Chapter 108 Girl, you are a real tiger!

When I heard it was Lou Yang, let alone Luo Dali.

Even Xiao Ji and Dao Nan were stunned.

"How, how could it be possible!"

After holding it in for a while, Luo Dali finally said this.

It's just that Chen Xiao has already talked about the case many times tonight, and he is really in no mood to talk about it again now.

"The person has been arrested. If you want to know more, just wait until I tell you tomorrow."

Seeing Chen Xiao go back to the room directly, although Luo Dali and the other two were very curious, they could only go back to their rooms separately.

Not long after arriving in the room, Chen Xiao fell asleep.

It was a solid sleep, but it didn't last long.

After dawn, Chen Xiao called Luo Dali and three others and rushed to Xiaofeng Village together.

Today is the day of Yu Gui's funeral, although Chen Xiao has no family ties or friendship with him.

But when Yu Gui closed his eyes, Chen Xiao and he had some interactions.

In the mourning hall, it was obvious that another gentleman had replaced him to preside over the funeral ceremony.

However, Yu Gui is a young man, and his rituals cannot have the same various procedures as those of his elders.

Everything has been simplified.

After the funeral ceremony was over, Chen Xiao followed the crowd and watched Yu Gui go up the mountain with the coffin carried by the Eight Immortals.

As for what happened next, Chen Xiao did not go along to see it.

When he turned around to return, he saw Guo Zhengchang standing by the car waiting for him.

Chen Xiao walked up to him and said, "Mr., you haven't slept all night, right?"

Guo Zhengchang nodded: "I took a nap for a while. Even if I lay down, I probably wouldn't be able to fall asleep. I had too many thoughts this night and it was difficult to calm down."

Chen Xiao said nothing.

He understood the meaning of Guo Zhengchang's words.

But not long after, Guo Zhengchang said: "Mr. Chen, please come back to Jiang Province with me. It's good to leave early."

Chen Xiao looked at him in surprise: "Old sir, what do you mean by this?"

"Qin Zhao's parents came to Qingxi after he was discovered. Now they also know the reason. But they don't believe it. They said they want to ask you for an explanation."

Chen Xiao was stunned.

It turned out that Qin Zhao's parents wanted to cause trouble for him.

Think about it, Qin Zhao was originally a victim who needed sympathy. However, as the circumstances of the case changed, Qin Zhao was identified as one of the main conspirators. Such a contrast would definitely not be acceptable to Qin Zhao's parents.

However, whether they accept it or not, what does it have to do with Chen Xiao?

Chen Xiao smiled: "It's reasonable for them to come to me, but if they come to me for trouble, then I won't comply."

"Aren't you afraid of trouble, Mr. Chen?"

"What can they do to me?"

Guo Zhengchang also smiled slightly: "You are right, they can't do anything to you. Let me remind you, in fact, I just want to see your attitude. If you want to leave, we can go back together now, and no one can embarrass you. .”

"But you don't want to leave now, so I also want to see how much trouble the Qin family can cause today. When I return to Jiang Province, it's time for me, Guo Zhengchang, to go to them and demand an explanation!"

"Not just the Guo family, but also Ye Wei's family, Song Zhen's family, and Jin Meng's family. They should all ask the Qin family for an explanation!"

As Chen Xiao said this, his eyes narrowed a little as he looked into the distance.

"They came pretty quickly."

As soon as Chen Xiao finished speaking, Guo Zhengchang was about to walk in front of Chen Xiao with a cane in his hand.

"Old sir, you can't do this. I'll deal with my troubles myself. Just stay behind and help me calm down."

Guo Zhengchang was a little stunned, but the people in the five or six cars had already rushed over at this time.

A middle-aged man at the head rolled up his sleeves and roared: "Who's called Chen Xiao?"

Chen Xiao looked at the man's aura and smiled immediately: "That's me." "You are Chen Xiao! You are the one who is talking nonsense, saying that our Qin Zhao is the murderer, right?"

The man said and already threw a punch.

It's just that there was no way his fist could hit Chen Xiao. He stumbled and fell to the ground due to his exertion.

Chen Xiao looked at the Qin family indifferently: "Speaking of which, you Qin family should be grateful to me, not me... I don't know how long Qin Zhao's body will be buried in the feces."


Another man rushed forward, about to punch.

Chen Xiao pinched the other person's cheek and said coldly: "Six words in a sentence are dirty. I want you to have six teeth. It's not a loss."

The man screamed, lying on the ground and spitting out six bloody teeth.

The others all shouted when they saw this.

The anger in Guo Zhengchang's heart could no longer be concealed, and he shouted: "Are you finished yet?"

"Mr. Guo, this matter has nothing to do with you. This is a private matter between us and Chen Xiao!"

Someone shouted, but as soon as he finished shouting, several roars came from behind Chen Xiao.

"Who dares to touch me, Brother Chen!"

The voices of Luo Dali and Xiao Jidaonan came, and the three of them ducked in front of Chen Xiao.

Luo Dali was even more irritable. Whoever he was, he grabbed a person's collar with one hand.

"Say, who is tired of living and wants to touch my brother Chen!"

"Get away, everyone, we are only looking for Chen Xiao!"

The people of the Qin family were not afraid at all and were about to step forward and subdue Luo Dali, but Chen Xiao's expression suddenly changed drastically.

He kicked away several Qin family men who were approaching, and then dragged Luo Dali back.

At the same moment when he was pulled back, a hatchet struck the spot where the Qin family originally stood.

Luo Dali was stunned!

Looking at Ye Xiu wielding a hatchet in disbelief.

"I'll chop you shameless ones to death!"

"Why do you have the nerve to trouble Brother Chen Xiao!"

"When Qin Zhao was discovered, why didn't you come to thank him?"

"Now that he has found the real culprit, he is the one who has given justice to my sister and other brothers and sisters!"

"Qin Zhao deserved his death. If you dare to trouble Brother Chen Xiao, I...I will chop you to death!"

Ye Xiu cried and slashed.

A weak woman directly suppressed the situation that Guo Zhengchang had not been able to suppress originally.

Chen Xiao winked at Luo Dali, who immediately went over and grabbed Ye Xiu.

"Girl, don't get excited, it's illegal to kill someone!"

Ye Xiu burst into tears and cried loudly. Luo Dali comforted him and said, "Girl, they are just like a fox pretending to be a tiger, but you are a real tiger!"

"I don't care. Brother Chen Xiao belongs to my family and is the benefactor in the hearts of all the brothers and sisters who died unjustly! If anyone troubles him, I, Ye Xiu, will be the first to refuse!"

Just as Ye Xiu finished speaking, several more cars drove up from a distance.

The people who got off the car were all the family members of Song Zhen and Jin Meng. When they saw the scene in front of them, they all pounced on the Qin family with ecstasy.

"Qin, if you dare to touch a hair of Mr. Chen today, we will be at odds with you!"

"Qin, don't you want to give an explanation? I will come to you today to ask for an explanation!"

"Don't talk nonsense to them. The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Qin Zhao caused everything, but it was our relatives who died, fuck them!"

(End of this chapter)

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