I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 110 Want to go to class? Okay, then I will teach you a lesson!

Chapter 110 Want to go to class? Okay, then I'll teach you a lesson!

Back at the pilot site, everyone was busy with their own affairs.

However, Chen Xiao still found an opportunity to hold a meeting with Luo Dali, Xiaoji and Dao Nan.

He will definitely have to return to Dongzhou soon.

But Luo Dali and the three of them have to stay here for a while.

Only if the pilot project in Qingxi is really launched, then when they return to Dongzhou, they will get twice the result with half the effort.

Chen Xiao told the three of them the next plan for the pilot.

After listening to this, the three of them all patted their chests and promised: "Brother Chen, don't worry, we will definitely complete the task 100%!"

Luo Dali also added: "In Dongzhou, under the promotion of the old man of the Guo family, my old man also started to make plans. But my dad said that we must seize the market as soon as possible for the project of bringing home appliances to the countryside. He had a premonition and said This could be a nationwide project in the future.”

Chen Xiao nodded: "It has to be your old man. Although he has been doing business in our one-third-acre land in Dongzhou, his eyes are still very sharp."

"Hehe, my old man just lacks the energy to fight. This is also a family restriction. If he were allowed to let go, I guess I would have driven away!"

Luo Dali said "shamelessly", and Chen Xiao also knew he was joking.

There was no further discussion about bringing home appliances to the countryside. When Chen Xiaogang was about to urge Luo Dali to get dinner, Hu Yue came to the door.

Seeing Hu Yue, Chen Xiao was still a little surprised: "Why did Captain Hu come in person?"

Hu Yue smiled: "After thinking about it, I think it's better to come to you in person. After all, asking Mr. Guo to convey it is a bit less sincere."

Chen Xiao suddenly realized: "Captain Hu is talking about a press conference, right?"

"Well, the superiors have decided to hold a press conference tomorrow. You know, this case is very big in our area. It can even be said to be the largest case in Qingxi in recent years! After the case, because of Mr. Guo, Many people in the local area have also asked about it.”

"The most important thing is that the masses almost demonized this case. Now that it has been successfully solved, it is natural to want to stabilize the mood of the masses as soon as possible."

Chen Xiao nodded: "Okay, I'll go to Qingxi early tomorrow morning."

"Well, I'll be with you then. I won't go back tonight and will stay in Nanqiao."

Chen Xiao understood what Hu Yue meant and said with a smile: "It seems that you Qingxi really value me. You even gave Captain Hu a night off."

Hu Yue smiled bitterly: "Don't laugh at me. To be honest, you not only did me a big favor, but many people accepted your favor this time. You know, if the case cannot be solved, I guess You have to go guard the pond."

Definitely not guarding the pond. This is just a joke made by Hu Yue.

But Chen Xiao knew very well that the murder of five college students in a row was definitely a major case in any city.

If it remains unbroken for a long time, it naturally means that many people will have to take responsibility.

Hu Yue was the first to bear the brunt.

So facing Chen Xiao at this moment, Hu Yue felt very guilty.

After a pause, he finally spoke out what was in his heart.

"Um...Chen Xiao, I'm sorry."

Chen Xiao looked at him strangely, and Hu Yue said: "I was a little dissatisfied with your arrival before. I always felt that Qingxi should be the main force in such a case. But people from Jiang Province came again and again, I’m mentally resistant.”

"So this is what Captain Hu said, so I can understand it."

Hu Yue smiled and shook his head: "I am completely convinced of you both as a person and as a detective. You have truly convinced others with your virtue and strength!"

"Okay, let's not talk about this. I just want to ask you something. Brother Lou, can he... hold on?"

Speaking of Lou Xiaodong, Hu Yue also looked helpless. "He later went to the Municipal Bureau and had a long conversation with Xiaoyang, and the father and son reconciled."

Chen Xiao nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

For some things, it's okay for him to know the outcome of the matter. As for the subsequent outcome of the people involved, that's not his thing to worry about.

As he continued chatting with Hu Yue, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

When he saw that the call was from Zhang Xian, Chen Xiao stood up and answered the call.

"Hey, Captain Zhang, why did you call?"

"Chen Xiao! Good brother! Help me!"

Zhang Xian's sudden words left Chen Xiao baffled.

"Don't be impatient and speak calmly. What happened?" Chen Xiao became a little worried.

Zhang Xian chuckled: "Here's the thing, Hongzhou and I, the two guys from Xicheng are also on the way to Qingxi now."

"Huh? Are you here?"

Chen Xiao knew who Zhang Xian was talking about. They were the three elites in the Jiang Province police force in the last task force.

"What else could it be for? Let's learn from you! But just now on the way, brother, I boasted that I recommended you, but those two guys just don't believe it. When we meet tomorrow, you must Help me, otherwise I will lose my face."

Chen Xiao was speechless for a while.

He thought there was something urgent!

But then I thought about it, Zhang Xian can definitely do things that other police detectives may not be able to do!

Not for anything else, just for one word.

It’s a big job...pretend!

"Hey hey hey, good brother, can you save my life? Promise me quickly, where is the phone number I secretly gave you using my urine escape!" Zhang Xian asked again, fearing that Chen Xiao would not agree.

Chen Xiao smiled: "Okay, before leaving, you give me two notebooks, and I will be your recommendation tomorrow!"

"Haha... Good buddy, I'll treat you to dinner then. Damn... those two bitches came to see me. Let's meet and chat."

Zhang Xian said and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Chen Xiao shook his head with a wry smile and returned to the table. Upon seeing this, Hu Yue asked, "Did something happen?"

"No, Captain Zhang called me and chatted with me about some personal matters."

"Zhang Xian? Aren't they coming too!" Hu Yue was a little surprised. When Chen Xiao saw this, he asked, "What's wrong? Will there be many people tomorrow?"

Hu Yue nodded with a smile: "Yes, all the heads of the criminal investigation field of each branch under the jurisdiction have to be present, as required by the superiors! And when those people heard that the superiors had arranged this, they were all very happy. Some of them had cases in hand. If it doesn’t work, I’m probably feeling very sad right now!”

Chen Xiao was speechless and said with a dark face: "You Qingxi are going to have such a big battle, aren't you afraid that I will escape in the middle of the battle?"

"That's not possible. You promised me. Look... I've come to pick you up myself!" Hu Yue said hurriedly.

Chen Xiao felt like he was pushed onto the "thief ship". He really didn't like that kind of situation.

But then I thought about it, wasn’t this a rare opportunity for exposure?

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Okay, so you all want to take classes, okay... I'll give you classes tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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