Chapter 148 Natural decay, seventy-seven forty-nine days!

Along the way, Lao Chen was telling stories about the fishermen in that river.

But in this day and age, in the countryside around Chen Xiao's hometown, fishermen are just fishermen.

Even the tools in hand are mostly bamboo poles, and it is rare to meet professional fishermen at this time.

As for Lin Xi, she was just here to join in the fun.

If there is no movement for more than ten minutes after the rod is lowered, it will start to mutter.

Why is it that everyone else is catching fish but she is not?

Either her bait lost its flavor after being soaked in the water, or Chen Xiao sneezed nearby and disturbed her fish.

Whenever Chen Xiao wants to say something about her lack of patience, Lin Xi can give him a lot of talk.

There are as many examples as you want of how many hours she could stay in order to catch a certain prisoner.

Chen Xiao eventually learned the lesson and just followed her path anyway.

Lao Chen didn't speak the whole time, just fishing in silence, but the corner of his mouth never went down.

At this time, the sound of someone talking suddenly came from not far away.

Lin Xi, who was bored while fishing, immediately looked curiously.

It seems that a fishing boss has arrived, and other fishermen are gathering around him to learn from him.

Lin Xi heard some noise and asked, "Dad, is that man good at fishing?"

"It must have been a trick. One time I was unlucky and didn't catch any fish, or he gave me some fish. Otherwise, your mother would definitely tell me when I went back."

Lin Xi chuckled: "Then he must have some special method."

"Is there any special method for fishing? It's just a nest and bait. I think there is no difference between mine and his. You just watch it quietly. Dad will show you some of his skills today."

Old Chen seemed a little unconvinced, Lin Xi was very flattering and made Old Chen blush.

But after a while, there was no movement on Lao Chen's side, and a grass carp weighing several kilograms was already caught there.

Lin Xi was just joining in the fun, and when others were there, she was also saying "wow" and "wow", which made Lao Chen scratch his head and couldn't figure out what went wrong with his bait today.

Seeing that the other side is catching more and more fish, the other side is getting quieter and quieter.

At first everyone was surprised, but gradually everyone felt weird.

This is obviously wrong.

Even Chen Xiao was surprised. After looking at Lin Xi, Lin Xi said, "Honey, let's go see if there's anything fishy about it?"


The couple left as soon as they said they would, which made Lao Chen snort unbalanced in his heart.

Chen Xiao led Lin Xi to the fishing boss. As soon as he arrived, Chen Xiao could smell that the boss's bait was indeed different.


But others also smell good, and they all smell like wine.

At this time, Chen Xiao's understanding of fishing was that no matter who was fishing, they mixed the bait at home. Just like Lao Chen, white wine is also used to enhance the flavor. (Professional fishing experts, please be careful, the author is just writing about the experience of fishing with the old man in his childhood.)

Of course, some people use the residue after oil extraction. There are many methods, but the one Chen Xiao has seen the most is Lao Chen’s.

The special aroma made Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask: "Uncle, does your wine have a very strange aroma?"

The old man nodded proudly: "That's made with an exclusive secret recipe, and we don't even have it in this area!"

Lin Xi became even more curious after hearing this: "Uncle, can you sell it to us? Let's go back and study it."

"Hey, I'm not bragging in front of you young people. You can't figure it out even if you go back and study it." Chen Xiao pinched some bait, put it to his nose and smelled it, and finally he understood what the problem was.

"Master, have you ever drank Yubingshao?"

Hearing these three words, the old man's face tightened: "Hey, have you heard of such a rare thing?"

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded: "A friend brought it from other places and tasted it before. It is said to be the most famous local wine in that place. The aroma of the wine is very different from the wines we are familiar with. It is called soy sauce. Fragrance type, right?”

The old man gave a thumbs up: "Awesome, you look like an expert in wine."

Chen Xiao shook his head: "How can I be considered an expert? At most, I only have a lot of knowledge after drinking too much."

As he spoke, Chen Xiao suddenly changed his words: "But you added something else to the bait, right? And your Yubingshao is not pure either."

The old man narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile: "Guess what was added?"

"The brewing process of Yubingshao is very special, and the fish like the bait you mix so much. Is it possible that you put carrion in the brew?"

The old man's eyes widened instantly.

"Hey, since I came back from overseas many years ago, I have never met a person as powerful as you. You are so well-informed, you are simply a master of wine, you are so powerful!"

Lin Xi suddenly became sarcastic: "He either didn't drink before, or he was completely drunk when he drank. So uncle, you are wrong when you say that he is a drunkard in wine. He is a rookie who falls down when he drinks."

Chen Xiao corrected him: "You can simplify this sentence, just call me a little paicai."

"Eh... little paicai? That's a good adjective." Lin Xi recognized this term that became popular in later generations.

The old uncle didn't have time to chat, and said with a serious face: "Young man, I will give you half of the bait, but you can keep this secret for me. At my age, uncle, I can only rely on this little capital to make myself proud."

Chen Xiao took the bait and nodded, but asked for no reason: "Uncle, is there anything wrong with your carrion soaked in wine?"

"What's the problem? Get a piece of pork and let it rot naturally for seven to forty-nine days..." The uncle said and immediately shut up, looking at Chen Xiao warily.

Chen Xiao smiled: "That's fine, as long as it's a pig."

"Of course it's a pig, how can it be possible to use people?" The uncle said and urged Chen Xiao to leave quickly, for fear that his secret would be cracked.

Chen Xiao took the bait and took Lin Xi back to Lao Chen, but he did not let Lao Chen use the bait.

The main reason is that I have a mental reaction to the dead pork that has been left to rot naturally for 7749 days. I always feel that if I eat the fish, it will be hard to eat it with chopsticks when it is cooked.

Just as he put down the bait, Chen Xiao suddenly thought of something.

So he asked Lao Chen: "Dad, are you carrying a cigarette? I want to ask the uncle just now about something."

Old Chen handed Chen Xiao the good cigarettes that Chen Ding had given him that morning in his pocket, and asked doubtfully: "Why do you ask him? Are you really interested in fishing?"

"No, that uncle also went out to work in the past, and then learned the craft of brewing wine. The place he went to is not very far from the place where Uncle Wan De disappeared according to rumors. I will ask him to find out."

Lao Chen suddenly realized: "Then go quickly, ask more people, and give him this pack of cigarettes!"


Chen Xiao stood up again and walked towards the uncle.

As the cigarette was lit, the uncle gradually let down his guard.

But when Chen Xiao asked about "Mutou Town", his expression changed and he exclaimed: "That place is scary, so scary!"

(End of this chapter)

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