Douluo: Martial Soul Divine Seal Throne, seize the throne Bibi Dong

Chapter 232 The intention of destruction, the anxiety of God Shura

What do you want to do?
Why are you staring at me like that?
The eyes of the God of Destruction were full of aggression.

He is in charge of the origin of destruction and is one of the most prominent law enforcers in the God Realm.

Even God Shura needs to get out of his way in many matters, which shows his identity and status, as well as his majesty.

Just looking at Tang San's position indifferently, without deliberately mobilizing his momentum, just like other gods who wished that the world didn't know that they were superior gods.

The restrained breath seems very smooth.

Although soft, it actually feels suffocating.


This kind of suffocation is not like that of other people on Poseidon Island, where everything is enveloped and enveloped.

This suffocation was accurately concentrated on Tang San alone.

Cold sweat appeared on Tang San's forehead one by one.



One heavy breath after another came out.

Being watched like this, Tang San felt that he could no longer bear it.

"Why is this guy looking at me like this?"

"Isn't it true that there are factions in the God Realm? Isn't this god very good at dealing with God Shura?"

"Because I am the descendant of God Shura, so he stared at me like this after he appeared?"

Tang San thought with a very complicated mood.

racking my brains to think everything through.

As everything was thought through, a trace of hostility flashed deep in his eyes.

Even if his current strength is indeed very weak, any titled Douluo can control his life and death, let alone a being like the God of Destruction who stands at the pinnacle of the God Realm.

He also didn't want to let it go like this.

The overwhelming hatred was all gathered in the bottom of my heart.


"A mere human being dares to be hostile to me!"

The God of Destruction has some fun.

Tang San hid himself very well, but he, the God of Destruction, was still a person who had existed in this world for a long time.

I don’t know how many times I have traveled to the lower realm.

It can be said that he has seen countless people worse than Tang San.

Tang San's current little thoughts were impossible to hide from his eyes.

The God of Life stands beside the God of Destruction.

Similarly, she also saw through the hatred hidden in Tang San at a glance, and many unexpected looks flashed in her soft eyes.

"This person should have received the inheritance of Shura!"

"If nothing unexpected happens, this person should become the next Shura God in the future!"

"The people chosen by Shura this time for inheritance seem to have many bad qualities in their character. Even if they are so weak, they will definitely be more terrifying in the future than those who were more vicious and evil when we traveled to other planes in the past!"

The God of Life has hit the nail on the head.

Today's Tang San is far inferior to those clumsy people the God of Destruction has seen in other planes.

But all this is just based on the fact that Tang San's current strength still has many shortcomings.

Only when he really has enough strength will Tang San be the most clumsy person, there is no doubt about this.

The God of Destruction and the God of Life are still very certain of their views and think it is very possible.

To be precise, it is not very possible, but absolutely possible!
When they traveled to the lower world, they heard a saying from the folk.

When you look at a person, you can see how old he is when he is young.

In their eyes, Tang San was just a child. From Tang San at this moment, it is enough to see what Tang San will be like in the future.

Let people like Tang San become the inheritors of God Shura and the people who will work with them in the God Realm in the future, and also sit in the position of the five law enforcers, enjoying the power of veto.

From the bottom of my heart, the God of Destruction was not very happy.

Although the God of Life didn't express anything, deep down he had some strange views on Tang San.

After weighing the pros and cons, she still wasn't too optimistic about Tang San becoming the next Shura God.

The position of God Shura has a great influence on the entire divine world and cannot be so hasty.


They didn't expect that God Shura would make such a fuss over a mere inheritance person.

The Shura god who should not appear in the lower world.

At this time, he appeared in the lower world, and he was still in the inheritance place of Poseidon, the god of the sea.

At the same time, Poseidon, the God of the Sea, is also here, obviously appearing very early like God Shura.

The vibration of the portal to the God Realm was caused by the existence of these two people.

It’s not just them…

Qian Renyu and Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena.

These two people are comparable to the strength of a first-level main god.

Enough for them to judge many things.

"Destruction, what do you want to do?"

God Shura realized that the God of Destruction was staring at Tang San.

In order to ensure that Tang San wouldn't have any problems, he originally planned to give up, but in the end he still couldn't let himself down.

after all……

The God of Destruction is accompanied by the God of Life.

They are husband and wife to each other.

If the God of Destruction really wants to do something, as long as the God of Destruction is not too outrageous, the God of Life will definitely help him.

And right now...

Tang San's matter was obviously an inheritance carried out illegally here.

On such a matter, if the God of Destruction wants to take the initiative on such a matter, it is impossible for the God of Life to refute.

Such things are impossible to be allowed according to the rules of the entire God Realm.

If the God of Life ultimately supports the God of Destruction, he is only upholding the rules.

But at that time, his situation here will be very passive.

The key to solving these problems is naturally not to let the God of Destruction become interested in Tang San.

Hearing this, the God of Destruction returned his gaze to Tang San.

His half-smiling gaze fell on God Shura again.

"Shura, you seem to be very worried about this matter?!" The God of Destruction asked lightly.

God Shura did not answer directly. Although he could not continue to show off, he still maintained his airs: "What do I need to worry about? I am just reminding you that now that you are all here."

"Then, we should take the current business as our own responsibility. A plane like Douluo Continent has produced people who rebel against God. We need to judge such people who rebel against God!"

Confused about these things, God Shura never mentioned his relationship with Tang San.

Even though the relationship between all these was obvious, he just didn't mention it at all.

The God of Destruction smiled half-heartedly, and looked at Qian Renyu again, showing off to God Shura.

At the same time, Qian Renyu saw the God of Destruction looking over, and his own eyes faced the God of Destruction without any dodge.

So what if it's another god-king? These……

He, Qian Renyu, is not afraid! (End of chapter)

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