Chapter 28 Strange World


"Did you go out to fight yesterday?"

In the afternoon at the Super Seminary, under the shadow of lush trees, Lufa finally gave up studying.

Sometimes I have to admit the importance of talent. His military talent is perfect, but when it comes to scientific research and development, he is just a mortal.

Without talent, there is no inspiration. You can only memorize by rote, and it is inefficient...

It seems that we have to change the method.

"Who told you?" Lufa opened his eyes and looked at Qilin, who was wearing tight-fitting black leather armor and sitting next to her.

"They asked me to ask." Qilin lay down helplessly.

"Who told me that you rescued me? They naturally think that it is easier for me to communicate with you, and it is more convenient for me to come when you ask for help."

Let her do a favor?

To be honest, she has always been disgusted with this kind of thing, and it was Lufa who saved her, not her!
  Why does she feel that the superiors think that it is more convenient for her?
  Because someone saved her once, so she had to be saved a second time? Consume other people's kindness?
  She really didn't want to come, but she couldn't refuse.

The justice of the family and the country is at every turn, and the future of the earth is at every turn. The country needs her now, and what she says is better than what she sings...

"You can refuse directly." Lufa said.

"They wouldn't dare force you anyway."

Qilin pouted, "Yes, how dare they force me when you are here?"

Just because Lufa was so good to her, everyone naturally thought that she could let Lufa help.

But what about the facts?

She knew very well that Lufa was not interested in her, he just treated her as a child, and the previous contract was almost like a contract of betrayal. How much autonomy she could have depended entirely on how much Lufa was willing to give her.

"Then why are you still coming?" Lufa asked.

"They are taking advantage of you and consuming your patriotic enthusiasm, and you should know very well that I am not a kind person. I can tolerate it, but I don't have much patience."

"I know..." Qilin's eyes were a little dim.

The world is getting stranger.

During this time, she also gradually figured out why Liu Chuang had committed so many crimes and was allowed to do so again and again by his superiors, because he was a super soldier and his value.

Even though he hurt many people, the value of those people was nothing compared to Liu Chuang. This may be a bit unpleasant to say, but it is the fact.

An ordinary person and a high-ranking person are facing life-threatening danger at the same time. When the emergency room can only save one person, who should be saved?

People are equal, but values ​​are not. The one with greater value should always be given priority.

As for why the superiors allowed Liu Chuang to mess around outside, Lu Fa gave her a simple and easy-to-understand example.

The plots in movies and cartoons about people on Earth, the growth of the protagonist, and the growth of a superhero always require the sacrifice of countless people to pave the way. In this way, we can train and create a humane "Superman".

Making mistakes, being hurt, and then repenting later made him realize his mistakes and strengthen his position and responsibility to become a hero.

Specialized training is certainly useful, but super soldiers are different, and gods are different, because the power they possess is enough to destroy the world!
  If they are not allowed to think and strengthen their beliefs on their own, but are forced to exercise like the army, when the strength becomes stronger and stronger, the constraints from superiors and rules gradually disappear, and they can no longer restrain them, the ancestors will is about to be born! The only one who can restrain Superman is Superman himself!
  She understands, she understands all these principles, she is a police officer, an old police officer, she knows very well that what Lu Fa said is very humane, but...

Do those who were hurt by Liu Chuang deserve to die for the growth of this hero?

She knows that she has no sense of the overall situation!
  Liu Chuang can save many, many people in the future, far more than those he has hurt before, but...

Qilin lay sobbing silently in Lufa's arms.

She understood, she just couldn't accept it for a while.

Obviously the reality has always been so cruel, and life is not beautiful at all. She misunderstood, she thought life was beautiful.

Now, the danger is coming, the false beauty will no longer be maintained, and the cruelty of reality will be fully demonstrated!
  Liu Chuang's little thing is nothing, there will be more in the future, and I'm afraid there will even be a situation where millions of people have to sacrifice their lives just to buy a confused superhero some time to fall in love!
  This is reality, and reality is not pretty at all.

During the years when she left the ivory tower of school and worked in the police station, she thought she had matured, but now, she found that she had always lived in the ivory tower and had never left.

After sobbing for a long time, Qilin raised her head and looked at Lufa with some embarrassment, "Sorry, I soiled your clothes again."

"It's okay. You can cry if you want. There's no need to hold it in. It's better to cry now than later." Lufa took off his soaked coat and put it aside.

He was indeed not good at dealing with women, and when dealing with Qilin, he could only explain the reality clearly like he once trained new recruits.

comfort? He will not.

Language is powerless, reality is the best teacher.

As for education? I'm so sorry that he couldn't even teach his own son well. His three captains escaped from his control and wandered around the earth for a thousand years, but no one took him seriously. Even later, he His men wanted to unite and stage a mutiny.

To be honest, he really failed, both as a father and as the general of the Netherworld Legion.

"You're not hurt, are you?" Qilin stopped crying and looked at Lufa with red eyes.

"No." Lufa shook his head.

His body was seriously injured to begin with, and controlling the Shura armor relied on mind energy, not the body. As for Yan Emperor's combat power plummeting after he was poisoned, please, do you really think it was a simple poison?
  "I'm not asking you why you want to fight. I careful. If something happens to you, my marriage contract will be in vain." Qilin forced a smile.

"Don't worry." Lufa sat up and patted Qilin's little head.

"Under normal circumstances, I won't do anything I'm not sure about. If I can't beat him, I'm pretty good at running away. I'll teach you another day."

Qilin can also use the decomposition and escape technique. He has added something to Qilin's genes before. In addition, he has also put the part of the gene that exerts will power into Qilin's body.

Without the relevant genes, there is no way to exert the energy of the will. The three children on the earth who can summon armor are actually caused by Gorfa. The three miraculous genes of the sun, moon and stars, as well as the secret cultivators and magic cultivators, Given the relevant genes by Gorfa, if it's illegal, that kid is also breaking the law!

It is clearly written in the Ares constitution that neither the armor contract order nor Ares' training techniques are allowed to be spread to outsiders, but that guy Gorfa almost sold Ares's background!
  Everyone is violating the rules to uphold the rules. Who is more noble than whom?
  Gorfa really learned the essence of Peele!

"By the way, do you need me to help you vent your anger?" Lufa asked.

Qilin was stunned for a moment, "Taking it out?"

"Although I have almost lost all my noble qualities, I still retain the point of protecting my shortcomings." Lufa stood up.

"In the past, I would have been too lazy to take care of it and would have just let you become stronger to solve it. But now, for the sake of you as a new recruit, I can make an exception and help you personally."

How powerful is the God of War, Nuoxing, with the power to kill gods?
  (End of this chapter)

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