Douluo: Martial Soul Divine Seal Throne, seize the throne Bibi Dong

Chapter 238: The throne of God was deposed, Tang San went crazy

Not reconciled!
Really not reconciled!

Tang San yelled crazily in his heart.


At this moment, no one would care about his crazy appearance.

In fact, the God of Kindness and the God of Evil, the two God-Kings who were most sensitive to emotions, could clearly discern the two God-Kings in Tang San's mind.

After truly understanding what Tang San was thinking at this moment, he suddenly felt that it was very ridiculous. Under the ridiculousness, he felt that it was really too outrageous.

For a mere ordinary person, he was surprised to play with the aspect of psychological activities in such a fancy way.

In this situation, it is still a situation where the strength is not enough.


Tang San was really strong enough.

There are many things that will follow, and I don’t know how noisy they will be.

"Destroy, spare others and spare them!"

"Whatever you want to do, I can let you do it!"

"But if you abolish the inheritance of the divine throne, you'd better save some face for me!"

At this time, God Shura suddenly spoke.

Seeing Tang San's expression changing crazily at this moment, he took a deep breath and couldn't help but speak.

In his eyes.

Tang San was always his most beloved inheritor.

Even if the God of Destruction now wants to abolish the part of the inheritance recognition of the Asura Godship that Tang San received.

But as long as the God of Destruction didn't go too far, he was still confident that he could find a suitable opportunity in the future to pass on the Shura position to Tang San.

Although it cannot be compared with the current results, it is just a waste of more time. As long as the final effect can be the same, it is not unacceptable.

Hearing this, the God of Destruction glanced at God Shura with interest.

He didn't expect that God Shura could do things to this extent for Tang San.

Even though the matter was clearly settled, God Shura was still trying to fight for a chance of survival for Tang San.


The more I see Shura God like this.

Deep down in his heart, he knew that the less he could show mercy to Tang San.

What an obvious thing!
God Shura obviously placed a lot of chips on Tang San.

If he himself chooses to give some face to God Shura at this time, the only person who will really suffer in the future is himself.

It's really that time...

He was a little unsure.

At this time, he himself can give face to God Shura.

Will God Shura or Tang San give him face when the time comes?

With such thoughts in mind, the God of Destruction glanced at Tang San thoughtfully, seeing the resentful look in Tang San's eyes at this moment.

There is no need to look for other answers, the result is already there deep inside.

Tang San, a typical white-eyed wolf!

I hope such white-eyed wolves will eventually give me face.

Just a few words, dream!
“I won’t do anything over the line!”

"But everything I do will be carried out within the rules!"

The God of Destruction replied coldly.

The words fall.

The next second, Tang San was enveloped in intense destructive power.


Tang San couldn't help but groan.

The power of destruction is terrifying.

A mere mortal body is no match for these destructive forces.

The veins on his forehead bulged one by one, and cold sweat dripped down one by one.

His facial expression looked as ferocious as he wanted at this moment.


The God of Destruction gently touched Tang San's forehead with one hand.

Soon, two patterns appeared on Tang San's forehead.

Both patterns were familiar to the gods present.

One of the patterns is the pattern of Poseidon.

There is another kind of pattern, which is naturally the Shura Demonic Pattern of God Shura.

As soon as the two lines appeared, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Many gods still felt a little weird in their hearts when they saw that Tang San could be recognized by two great gods.

Especially some secondary gods. Seeing Tang San like this, he felt an indescribable feeling.

The rules of Douluo God Realm.

A first-level god can bring his family members to the God Realm.

As for the second-level gods, there is no such possibility.

Among the gods present, there were family members who wanted to be brought into the divine realm.

But in the end...

Just because of the limitations of the divine position.

Just because of the level restrictions.

In the end, they can only stay in the world for a hundred years.

After dealing with all the mundane matters, he finally ascended into the divine realm.


Even if he ascends to the God Realm, he cannot find his former relatives.

Lonely and confused in the God Realm, he finally waited for death.

Tang San would be fine here.

Enough backdoors!

The recognition of the two great gods!

One is the throne of the God King's law enforcer.

One is the throne of the first-level Lord God Poseidon.

Both of the two great gods have the qualifications to bring their families to the divine realm.

To know……

Before he became a god.

In their respective planes, they are all talented people.

In the end, I don’t know how much effort and price I paid to become a god.

Tang San? ? ?

Look at the Douluo plane.

Tang San was just a very weak person.

Just because he was lucky enough, just because he became the person chosen by Shura God and Poseidon God.

At one time, you can have the benefits of two major gods.

Comparing people to each other really makes people angry.


At this time, the God of Destruction gave another soft drink.

Following his soft drink, a ferocious look immediately appeared on Tang San's forehead.

The ferocious color began to spread.

Above the eyebrows, the Shura magic pattern representing the Shura god's position began to dissipate bit by bit.

Soon, all the Shura magic patterns dissipated.

In an instant, Tang San spat out a mouthful of old blood.

The whole person suddenly slumped in mid-air.

He held his hands in the air, blood and sweat dripping from his forehead.

Rapid breathing burst out of his throat.

"This, is this what it feels like when the inheritance of the divine throne is abolished?"

"I could still have some sensitivity to the Shura Demonic Sword, but now I don't have any sensitivity at all?"

Tang San gasped for breath.

While panting, he began to try to sense the Shura Demonic Sword.


Let him feel how he feels.

Shura Demonic Sword can no longer give him any feedback.

You know, even if God Shura summoned the Shura Demon Sword back just now, he could still feel it.

But now, it's really gone.

He realized that he had completely lost the inheritance of Shura God.

Real madness began to grow in my heart.

Suddenly, the look in his head that looked up at the God of Destruction was filled with a bit of madness.

Not reconciled!
Really unwilling!

If you have two great gods, you must be deprived of them.

Where in the world can such a truth exist? !
Meeting Tang San's gaze, a cold light flashed across the God of Destruction's eyes: "Tang San, are you questioning my judgment of you?!"

"Is there still dissatisfaction in your eyes?!" (End of Chapter)

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