Chapter 502: A Massacre (The three-headed snake demon was missing from the last chapter, it has been changed)
Dark waters.

The three monsters walked side by side. Suddenly, one of them took a deep breath and looked back at the group of soldiers who were all wearing gorgeous fish-scale armor: "I feel a chill in my heart. Let's hurry back to the fiefdom as soon as possible."

The demon next to him, who looked like a lion with hair like a snake, curled his lips in disbelief.

The three of them are all great demon generals of Baiyujing. Perhaps they are relatively weak among the eight who previously besieged Yunxiao Pavilion, but no matter their strength, vision, or even courage, there is nothing wrong with them.

But it depends on who you compare with.

They had long heard of the reputation of Su Hongxiu of the Tianjian Sect, but after actually seeing her take action, even though the aquatic monsters had dodged in advance and tried to avoid heavy losses, they still could not forget the sharpness of that sword until they returned to the water.

It is hard to imagine how many powerful demon generals would be able to defend against it if it really hit them.

"Rumor has it that this isn't even her prime yet."

The three giant monsters looked at each other and saw the lingering fear on each other's faces.

If that woman appeared in her young and immature appearance, even the Fourth Master would have found it difficult to escape from her sword.

The Fifth Prince might be able to fight, but it would only be one fight... They are all generals of the Southern Dragon Palace. Even if they prefer Ke Shiliang in their hearts, it is difficult for them to say that the other party can definitely defeat Su Hongxiu.

It's not shameful to be frightened by the sword light of that woman.

They just feel a little weird.

Now it seems that the disciples of the Immortal Sect seem to be showing a tendency to overshadow the younger generation of the Southern Dragon Palace. Even an older generation dragon disciple like the Fifth Prince finds it difficult to deal with these geniuses.

At Baiyujing's level, he is no match for the Seven Sons of Nanhong.

The status of the Southern Dragon Palace depends entirely on the Southern Dragon King.

After all, the four older princes, although they have strength comparable to that of He Dao, are still a little immature compared to the leaders of the Immortal Sect, and there are two fewer of them.

Only the Southern Dragon King is definitely not inferior to any sect master in the Hedao realm, and even fighting one against two is not a problem.

In addition, the relationship between the Southern Dragon King and the Western Dragon Palace is one of life and death.

This is how they were able to suppress the Seven Sons of Nanhong within the Hedao treasure land for the past 100,000 years and control more than 70% of the speaking power in Nanhong.

But the Dragon King will eventually grow old. After his death, Nangong's strength will plummet, and the close relationship between him and Xigong will also fade with time.

However, the treasure land of the Immortal Sect can be passed down from generation to generation, and there will be almost no accidents.

The Fourth Master, who is the best among the dragon's grandchildren, was actually suppressed by Su Hongxiu. This also proves from the side that the decline of the Southern Dragon Palace is already obvious.

"These things are not for me to worry about."

The tallest demon waved his hand to interrupt the silence of the two demons: "Although there are people like Su Hongxiu among the Daoists, there are also people like Bai Wu who can only show off their sharp tongues. The dragon grandchildren have not yet truly accepted the teachings of the Dragon King, so it is hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker."

"Perhaps it was frightened by that sword." The other big monster smiled with emotion.

If he could open the three big cities, he would already be considered a top-level powerful person under the Hedao. Only three or four dragon descendants could compete with him.

What's more, according to the information currently available, the opponent may have more than one Hongmeng Heavenly Soldiers.

"We're already back in the water, what's there to be afraid of?"

Finally, the big demon shook his head, walked forward, and consoled him: "Those who survive a great disaster will surely have good fortune in the future."

Today, it was only because of the Fifth Prince's temporary forbearance that they were able to save their lives. However, the prince must have been angry, otherwise he would not have led his troops directly back to the Dragon Palace.

It would be better for the generals under his command to rush back to their fiefdoms to guard them as soon as possible to avoid any chaos or trouble at this critical juncture.

A long straight underwater canyon.

It looks eerie and oppressive.

As the demon soldiers marched in orderly steps, the gorgeous fish-scale armor made rustling sounds.

There were more than 300 of them, and the one with the lowest cultivation level was close to the late stage of Return to Void. They were marching in a skilled formation, and there were special spies watching them in front, behind, left and right.


There seemed to be an imperceptible sound coming from above.

Shen Yi stared calmly at the bottom of the gorge, his black shirt blending in with the dark and long gorge around him. He looked at the jade slip in his palm, and a bit of ruthlessness gradually emerged in his clear eyes.

We don't always have the opportunity to stop fighting and rest.

What's more, there are three great monsters from Baiyujing traveling together here.

They are not pigs to be slaughtered.

It is almost impossible to devour these Dragon Palace soldiers quietly, as they will definitely spread the news.

After waiting patiently for a long time and finding that there was still no better opportunity.

Shen Yi still chose to walk out of the darkness slowly.

In that case, just eat it.

Wow! Wow! Wow!
Noticed something strange.

There was no need for any orders. The entire demon army had already taken up a posture of alertness and was looking towards the front and back of the gorge.

