People are super gods, but ghost demons

Chapter 14 Knowing Mistakes Can Change

Chapter 14 Knowing Mistakes Can Change

"Angels have been beaten? Is this guy so violent?"

The battle between Lufa and Angel Yan in the center of the Grand Canyon soon spread to the Super Seminary. Then, in response to this short battle, Dukao held an emergency meeting.

"Leina, can you judge his level now?" Dukao said solemnly.

According to the energy detection of Deno No. 3, only the third generation of gods can erupt that level of energy fluctuations!
  Moreover, Lufa's combat power level, which could suppress the powerful angels alone, exceeded their previous judgment.

"Uh..." Reina felt a little guilty.

"Well, if I fight with him, he will definitely not be able to do anything to me, but... I will definitely not be able to do anything to him."

With a swipe of your hand, you can see the kind of high-explosive energy bomb. It is an energy-driven super soldier similar to Lieyang, but it can easily suppress the angel in close range...

It seems that he is really a god on the same level as her.

"In other words, you can't beat him?" Qiangwei said.

"Ahem!" Reina's face straightened.

"What do you mean I can't beat him? At most, I can say that I can't beat him in my current state. Goddess, most of my power is sealed. If I use my full strength, he will definitely..."

"If you exert your full strength, the earth, no, the Chiwu star system will be gone." Dukao said speechlessly.

Reina is very strong, even the most destructive in the universe. Even angels cannot match the destructive power of the sun's light.

However, destructive power is not equal to combat effectiveness. No matter how powerful it is, what's the use if it can't hit?

"General, it seems that we need to change our attitude towards Lufa next." Lianfeng said.

Facing a god, given the current situation on earth, there is no equal qualification for dialogue. The only person here who can talk to Lufa on an equal footing is the light of the sun, Rena, who can represent the Super Seminary.

Of course, Sun Wukong can also do it, but that great god is a guarantee and cannot be used easily.

"So, you need my help?" Lena asked.

Dukao nodded, "I'm sorry."

"Okay, who made me, the goddess, the most powerful god here?" Reina stood up.

"Rose, let's drive!"

Qiangwei stood up helplessly and followed Lena out of the conference room.

"General, there is one more thing." Lianfeng controlled the big screen to display the information of a female police officer.

"The policewoman Lufa rescued on Airport Road last night, Qilin, has returned to the police station, and our people have tested her body and found that she is the heir to the Kamigawa gene. However, Not on our list.”

"What level?" Dukao asked.

"The most common Kamigawa generation." Lianfeng said.

"However, our testing agency found that there were some strange changes in her genes, which may have been caused by Lufa."

Dukao was silent for a moment, "Go and get in touch and see if you can recruit him into the Xiongbing Company. The current situation on earth means that no power can be wasted."

"What if she doesn't want to?" Lianfeng asked.

If it had been before, based on the description in the data, they could even transfer Qilin directly. After all, the Xiongbing Company was also a special combat unit under the military establishment.

However, now that Qilin has come into contact with Lufa, she is still saved by Lufa.

There is no such thing as a free lunch. It is no longer certain what Qilin’s composition is now due to the life-saving grace. Moreover, no one knows whether Lufa has implanted any special program into Qilin’s genes.

If Qilin joins this team, to be honest, the risk is very high. “Let’s take a look first.” Dukao looked at Qilin’s information on the big screen.

"It should be fine. Besides, maybe Qilin can be used to establish more cooperation with Lufa."

An unknown god has come to earth, and he is still suspected to be a victim of the destruction of the Deno civilization. In this time period, and if the angel comes, can the devil be far behind?


It was approaching evening, on the outskirts of Juxia City.

After the fight, Lufa bought some barbecue equipment and a few processed lambs, and then came to have a picnic.

It needs to be replenished after consumption, and Lufa has not enjoyed a normal human life for a long time. Although it is a fusion of two Lufa, compared to the Netherworld Demon Lufa who has more than ten thousand years of experience, the memory of the Earthling Lufa is too small. It's somewhat trivial.

However, in terms of personality and thinking, the current approach is considered to be in the middle.

He is not a good person, but he is not an extremely evil person like Netherworld Demon Lufa.

But fortunately, the strongest energy is still there.

The strongest Qi is not the strongest that says the best in the world, but a personal state. Everyone can have the strongest Qi, but the strength is different, and the most important thing is the ability of the mind. gap.

The strongest energy is only a prerequisite for summoning Shura Armor, which is equivalent to a stabilizer. How much power can be exerted by Shura Armor depends on the strength of the person's will, and the strength of will is not just about will. His strength is firm, otherwise, how many children on earth can compare to the Netherworld Legion that has been fighting for thousands of years?

His battle with Angel Yan today actually resulted in him absorbing the energy of the Gengdan Vajra. Otherwise, he would not have been able to achieve that kind of suppressive effect in his disabled state. Moreover, Angel Yan had no intention of fighting at the time, otherwise he would It's not necessarily possible to suppress it, and after Angel Chase appeared, he had to stop. After all, one versus two, in front of so many people, if he lost, he would be very embarrassed.

"Hey, it's quite sentimental, isn't it?"

A relatively familiar voice sounded, and Lufa, who was grilling meat, turned his head.

"Are all angels as shameless as you?"

Just after a fight, you can still come to the door with a smile?
  "How can you call this shameless?" Angel Yan took a coquettish cat walk and walked to Lufa and sat down.

"This is called knowing your mistakes and being able to correct them."

"You know your mistakes and can correct them?" Lu Fa was speechless.

"Looking at information from the Dark Plane is the first invasion of privacy, forcibly invading memory, and the second invasion of privacy. Is this called being able to change?"

"Uh..." Angel Yan looked embarrassed.

"Sorry, what happened today is indeed my fault."

The dark plane detection that had never failed to work without any accidents failed. She subconsciously wanted to try to directly access the memory. It was indeed a bit inappropriate to do such a thing for the first time.

"If you are angry, can I show you my memory?"

With that said, Angel Yan directly grabbed Lu Fa and passed on his memories except for some confidential information.

"Depend on!"

A huge amount of information suddenly rushed into Lu Fa's mind, and he felt intensely dizzy.

He is not an angel!
  There is no way to receive so much information at once!

"Uh..." Seeing Lufa's appearance, Angel Yan looked embarrassed.

"Sorry, I forgot you didn't have a super brain."

The genetic technology in Lufa's universe is different from that here, which specializes in genes. It does not transform people into a supercomputer, and there is no dark plane computer to help understand and analyze. Lufa relies purely on his brain!
  (End of this chapter)

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