Chapter 112 I saw a monster today!

"This game is called You Draw and I Guess!"

When hearing Chen Xiao's words, everyone was puzzled.

Only Guo Zhengchang breathed a long sigh of relief, and then secretly gave him a thumbs up.

Chen Xiao smiled back. He felt that Guo Zhengchang actually thought too much.

He was doing the whole case with money. Regardless of whether Guo Zhengchang would add fuel to the fire for him, Chen Xiao would do his best to solve the case.

Now Guo Zhengchang is almost trying his best to repay and even help him.

How could Chen Xiao expose the scandal of Guo Zhengchang's son stealing people's love in public?

The moment Guo Zhengchang heard the game called You Say I Draw, he naturally understood what Chen Xiao would do next.

After all, he was the only one who knew that at the end of the investigation, Chen Xiao drew the back of the murderer and then targeted Lou Yang.

However, just because he understands it doesn’t mean that others understand.

Even Hu Yue never asked about the origin of the back painting he confiscated.

Soon a reporter asked: "Mr. Chen, what do you mean when we say you come to paint?"

"Everyone here has seniors in the city bureau, as well as friends from the media. Your gathering here means that you know a lot about many cases. The game I am talking about requires you to repeat to me what you have said. I have experienced cases, and then I will draw a rough outline of the murderer!"

"Ah? That's okay!" Someone understood the meaning and couldn't help but exclaimed.

But some people didn't understand Chen Xiao that well, and laughed and said, "Those are already solved cases. Mr. Chen, you can't cheat, right?"

"Of course you can't cheat. I think there are many cases that have been solved but have not been announced. There are senior police officers from Qingxi and three seniors from our Jiang Province. Why don't we let them describe it."

Everyone finally understood.

But Zhang Xian kept winking and whispered, "Are you serious?"

"There are so many people, why should I let you go?"

"Oh, aren't you afraid of capsizing in the gutter?"

"It can't be turned over, don't worry."

The two had a brief exchange, and the captain of a branch under Qingxi couldn't wait any longer.

"I'll come first!"

"Okay, but I need a drawing board and painting tools."

"Get the tools!"

Under Chen Xiao's guidance, a spot was instantly vacated.

Chen Xiao was sitting among the police team and reporters, and the captain of the police team began to recount a case he had investigated.

"This case occurred a year ago, and the face of the murderer has not yet appeared on the Internet or in any print media. The scope of the impact of this case is also limited. It can be said that except for people in our system and local people, not many people I personally know what he looks like.”

Chen Xiao nodded: "Please tell me the appearance of the deceased, the cause of death and the autopsy conditions."

"The deceased man was a 90-year-old man who lived alone in a rural town. His parents are still alive. He weighed 172 kilograms and was 25cm tall. He died of mechanical asphyxia. There were no other obvious external injuries on his body, and there were no other internal injuries after the autopsy. He did not drink alcohol and was not involved in drugs. , he was in good health before he was killed. There was skin tissue from the murderer scratched in his fingernails during the struggle. Hair loss was also found on the clothes of the deceased, with the length of the hair being about centimeters."

Chen Xiao nodded slightly, and the pen in his hand began to write on the drawing board.

The police officer couldn't help but stare at this, but Chen Xiao's second question had already come:

"Please describe the case."

"The first person to discover the deceased was his fellow villager. He obviously lived in the town, but he was found hanging in the ancestral hall."

"How about the friction marks caused by the rope and the pillar?"    "Pulled repeatedly many times."

"What are the directions of investigation during the investigation?"

"The deceased was single, had a hot temper, and often had friction with others. This is one of the directions. The deceased was fond of gambling and had great gambling skills. This is the second direction. The deceased was fond of playing cards with women. It is said that there were many people who had unclear relationships. Chu’s poker friends, this is direction three. No progress has been made in these three directions during the initial investigation.”

Chen Xiao's eyes narrowed when he heard this: "Have you found anything at the scene of the first crime?"

"It was not there at the beginning of the investigation, but it was found later, but the scene of the first crime was unexpected. Moreover, after investigating the scene of the first crime, it was found that the deceased had no other resistance except scratching the murderer's arm. .”

When he heard the word "unexpectedly", Chen Xiao curled his lips: "In the initial investigation, those people you suspected were finally confirmed not to be the murderers, right? Whether they are poker friends or people who have had conflicts .”

A flash of shock flashed in the police officer's eyes: "Yes."

Chen Xiao nodded: "Please tell us about the biggest difficulty you encountered during investigation."

"You have already told the answer to this question. The biggest problem we encounter is that people who are obviously very suspicious are finally proven not to be the murderers..."

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded, then said: "Then please describe the environment of the ancestral hall and the environment of the first crime scene."

The police officer described it again, while Chen Xiao silently closed his eyes.

No one knew that Chen Xiao, who was listening with his eyes closed, had already begun to hone his dual abilities of construction and painting.

The picture in his mind was well constructed. Chen Xiao opened his eyes and drew quickly on the drawing board.

The police officer who was still describing the case suddenly stopped talking after taking a look at the drawing board.

He looked at Chen Xiao in disbelief and shouted, " could it be possible!"

His words immediately shocked everyone.

Hu Yue was the first to ask: "Old Huang, what do you mean? Is the painting correct?"

The police officer nodded heavily: "Yes, although it is not completely correct, if we get this painting at the end of the investigation, we can directly identify the murderer!"

"Fuck... you can't? You can draw the murderer just by listening to this? But why do you think the murderer's back image is a pair of elderly people?"

The police officer said in a deep voice: "The murderer is the deceased's parents!"


There was an uproar at the scene.

At this time, Chen Xiao also put down the paintbrush in his hand and nodded slightly to Officer Huang: "Thank you, senior."

Officer Huang quickly shook his head: "I don't dare to call you senior in front of you. Your ability is too scary. You have grown up today!"

Chen Xiao smiled and heard a reporter ask excitedly: "So, will Mr. Chen be able to find out the murderer just by drawing a picture when encountering a case in the future?"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao directly denied: "No, I must master most of the facts of the case before I can draw it."

As soon as Chen Xiao finished speaking, Hu Yue couldn't help but said: "So, after you mastered the exact details of the Xiaofeng Village murder case, you drew that painting and then caught Lou... the suspect, right?"

Chen Xiao nodded and Hu Yue said nothing.

And at this moment, except for the reporters who were still discussing in shock, all the experts in the criminal investigation field at the scene were silent.

Only those who really know what they are doing know how long Chen Xiao's light words require them to work hard!

I don’t know how much time passed, but Zhang Xian and the other two people who had been staring at the drawing board said in unison: "Monster, I saw a monster today!"

(End of this chapter)

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