As if he sensed something, he stared at the darkness and his expression changed drastically!

The three-headed Baiyujing monster raised his head and looked upwards. After noticing the figure in black clothes who was looking down at him, his eyelids twitched slightly and he took the weapon in his hand in an instant.

A strong demonic aura rises into the sky!

It's a killer move!
It seemed as if it was going to stir up the entire body of water, turning it into a huge whirlpool, and like the roar of a long dragon, it pounced towards the long gorge in the water.


As soon as the roar rose, it felt like something was strangled at the throat.

The terrifying vortex quickly weakened until the entire water area returned to calm.

In the dark water curtain in front of the canyon, figures of different heights stepped out slowly, seven in total. As their faces became clearer, their expressions were indifferent to the extreme.


The three Baiyujing monsters reacted very quickly and stood together, each holding a weapon and trying to remain calm.

And as the seven figures gradually approached.

They only felt a chill on their backs, and even the long handle in their hands became slippery.

It’s not that the three-headed monster has a bad mentality.

But there are big monsters like this one in Baiyujing. To put it bluntly, even the Fifth Prince has only six of them under his command.

The opponent's power... is more terrifying than that of a prince from the Dragon Palace!
When did such a large aquatic force appear in Nanhong, and Nanlong Palace was completely unaware of it?

And when I finally calmed down and saw those familiar faces clearly.

The three-headed monster felt even more frightened, and even his hands trembled unconsciously. It might be difficult for others to imagine what it was like to see so many companions who used to drink and laugh together, now walking towards him with expressionless faces and murderous intent.

They even thought that the Dragon Palace was going to settle accounts with them.

"Everyone evacuate this place! Send the message to Dragon Palace!"

It was the big demon with a face like a green lion and hair like a long snake who suppressed his emotions and saw clearly that something was wrong with these "companions". Under their lifelike appearance, they obviously did not have the aura of living things.

He first took out the conch to send a message, but found that the message was blocked by some invisible restriction.

It roared loudly and then jumped up!

However, the figure that had just taken off was instantly submerged by several stone guardian stones that were also flying over from the opposite side.


The rest of the soldiers also reacted quickly and jumped up, trying to escape from this long gorge.

More than three hundred figures appeared at the same time, like a school of fish, which was dazzling to the eyes.

Besides, they are not fish.

If they had not joined the Dragon Palace's demon army, any one of them would be a famous demon if released outside.

At this moment, it seemed chaotic, but in fact, they were secretly cooperating in a well-controlled manner, just to protect the fastest aquatic creatures and send them out of the long gorge. There was no conflict even in their escape routes. What was even more terrifying was that before making these moves, they did not need any discussion.

At this moment, above the long gorge, a head that blocked out the sun and sky slowly emerged. It had deer antlers on its head, flowing beard, a pair of eyes flashing with fierce light, and its looming body was covered with blue scales.

A pair of dragon claws quietly clasped the edge of the canyon.

The green dragon looked down and then opened its bloody mouth. Its fangs gleamed with cold light, and from its scarlet pointed tongue, a roar that was almost tangible came out of its mouth!

The many demons rushing in the front were knocked back by the sound waves. Gunshot marks appeared inexplicably on their fish scale armor, which turned into ashes at a speed visible to the naked eye. Their skin and scales were shattered and faded from the white bones.

The group of monsters behind were also forced to descend again.

He was so horrified that he used all his demonic power to resist, but he was still retreating again and again, and was even suppressed to the ground by the powerful aura!
Blue Dragon Shattered Star.

Just one shot to suppress three hundred monsters!

The green dragon raised its head, and between the shadows of the dragon's horns, a young man in black clothes stood with a gun in his hand. His eyes were full of purple. The sharp edge of the gun blade drew a despairing and terrifying chasm between the waters, which seemed impossible to cross in a lifetime.

Behind the long gorge.

Suddenly there was a roar like an earth-shaking earthquake.

A giant golden turtle as heavy as a mountain range came marching forward with all four limbs, with great momentum. Under its terrifying figure and extremely powerful body, countless demons were crushed to pieces!
The appearance of the eighth White Jade Stone made these demons completely despair.

On the panel, the demon's lifespan began to increase rapidly!

Shen Yi glanced around silently. The large formation he had set up in advance seemed unable to completely block the news transmitted by the conch shells.

Think about this.

He casually put away his spear and fell straight to the bottom of the valley.

Following behind Wu Jun, wherever he passed, all the densely packed limbs and arms were collected into the ring.

"Move quickly."

Shen Yi nodded his chin lightly, and then began to sort the corpses in front of the remaining demons. Then, with extremely familiar movements, he began to reshape the demon souls and condense the suppressing stones.

The three big demons cooperated perfectly, making up for their lack of strength.

Even though he had to deal with seven guardian stones at the same time, he had managed to hold on until now and was still alive.

In comparison, when Shen Yi's guardian stones did not make plans in advance, they seemed to fight each other and occasionally hurt their own people.

