Chapter 106 It’s all over!

Lou Yang has been listening silently.

He seemed to be fulfilling his role as a listener.

But as Chen Xiao's topic deepened, Lou Yang gradually became less quiet.

Especially when he saw Chen Xiao actually taking out a bottle of mineral water from his briefcase, Lou Yang smiled.

"You are really well prepared."

"Because I know it's going to take a lot of talking with you. Do you want to drink it? I have another bottle here."

Chen Xiao also took out another bottle of water from his bag.

Lou Yang shook his head: "No, I'm afraid you'll poison me."

"That's a bit contemptuous of me. I wouldn't use that method when facing you."

Lou Yang's face suddenly turned cold and stern: "You seem confident that you can defeat me?"

"Let's get back to the topic. We just talked about Qin Zhao. Well... Qin Zhao has some brains, but not much. He silently remembers you and always feels that you will be used by him in the future."

"But Qin Zhao waited for a long time until he followed Guo Ning and the others to Xiaofeng Village."

"He should have been very happy on the first day he arrived, because he saw Yu Gui, and judging from Yu Gui's appearance, he really wouldn't live much longer. How can a person who is about to die be competitive? It’s just that Qin Zhao didn’t expect that on the first night, Guo Ning would say words to Yu Gui’s mother that made him unable to calm down anymore.”

"That night, Guo Ning told Yu Gui's mother that she wanted to hold a wedding with Yu Gui. Such words made Qin Zhao furious. He couldn't understand why Guo Ning was still thinking about Yu Gui when he was like that."

"So he finally contacted you for the first time. You must have been shocked by his contact, right? But Qin Zhao probably didn't say anything that time. After all, he probably hadn't lost his mind at that time. It wasn't until later that Yu Gui became seriously ill. , he saw Guo Ning's appearance beside the hospital bed."

"The scene of love between a man and a concubine made Qin Zhao unbearable anymore. Jealousy also changed him beyond recognition, so he found you again. But I think he will not be murderous. No matter what, he will not dare to go with you. Guo Zhengchang’s enemy. So, I guess he wants you to help him act in a play, right?"

At this time, Lou Yang finally showed a hint of shock in his eyes.

Chen Xiao keenly caught the change in his expression, but interrupted Lou Yang's emotions in time.

"Don't be so shocked. What's wrong with you now? Well, let's continue. Qin Zhao found you and chose a location, which is the mountain forest behind Xiaofeng Village. I think he should let you play the role A good show about a hero saving a beauty, right? After all, it’s quite popular these days.”

"Besides, you have a very reasonable reason to teach Guo Ning a lesson. As a reward, I think he should promise to give you a sum of money to continue treating your teacher. But, how could he pay attention to it in the eyes of a person like him? Your teacher’s life and death. So he mistakenly thought that your teacher was still alive, and also mistakenly thought that your deal would definitely be concluded.”

At this point, Chen Xiao suddenly stopped.

He looked at Lou Yang: "You said that if your teacher had not died, wouldn't there have been so many things that followed?"

Hearing this, Lou Yang's fists were clenched, and the look he looked at Chen Xiao became more ferocious.

"It's a pity that things in this world don't have so many ifs. Your teacher is dead. When you think of the tragic situation before his death, when you go to see Qin Zhao again, you think he is so ridiculous. The most important thing is that he is in your You must be very arrogant in front of him, right? Because in his eyes, you are just a poor guy."

"So when he told his complete plan, you thought he was a fool. But how could you refuse the money? Not only was it a huge sum of money, but you could also vent the resentment that had accumulated in your heart. You felt that you should either not play , if you want to play, you have to play something big!”

"Kill, kill them all, leave no one alive! Let that damn Qin Zhao take a good look, those so-called rich people are like little chickens that can be crushed to death at any time in your hands. Also There is more money, yes... there is more money!"

"He deserves to die, and their whole family will not be able to live in peace! It is because of their family that you are living such a miserable life now. But you can't make it easy for them. You know very well that once those five college students die, Yu Gui and his The family will live with guilt and self-blame for the rest of their lives."

"When you imagine their future misery, you become excited. Therefore, your method of killing is extremely agile. One with a knife and one with a hammer! When it was Qin Zhao's turn, you didn't even bother to use the tools. There was a click. , and broke his neck directly.”    “But you felt it was not enough, so you twisted his neck repeatedly and opened his eyelids to let him see clearly. You were in his eyes. He is a poor man, but his life and death are controlled by you!"

Hearing this, Lou Yang smiled.

His laughter was silent at first, but gradually he burst into laughter.

Chen Xiao looked at him: "Is it cool?"

Lou Yang laughed louder and louder, and then gave Chen Xiao a thumbs up:

"It's so happy, it's so happy! You use me as the protagonist of this story, and I put myself into it. It's true."

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "You are indeed very good. At least your mental quality is much stronger than that of your peers due to the training of your father. Most people will hear my detailed description. I think his heart is breaking."

"Oh, then you really think highly of yourself." Lou Yang said sarcastically.

Chen Xiao shrugged: "You shouldn't talk to your boss with this attitude, and I also reminded you not to worry."

"But now that you've finished telling your story, I think it's very exciting."

"Have you finished speaking? I think I have missed a lot of things." Chen Xiao smiled, tapped his fingers on the table and said: "But you are not much smarter than Qin Zhao. He stupidly found you and wanted to steal the skin of a tiger. But Think about it carefully, how did you two deal?"

Lou Yang lowered his head and frowned.

Then he raised his head suddenly, his eyes widening.

Chen Xiao's tone began to become indifferent: "How is it? Do you feel what it feels like to panic now?"

Lou Yang shouted in a deep voice: "I don't know what you are talking about!"

"The voice is very powerful, but you have no confidence anymore, because you have been fooled by yourself, right?" Chen Xiao said, getting up and opening the door of the main room, and then pointed in a direction.

"Do you know where I'm pointing?"

Lou Yang looked at Chen Xiao's back, a fierce light suddenly appeared in his eyes!

Chen Xiao turned her back to him and said coldly: "Don't seek death. You can live for a while if you don't do it. If you do it now, your body will be beaten into a sieve immediately!"

After saying that, Lou Yang sat back down weakly after standing up.

Chen Xiao continued: "The direction of my finger is the only bank in Nanqiao Town. Qin Zhao has a habit of withdrawing cash wherever he goes. After arriving in Nanqiao Town, he The bank withdrew a sum. And you also deposited the money in that bank, with exactly the same amount! If you don't believe it, the records of your and his deposits and withdrawals are in the briefcase I brought."

"But for that money, you can say that it is your savings, you saved it. You can also say that you picked it up, and there is no problem for any reason. However, as long as you give these reasons, Hu Yue will I will definitely cooperate with you and check all the pairs of underwear you bought!"

At this point, Chen Xiao turned around and walked in front of Lou Yang.

"Lou Yang... everything is over. You thought that no one could find your evidence. Now this alone is your lifeline that can kill you!"

"Finally, let me give you another painting. This painting is the murderer I imagined in my mind. It made me see you!"

Chen Xiao said and put the hand-painted painting in his pocket in front of Lou Yang.

Then Hu Yue and the police swarmed in!

(End of this chapter)

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