
The Four-Color Divine Seal Sword has reached the level of a super artifact.

Qian Renyu's strength at this moment exploded to the extreme. Although he was only at level 98, the strength he could explode at this moment was truly comparable to that of the gods.

The four-color divine seal sword collided with the Shura Demonic Sword.

The blood evil energy of Shura Demonic Sword is mixed with the four-color light of the Four-Color Divine Seal Sword.

At first glance, the blood evil energy and the brilliance of the four-color divine seal sword are comparable.

But if you look carefully.

The light of the Four-Color Divine Seal Sword is even stronger than the blood evil energy.

In a real sense, it was the Shura Demonic Sword that was at a disadvantage, and it was the Shura God's projection that was at a disadvantage.


"Qian Renyu, a child with a yellow mouth, can actually be compared with a real god?"

Tang Chen couldn't believe it.

Seeing that Qian Renyu can actually be on par with the Shura God's projection at this moment.

The shock from the bottom of my heart filled my whole body.

As the top existence on Douluo Continent.

Tang Chen knew that he was a very proud person;

Even before he came into contact with the existence of the realm of God, he also believed that he was comparable to God.

The absolute strength and perseverance made him believe that he had this possibility.

But after coming into contact with Qian Daoliu and Bo Saixi, and knowing how powerful the two were, he then went to the Capital of Slaughter and came into contact with the inheritance of God Shura.

It was not until he completed the eighth test of the Shura God Test that he truly realized how huge the gap between human power and gods was.


He has no confidence that he can compete with the real God.

Even if what God Shura appears now is just a projection, he is still in awe from the bottom of his heart.


Qian Renyu here is competing with the projection of Shura God.

Not only are they competing, but they also have a stance that can overwhelm the Shura God's projection.

Shura God Projection was also surprised on the spot.

I can't believe that Qian Renyu can reach such a powerful level.

The face of the projection was filled with a look of horror.

"Thieves from the lower world are actually serious——"

The projection of God Shura scolded lightly, and as he waved his hand, the Demonic Shura Sword wanted to explode.

Qian Renyu remained motionless.

Standing below, he was forcibly cutting down with the sword of the four-color divine seal.

With human power, Shura God was at an absolute disadvantage at this moment.

The clanking Shura Demonic Sword showed vague signs of breaking free from the hands of the Shura God's projection.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

The blood evil energy on the Shura Demonic Sword began to fade away rapidly.


Qian Renyu saw the projection of Shura God.

Confirming that the Shura God's projection was about to be unable to withstand it, a cold light burst out from his eyes.

Shura God Projection's expression changed drastically.

Feeling overwhelmed by this projection of his own.

He tried to hold the Shura Demonic Sword tightly again, and even continued to activate the bloody evil energy on the Shura Demonic Sword.

But the Shura Demonic Sword could no longer be held firmly.


The Shura Demon Sword came out from the hand of the Shura God's projection.

The projection of God Shura looked extremely shocked. Looking at the Demonic Shura Sword flying farther and farther away, the aura on his body began to recede like a tide.

The power comes from the Shura Demon Sword. Now that the Shura Demon Sword has been blown away, the source of power has gone awry.

The projection began to scatter, and the eyes of Shura God's projection became even more fierce.

"Thieves from the lower world, how dare you..."

Kill——Qian Renyu didn’t listen to what Shura God Projection continued to say.

Seeing that the power on the Shura God's projection began to fade like a tide, he immediately followed with another sword strike.

The four-color light completely covered the blood evil aura.

The power of Shura God's projection was completely annihilated under the four-color light.

"it turns out……"

Tang Chen took a breath.

Looking at the projection of Shura God slowly turning into light spots under the four-color light.

The creepy smell swept through the limbs and bones.

He was originally no match for Qian Renyu, but if he awakens the will of God Shura in the Shura Demon Sword, he feels like he will be.

But a strange beast with nine heads appeared, and God Shura's will failed.

After that...

The Shura Demonic Sword revived on its own.

Connected to the God Realm and summoned all the real Shura God projections.

When the Shura God's projection appeared, I thought everything was stable, but it turned out that the Shura God's projection dominated the Shura Demon Sword and was no match for Qian Renyu.

Qian Renyu, who had the power of a mortal, suddenly burst out with unimaginable and incomprehensible power at this moment.

"Mistress, the situation will be worse next!"

Tang Chen fell from the sky.

Landing firmly beside Tang San.

Looking at Tang San's appearance at this moment, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Hearing this, Tang San's face also became ugly: "Great-grandfather, could it be that the current situation means that we can only perish here?"

"The projection of God Shura can't even do anything to this guy Qian Renyu. It seems that we have no other means to deal with this guy."

"Damn it, if you can give me more time, as long as I return from Gengjin City, I will definitely be able to develop the most powerful hidden weapons."

"When the time comes, great-grandfather, if you use such a hidden weapon, you will definitely be able to get rid of this guy Qian Renyu!"

Tang Chen didn't pay attention to what Tang San said.

In the beginning, he didn't bother to use hidden weapons or anything like that.

And now...

Although I have changed some of my thoughts, I still have the idea of ​​using a hidden weapon to get rid of Qian Renyu.

But at the moment, hidden weapons have not yet been fully developed.

Things that have not been developed cannot be used.

In other words, these are simply baseless ideas!

"Xiaosan, I will think of a solution next!"

"Although we don't have many means at the moment, I will try my best to seize the opportunity!"

"When the time comes, remember to adapt to changes and don't be reckless at this time!"

"You used to be a little reckless in many things, but now, great-grandfather, I hope you can calm down completely!"

Tang Chen spoke very quickly.

Tang San felt a little unhappy in his heart, but he didn't think he was wrong.

But something was wrong with the current situation. Even though many people were dissatisfied with what Tang Chen said, they still listened honestly.

"Great-grandfather, I understand!"

Tang San replied.

Tang Chen hummed and did not continue to lecture Tang San.

The Clear Sky Hammer reappeared, weighing more than 10,000 kilograms, and once again gave Tang Chen a trace of momentum.

"Child Qian Renyu, I competed with your grandfather back then."

"You are a junior, don't be too arrogant!"

Tang Chen shouted angrily.

Squeezing out the last bit of strength in his body.

Bathed in blood, he rushed towards Qian Renyu again.

Qian Renyu adjusted his figure in mid-air, obliterating the projection of Shura God, and saw Tang Chen like this.

Everything Tang Chen said just now fell into his ears.

Looking at Tang Chen's reaction with a sneer on his lips, the four-color divine seal sword once again glowed with cold light.

With one sword, it slashed towards Tang Chen without any obstruction. (End of chapter)

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