However, at this moment, the three big monsters suddenly felt the ninth breath of Bai Yujing appear, and in an instant, they looked back in a daze.

There was another familiar face in their sight, but the aura emanating from the other person made them feel terrified, and at the same time, they felt it was inexplicably absurd and ridiculous.

Despite the hard work of himself and others in training these elite soldiers, they were unable to break through Baiyujing.

But now, in the hands of the young man in black clothes, this task was easily accomplished at an unimaginable speed.

This complex emotion soon turned into a suffocating fear.

"Evil cultivator! Evil cultivator! We are going to report this to the Immortal Hongze, except for you, the evil one who cannot be tolerated by heaven!"

The shrill howls echoed across the canyon.

It's basically a case of using the few to defeat the many.

The three-headed monster was slightly stunned and its defenses collapsed, which gave the Stone-Suppressing Monsters an opportunity to find an opportunity. Within a few breaths, they defeated them one by one and killed them one by one!
At the moment the panel prompt rises.

Shen Yi has already taken back all the suppressing stones to his forehead, and the origins of demons condensed one after another and merged into the demon soul.

He didn't even want to waste time sitting cross-legged and adjusting himself.

He quickly headed towards the next direction recorded in the jade slip.

There is no evil cultivator or demon; he is just a hungry foodie.

We must get as many delicacies as possible before the great monster in the Hedao realm of Dragon Palace reacts.


Four Dragons Grandson Palace.

The delicate colored glass lamps emitted a faint white light, making the entire prosperous hall look like daylight.

Any piece of decoration can be a priceless treasure if placed outside.

Everyone knows that a red dragon cannot become the Dragon King. In order to tie down Ke Laosi's heart, Nanlong Palace gave him a lot of compensation.

For example, he had a palace that was far more luxurious than any other dragon descendants, and all kinds of natural treasures that only dragon sons could enjoy. He was even given the military power of a dragon son, and had five extremely powerful generals of Baiyujing led by him.

Such generous treatment.

The only request for Ke Laosi was to have him keep an eye on the waters near the Nanhong Qizi and report back to the Dragon Palace as soon as possible if there was any news or changes.

Wait till the years pass.

It will become a great demon comparable to the Hedao realm, guarding the Nanlong Palace.

But at this moment, the palace was empty, with only two figures drinking from their glasses.

The rich aroma of wine is obviously not ordinary.

On normal days, it would be difficult for these two big monsters, even the most respected Baiyujing monster general under the Fourth Master, to enjoy such fine wine, let alone drink until their stomachs were full or even their minds were a little dazed.

The Dragon Palace’s requirements for the Fourth Master are really low.

But even this sole request was disobeyed by the other party.

From the moment Ke Laosi concealed the news of Xiao Shisan's death, it had no choice but to lose... Now that the situation had come to this, it could only go to the Dragon Palace with its family and many soldiers and generals, and beg for forgiveness from the Dragon King in exchange for handing over its military power.

"Is there no hope?"

The tall insect demon was drunk and slowly put down the cup. A fierce look appeared in his eyes: "What's the point of us guarding this pile of dead things? If the Dragon King is unwilling to show mercy, our future is over and our lives are in danger."

"Not necessarily." Although the other big demon was also drunk, it was obvious that he still maintained the most basic rationality.

It shook its head and suddenly lowered its voice and said, "That news was brought by Little Seventh Master... Little Seventh Master has died at the hands of Su Hongxiu of the Heavenly Sword Sect... There is still room for this matter to turn around."

"Young Master Four will definitely try to provoke the princes and put all the blame on the Nanhong Seven Sons... When that happens, you and I will kill more and more, and it would be best if we can cut off a thousand heads of the Immortal Sect disciples... There is still a chance."

"Trample the precious land of Nanyang!"

The big monster clenched his palms tightly, as if to comfort himself, and his rough voice became more and more determined: "For now, just get drunk, don't think too much, and just wait for news from the fourth master."

"Getting drunk..."

The tall insect demon shook his head, looked towards the white jade throne in front of the hall, and said with a slightly foolish smile: "I seem to be drunk."

On the white throne.

A handsome young man in a black shirt swayed gently as he leaned back, looking calmly at the glass wine cup in his hand, slightly shaking the wine in it, and then gently placed it on the table.


A subtle sound rang out in the hall, like a prelude, and soon it was accompanied by footsteps.

The other big demon stared blankly outside the hall.

Only shadowy figures were seen, they walked into the hall slowly, their bodies were covered in blood, as if they had just escaped from a sea of ​​blood and corpses, and the aura around them made the whole hall tremble.


Eighteen figures stood quietly in front of the two monsters. Wu Jun leaned over, took the wine cups from their hands, and carefully handed them to another stone statue, saying softly, "Put them away. These are my master's things. Don't break them."

The words have not yet fallen.

Wu Jun's palm was already on the insect demon's head, smashing its head savagely onto the stone table.

Boom! The stone table shattered! The entire hall's floor also sank downwards.

It leaned over, lifted up the insect demon's head again, leaned close to its ear, and asked softly, "What did you just say you wanted to crush, huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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