne independently.

Even just a part of the power is enough to pose a fatal threat to the miscellaneous fish in the killing city!

At the same time, Qian Renyu's cold voice sounded: "Those who cross the boundary will die!" (End of this chapter)

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