Douluo: Martial Soul Divine Seal Throne, seize the throne Bibi Dong

Chapter 221 Poseidon angrily spits out Shura God, I insist on you, uncle!


The sky was torn apart.

The sword of the four-color divine seal landed directly above Poseidon's head.

The rolling blade firmly enveloped Poseidon.

Poseidon frowned, knowing that Qian Renyu's strength had reached a very terrifying level, he did not dare to delay at this moment.

The power of the explosion of the ten soul rings was all absorbed into the Poseidon Trident.

In an instant, the light above the divine halberd

The Poseidon Trident was raised.

All the power burst out at the top of the divine halberd.

In an instant, the concentrated beam of light swept towards Qian Renyu.


Qian Renyu's lips opened slightly.

With a gentle roar, the Four-Color Divine Seal Sword broke through the beam of light gathered by the Poseidon Trident.

Poseidon frowned.

Seeing such a scene, I felt very uneasy.

At that moment, he became even more uneasy.


The next second, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"That position..."

Poseidon was suddenly surprised on the spot.

He saw Qian Renyu approaching him, and also saw the four-color divine seal armor covering Qian Renyu's body.

In addition to these, he discovered that Qian Renyu's armor had a vacant spot.

The armor never covered Qian Renyu's entire body.

As long as he can find the slightest chance in these open positions, he can still kill Qian Renyu directly here.

Poseidon felt that this could still be done.

"Well, that's it!"

"As long as we can seize that moment of opportunity, we can still make a comeback!"

Poseidon thought to himself.

After making sure there are no problems.

The Poseidon Trident suddenly shone brightly at this moment.

Qian Renyu saw all of Poseidon's reactions in his eyes, with a smile on his lips.

"Poseidon, do you think there is still a chance to kill me here at this time?" Qian Renyu whispered: "If you had such ability, you wouldn't have been suppressed by me for so long!"

Poseidon's face turned red.

Let Qian Renyu explain these things.

At this moment, he felt that he really couldn't hold back his face.

"Don't mess with my Taoist heart at this moment!"

"If you don't want to perish, then show your true skills!"

"If you can beat this moment, don't think it's eternity!"

"Remember, I am the God of the Sea. I am the God of the Sea. On the endless ocean, my divine power will be endless!"

Poseidon yelled.

He is not willing to lower his head here at all.

Qian Renyu didn't care what Poseidon continued to yell.

After completely locking Poseidon, preparations for the final offensive have begun.

Poseidon was so angry that his teeth itched when he saw Qian Renyu ignoring him so much.


Considering the situation at the moment, I don't dare to waste more time here.

"Shura, you are always watching in the God Realm!"

"Although I really don't want you to get involved in my affairs."

"But today, if you don't help me under special circumstances, I might really die here!"

"I just promised to cooperate with you. I just want to retire, but I don't want to die like this!"

Poseidon gathered all his thoughts.

He knew that he was no match for Qian Renyu.

At this moment, he began to focus on God Shura.

He was certain that God Shura must be preparing to deal with all emergencies in the center of the God Realm at this moment. In other words.

Everything that's happening here right now.

In fact, everything is under the attention of God Shura.

His own situation at the moment is not very optimistic, but as long as God Shura can help him at the first time.

Death will still not happen.

even if...

Qian Renyu did arrange a lot of things at this time.

Once God Shura intervenes, he will definitely be able to reverse everything.

The center of the divine world.

God Shura heard these transmissions from Poseidon.

Everyone is a god, so he naturally sensed Poseidon's voice.


Hear Poseidon's suggestion.

For a moment, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Poseidon, the center of the God Realm still needs me to take charge of the overall situation!"

"You should be very clear about what we are plotting. If I don't continue to preside over the overall situation here, then the God of Destruction and others will discover the situation in Douluo Continent immediately!"

"You have made it possible for yourself, so you still have to persevere on your own!"

Shura God didn't even think twice and decisively rejected Poseidon's proposal.

In his eyes, what he cared more about was keeping the current matter a secret.

No matter what happens, the two great god kings, the God of Good and the God of Evil, must not notice.

At the same time, the two great god kings, the God of Destruction and the God of Life, cannot be noticed.

Among the five law enforcers, he just wants to be the only one who knows.

"I insist!"

Poseidon is coming.

God Shura's words immediately put him in an extremely bad mood.

How long has this happened? If I didn't pay attention, Qian Renyu would be destroyed right here.

At this moment, this piece of shit like Shura God still allows me to persist?
good! good! Very good!

In the eyes of God Asura, you only have your own plans, right?
Even if I die here, will you not hesitate?

Poseidon was completely emotional.

He was originally tricked by God Shura into coming to the pirate ship.

They were all put on the ship, but they were killed or buried. What kind of plane joke were they kidding?
"Poseidon, you are vulgar!"

God Shura's scolding sounded.

Poseidon snorted coldly: "What's wrong with my vulgarity? I'm in danger of falling now. Do you have the ability to get me out of the current situation?"

"When the time comes, if you want to exert your authority as a law enforcer and if you want to judge me, then you can do it!"

"Huh, the mighty Shura God in the divine realm, one of the five great law enforcers, yet he doesn't dare to face a human being in the lower realm!"

Poseidon didn't care.

Desperately, he began to stimulate God Shura.

At the same time, he didn't care at all about God Shura's mood at the moment.

Anyway, the current situation is very bad and his life may be lost. There is no problem in cursing this piece of shit like God Shura.

In the center of God Realm.

God Shura's face was ashen.

Listening to Poseidon's insults to him.

On his forehead, veins bulged one by one.

The magic patterns densely covered on the body rippled in circles.

"This guy Poseidon has already ignored him because of the danger of his death. It seems that I have to intervene at this time!"

"A god actually allows humans to be forced to such an extent!"

"Damn, damn it!"

God Shura was in a bit of a dilemma.

If you take action, you can't maintain the center of the God Realm, and you can't continue to hide it.

If he doesn't take action, the probability of Poseidon's death is very high.

At this moment, he felt that he was being generalized and was in a dilemma! (End of chapter)

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