Douluo: Martial Soul Divine Seal Throne, seize the throne Bibi Dong

Chapter 229 All the gods move together, the God of Destruction descends to the lower realm!


God Shura said nothing.

Qian Renyu's answers to Gu Yuena fell into his ears.

Even if you already know that Qian Renyu may really know many things.

At this moment, from what Qian Renyu explained to Gu Yuena, he was even more certain that something happened.

For endless years in the past, he has always thought that he had good plans and hidden good things. It is really not a secret here in Qian Renyu.

He is obviously just a person from the lower realm.

Obviously, he is just a young man in his twenties.

Compared to an ancient god like him, a person who has lived for millions of years.

Qian Renyu, who is in his twenties, is really 'little' and scary.


It is such a 'small' person, but it has a huge impact on his layout.

Not only did he do all kinds of dirty tricks to Tang San, his designated heir.

Even now, he intends to interfere with his layout over the years, and even takes the initiative to attack the portal of the God Realm.

The purpose is just to shake the divine world.

The purpose is just to let his enemies notice what he is doing!

"Can't change it!"

At this time, Poseidon approached God Shura.

The original plan was to raid the formation, and the original plan was to let God Shura suppress everything in the lower realm in the shortest possible time.

In the end, the raid was not completed.

There is another point that still alarms other colleagues in the God Realm.

at the moment……

It seems that there are no changes in the portal of the God Realm.

However, as a god who has lived in the divine world for many years.

Poseidon knew very well.

The portal to the God Realm that has not changed much now.

In the real divine world behind it, it must have been earth-shattering.

You must know that any slightest movement is enough to alarm many gods behind the portal of the God Realm.

After all, it is the gateway to the divine world.

If you don't even have these functions.

In real danger, the invaders destroyed the entire God Realm, and the gods probably haven't been able to react yet.

"There's nothing we can do about it!"

"Next, let's wait until they all show up!"

"I never expected that things would evolve to such an extent!"

"I failed to arrange things properly this time. After all, it was just one move away from me!"

God Shura's voice was low.

In the past, he would exchange insults with Poseidon at this time.

But this time.

He was in no mood to lose.

Poseidon could feel God Shura's depressed mood.

Likewise, he did not lighten his mood at this time.

From the corner of his eye, he involuntarily looked towards the portal to the God Realm.


at the same time.

There are many places in the divine world.

The dense aura enveloped all these places.

Compared with many planes in the lower realm, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in these places is so rich.

Just like the soul masters on Douluo Continent, even an ordinary old man might be able to extend his life by more than ten years with just one breath in a place like this.

The absolute purity of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth allows the strength of the many gods living in life to increase all the time.

In days like this, the gods in the God Realm don't know how tired they are.

It is precisely because such days are so boring that many gods in the God Realm have been ruined. But today...

Gods who have been lying around for who knows how long.

At this moment, in their respective places of residence, they rushed up to the dome of the God Realm.

One after another, gloomy gazes were directed towards the location of the portal to the God Realm.

In fact, there is not just one portal to the divine world.

If every god has to go down to the next world for something, he usually goes to the next world at the nearby portal to the divine realm.

But at the moment.

Many gods focused their attention on the center of the God Realm.

"The portal at the center of the God Realm has moved. Could it be that something from the abyss is attacking our God Realm?"

"Does anyone know what's going on?"

"The person taking the rotation at the center of the God Realm today should be God Shura. What happened when God Shura was taking the rotation?"

Voice after voice is transmitted in the divine world.

Many gods sent messages one after another with their spiritual thoughts.

While talking, the figures of the gods moved towards the center of the God Realm.

The portal to the divine world was attacked.

With such a huge thing, they can't continue to mess around like before.

Many gods began to take action.

In the palace of the God of Destruction.

The purple-black destructive power gathered here.

The God of Destruction walked out of the palace.

Not as impatient as other gods.

Standing in the sky above his own palace, he looked deeply at the direction of the portal of the God Realm, which is the center of the God Realm.

"This guy Shura has been mysterious these days."

“In the past long years, there were many things that people couldn’t see clearly!”

"Right now, when he is on duty, he has caused such a change in the portal of the God Realm."

"It seems... something bad has happened! I don't know what this guy Shura God is doing!!"

The God of Destruction's voice is low and somewhat hoarse.

While pondering these things, the God of Destruction looked with his profound gaze in the direction of his other half.

Not long after, the God of Life came from her residence to where the God of Destruction was.

Each other's eyes collided in mid-air.

After a long while, the God of Destruction finally spoke out his analysis again. ,

The God of Life did not answer immediately. He frowned slightly and pondered for a moment: "Destruction, I think it is better not to make any more speculations about Shura for the time being!"

"Now that the portal of the God Realm is under attack, there must be a problem in the direction of the central location of the God Realm. At this time, we should go to investigate the situation as soon as possible!"

"Wait until you find out everything before you think about anything else!"

The God of Destruction remained silent.

Listen to your partner's instructions.

After a long time, he let out a heavy breath.

"In that case, let's first go check out the portal to the God Realm in the direction of the center of the God Realm to see what happened!"

"I don't know how many years have passed, but the portal of the God Realm has never been in such a situation as it is today, so I just went to check it out!"

"Let me see what Shura is doing on duty!!"

The God of Destruction snorted coldly.

Without further ado, he took one step and galloped towards the center of the God Realm.

The God of Life sighed quietly, knowing that his husband and God Shura were somewhat at odds with each other, and there were some conflicts in their ideas.

But when I saw that the God of Destruction rushed directly to the center of the God Realm, I was slightly worried and calmed down a little.

Like the other gods, she was still curious about what happened to the portal to the God Realm, which was at the center of the God Realm.

In a long time, nothing like this has ever happened.

After staying for a moment, following the God of Destruction, they rushed towards the center of the God Realm.

Today, the gods are moving together! (End of chapter)

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