Chapter 74 Attitude towards rich people

"You don't have to apologize to me."

Zhang Muyu smiled and said after hearing his words.

Yang Lin's ex-boyfriend breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what she said.

He thought that Zhang Muyu had already forgiven him by saying this.

At the same time, he also began to analyze the relationship between Zhang Muyu and Lin Mo.

Finally, he came to a conclusion.

Because Zhang Muyu called Lin Mo "senior", he felt that the two might have come from the same university, but their relationship was very superficial.

If the relationship is good, then I won't be forgiven so easily.

Therefore, people from the lower class are still people from the lower class. They clearly have such good resources, but they don’t know how to use them.

If it were me, and I met this female boss with a great background...

Just when he began to daydream, Zhang Muyu continued to smile and said:

"Anyway, it's not me you offended. The most I can do is make you never come into my restaurant again."

These words directly interrupted Yang Lin's ex-boyfriend's reverie.


Yang Lin's ex-boyfriend was stunned for a moment.

"The person you should apologize to is the senior. If he doesn't forgive you, then you will be in trouble."

Zhang Muyu looked at him, shook his head, sighed, and said:

"By the way, do you know about the Chen family's Jianghua Company? I will tell you a piece of news for free. It is because of offending the seniors that Jianghua Company is facing bankruptcy."


Yang Lin's ex-boyfriend was stunned when he heard Zhang Muyu's words.

At his level, he doesn't have access to many things, and he doesn't know anything about the Chen family.

But Jianghua Company... He had even come to discuss cooperation before.

The cooperation failed to be negotiated, and he was still feeling happy after hearing people say that Jianghua Company was about to close down in the past few days.

But now... I heard Zhang Muyu say that this company became what it is now because of Lin Mo.

In an instant, Yang Lin's ex-boyfriend's legs became a little weak.

He had a preconceived idea that Lin Mo was a lower-class person. Because he came from the same university and by chance, he came into contact with Zhang Muyu.

Who would have thought that Lin Mo had a great background.

"Yes...I'm sorry."

Yang Lin's ex-boyfriend stammered and looked at Lin Mo.

A company as big as Jianghua can do this.

If you want to deal with yourself, is it as easy as crushing an ant?

Such a big shot actually told him how rich he was in front of him and mocked him...


Lin Mo looked at him with a kind smile on his face, and then turned his head to look at Yang Lin, who was stunned.



When Yang Lin's ex-boyfriend saw Lin Mo ignoring him, he became even more panicked. He raised his hand and slapped himself in the face, and at the same time he began to say:

"sorry Sorry."

Lin Mo still ignored it, just looked at Yang Lin and slowly said:

"You think I lost my temper just to make you pay, yes, that's true.

But I also tell you clearly that I am not asking you to pay because I have no money to settle the bill.

Lu Fan has been licking you for so many years, and you have been hanging on him. How much money you have spent on him, and how many things you have taken from him, it is time to spit out some. "

Yang Lin stared blankly at her ex-boyfriend who kept apologizing.

Everyone lives in a different circle, so the things they learn are also different.

Yang Lin is an ordinary office worker. She does her job every day. When she finds a rich boyfriend, she takes his card to buy things with her sisters, and then goes to a hotel with her boyfriend.

She didn't know what Jianghua Company was, but she knew her ex-boyfriend.

He is rich, looks down on the poor, and always looks aloof. This is her ex-boyfriend.

But what about now?

He was so humble.

This can already explain a lot of problems.

Not only Yang Lin, but Zhu Ling and the other two girls were also confused when they saw the behavior of Yang Lin's ex-boyfriend.

Zhu Ling felt confused in her heart, could I have guessed wrong?

Lin Mo and Lu Fan refused to help, wasn't it because they wanted to save face? Lin Mo seems to be a big shot. Is he really rich?

"Actually... I wanted to tell you before. Lin Mo is very rich now. Do you know the Mid-Levels Villa? He lives in the Mid-Levels Villa now."

Lu Fan looked at Yang Lin with complicated eyes and said.

He did not mention "Yunhaixuan", but only mentioned the Mid-Levels Villa, a more famous place, to show that Lin Mo was really rich.

And his current attitude towards Yang Lin is somewhat unclear.

What happened today was a powerful plan for him.

Is it sad that Yang Lin doesn't care about his efforts? It must be sad.

Even Zhu Ling, who met for the first time, was afraid that he and Lin Mo would have no money and get into trouble, so she would want to help, but Yang Lin was mocking Lin Mo, which made him even more heartbroken.

But long-term love is not something that can be let go of.

Although Lu Fan felt cold, he still loved Yang Lin.

"Mid-level villa..."

Yang Lin heard Lu Fan's words and seemed to have come back to her senses.

She looked at Lin Mo with disbelief in her eyes.

Didn’t his classmates say that he was not doing well?

He lives in a mountainside villa, how is this possible?


Zhu Ling heard Lu Fan's words and looked at Lin Mo. She couldn't help but take out a cigarette and lighter, lit a cigarette, and tried to calm down.

what? Mid-level villa?

How can I be so virtuous?

Is this someone I can meet?

The other two girls also stared at Lin Mo with some disbelief.



Yang Lin's ex-boyfriend slapped her harder.

"Take the money. Don't even think about leaving if you don't pay for this bottle of wine today."

Lin Mo looked at Yang Lin and said calmly.

"I...I don't have that much money."

Yang Lin heard Lin Mo's words, was silent for a moment, bit her lip and spoke.

She couldn't believe that her former classmate now lived in a mountainside villa.

But she also understood that Lu Fan would not favor her.

Facing the rich Lin Mo and the poor Lin Mo, she has two completely different attitudes.

If Lin Mo had no money, then of course her attitude towards Lin Mo would be contemptuous and mocking.

But now that Lin Mo has become rich, she naturally has to make changes. She left a bad impression on Lin Mo before, and she wants to try her best to make up for it.

"How do you usually deal with eating King's meals?"

Lin Mo heard her words, turned his head to look at Zhang Muyu, and asked.

"How to deal with it?"

Zhang Muyu turned his head again, looked at Manager Xu, and asked.

"This mainly depends on the other party's attitude. If the attitude is tough, then call the police directly.

If you are willing to pay the bill, but you don't have the money now and can't borrow it, you usually leave a valid ID and identify the other party's address, and then ask her to repay the money in installments. "

Manager Xu looked at Lin Mo and said respectfully.

"This is my ID. My family lives in..."

Yang Lin was very sensible and quickly took out her ID and reported her address.

However, Manager Xu did not take her ID and just looked at Lin Mo and Zhang Muyu.

If the two of them have no objections to such a handling, then he will act normally.

If he was dissatisfied with anything, he would do as he was told.

(End of this chapter)

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