Douluo: Martial Soul Divine Seal Throne, seize the throne Bibi Dong

Chapter 236: Wasted Tang Dynasty 3, your Shura face is useless!


Did it really pass?
No, no, this is absolutely not possible!

Tang San screamed crazily in his heart, and his heart immediately hung in his throat when he heard the three great god kings' proposal to the God of Destruction pass.

With a slightly uneasy face, he looked towards God Shura.

God Shura's face looked very ugly at this time. He watched the God of Destruction talking to the God of Good, the God of Evil, and the God of Life.

They are both law enforcers and god-kings.


When several people discussed the proposal, they did not talk to him kindly.

Such a thing is absolutely intolerable.

Everyone is a law enforcer, and everyone has the right to veto.

"I object!"

God Shura snorted coldly.

Things have developed to this point.

He couldn't think of continuing like this, having already come to the lower realm of his body to protect Tang San.

If this caused Tang San to have problems in the lower realm, what would be the point of his being in the lower realm this time? !

Strongly opposing all this, Shura Shen used his veto power.


Let him say whatever he wants.

The four Gods of Destruction were not thinking about him at the moment.

The invincible one-vote veto power seemed so feeble at this time.

"Destruction, life, good, evil, what do you mean?!"

Seeing that he was being ignored, God Shura couldn't help but snorted coldly: "We are also law enforcers, so my veto power now doesn't work?!"

He did not immediately respond to Shura God.

The God of Destruction is recognized by the God of Life, the God of Good, and the God of Evil.

After the proposal was approved, his indifferent eyes were first locked on Tang San.

It wasn't until these preparations were completed that he devoted part of his mind to confronting Shura God.

"Shura, although we are all law enforcers!"

"But the real law enforcer has always been you!"

"You are the oldest God King in our God Realm, and your familiarity with the rules is the best among us."

"Among the rules you are familiar with, do you think it is allowed for two gods to coexist? Do you think it is okay for both gods to be entrusted to a mortal?"

"If this person is really talented, I will turn a blind eye for the time being. But now, look at the person you have chosen as the inheritance. How weak is he?"

"Such a weak person, you tell me that he can be recognized by the inheritance of the gods? And it is also recognized by the two major gods? One of them is your god Shura?"

"Shura, don't think that all of us are fools!!"

"Under such circumstances, do you think your veto power can still be effective?!"

"Under such circumstances, do you think your veto power can really restrict us?!"

"Don't forget, it is mentioned in the rules of the God Realm that when the matter involves the law enforcer himself, the law enforcer's veto power will automatically lose his power!"

The God of Destruction did not give any face to God Shura.

He shouted at God Shura in a deep voice, and even pulled out many ancient things.

God Shura looked ugly and ugly.

Seeing that the God of Destruction is so disrespectful to him.


It also pulled out all the things related to the law enforcers themselves in the rules of the God Realm.

Innately, he knew that he was no longer on a firm footing.

Under such a situation, his veto power has no effect at all!

"Okay, Shura!" "You must stop interfering in this matter!"

"Since you and Poseidon have chosen this human boy, and you have worked with us in the God Realm for a long time."

"On top of this, I will give you some sympathy so that he can continue to preserve one of the divine positions. As for whether he can truly ascend to godhood in the future, it all depends on his destiny!"

"But two gods definitely cannot open the back door for such a small human being. And don't forget, there are more important things to do here now."

"There is also a very powerful human being here, and there is also the Silver Dragon King of the Dragon Clan here!"

The God of Destruction continued.

He gave me the proper stance.

Let’s deal with Tang San’s matter first, and then try to deal with Qian Renyu and Gu Yuena’s matter.

Bringing the matter to this position can be regarded as showing one's attitude.

He still didn't believe it, he had already shown his attitude, and God Shura would interfere at this time.

As for Qian Renyu...

Saying this, but actually doing it is another matter.

At least for now, he does not deny some of his deepest views on Qian Renyu.

In his eyes, Qian Renyu and he should be on the same journey.

God Shura said nothing.

He stared at the God of Destruction with cold eyes.

There are many words stuck in my throat. I really want to say them out but I don't know how.

He had made some guesses about today's situation early in the morning.

and so……

Judging from the time in Douluo Continent, he has been very controlling in these years.

He never expected that he would eventually reach this point, and what happened at this step would be even more extreme than he had guessed.

I originally thought that after the God of Destruction discovered these things, the most he would do was verbal accountability, but in the end he was unable to do anything.


It means paying more attention to Tang San's affairs.

In the end, after the two gods Tang and San coexisted, certain restrictions were imposed.

In his eyes, these restrictions are nothing at all, which is why he chose the path of coexistence of two gods.

The purpose was to give Tang San the power to suppress everything.

Tang San would be restricted at first, but as his strength increased, these restrictions seemed so feeble.


The God of Destruction now wants to abolish one of the two great gods that Tang San already possesses.

From what he knew about the God of Destruction.

There is no doubt that the God of Destruction will definitely destroy the back door he gave Tang San and destroy Tang San's understanding of the path of Shura.

In the end, Tang San was unable to become the future Shura God and inherit his mantle.

"Destruction, do you really want to do this?" God Shura asked in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the God of Destruction was very determined: "I will never condone what needs to be done. This is to maintain the peace of our God Realm."

"Shura, we are all law enforcers in the God Realm. We need to make correct judgments when it is time to make the right judgment. Don't forget these most basic rules just because you have been a law enforcer for too many years!"

"Next, don't stop me, and don't try to stop me!"

"Goodness, evil, and life, they all recognize me!"

The words fall.

The God of Destruction sighed.

There were many more aggressive glances than at the beginning.

Completely, locked to Tang San. (End of chapter)

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