I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 150 The Great Goddess, on the train that year

Chapter 150 The Great Goddess, on the train that year

The uncle's furious look really confused Chen Xiao.

When did he stop being kind?

A pack of 100-yuan cigarettes was worthless. I lit them one after another for him.

Are you calling him a liar?

When did he, Chen Xiao, lie to...?

When the idea first came to mind, Chen Xiao suddenly paused.


Why did he know he was cheated?

He knows he was cheated, does that mean he knows something?

Chen Xiao's eyes showed surprise and asked: "Uncle, do you remember who Wande is?"

"Of course, I made many phone calls to ask my friends, and they all told me that there is no one named Wande who is doing well in our area!"

"Then what?" Chen Xiao asked.

The uncle sneered: "I have a very good friend who told me that Wande was on the same bus as her and was about to leave, but Wande got off the bus just before driving! He also said that he has never seen Wande again since then. Virtue!"

"So I can tell you with certainty that there is no big shot like that outside. He also lied to me about going to Dongzhou fellows and eating and drinking for free. If you don't learn well as a young man, you are a liar at a young age!"

Chen Xiao didn't know why the uncle was so angry.

Maybe it's because the uncle only tastes so good.

Or maybe the uncle just likes to collect wool, and if he doesn’t get the wool that is free from prostitution, it will cause him great pain.

No matter what the reason was, Chen Xiao took out the pack of cigarettes from Lao Chen's pocket and put it in the uncle's hand and said:

"Uncle, please smoke this cigarette. Call your friend here. I have some things to consult. If you ask for the news we want, how about one of these cigarettes and a bottle of good wine for each of us?"

The uncle stared at the cigarette with shock in his eyes: "Really?"

"It really couldn't be truer."

"Then can I give it a discount? In exchange for money, I can catch a stupid fish!"

Chen Xiao was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, I'll give you a cash discount."

"Okay, I'll go find her now. Do you want to wait here or tell me the address and I'll find her later?"

Chen Xiao glanced at the sky and replied, "Take her to my house later. When you get to Songshanping, just ask where Chen Lie's house is."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

The fishing uncle didn't even take his fishing rod, so he hurried to find his friend.

When Chen Xiao withdrew his eyes and looked at Old Chen again, Old Chen was stunned on the spot.

Even Lin Xi looked thoughtful.

Chen Xiao knew they were thinking about the words "Wande got off the bus" spoken by Uncle Fishing.

"Dad, don't think too much about it now. I'll ask you questions when someone comes." Chen Xiao understood the turmoil in Lao Chen's heart at this moment.

But still the same sentence.

Until the matter is clarified, all speculations can only be speculations.

Lin Xi also nodded: "Yes, dad, maybe we will understand when others come."

"Okay, let's go home."

Lao Chen didn't talk nonsense, put away his fishing rod and went home.

On the way, Lin Xi asked Chen Xiao: "I see you chatted with uncle for so long before, why did it take so long for him to remember?"

"He didn't know Uncle Wan De at all at first, but I made up a lie based on his preferences. The original lie was just to deepen his impression, and it was considered as asking for directions. After all, from his description, he You should know a lot of people who went to the sea to make money back then."

"But the final result was beyond my expectations. I lied and actually found someone who had met Uncle Wan De!"

The two chatted all the way back home.

After arriving home, Lao Chen looked panicked, but his behavior was extremely excited.

He found his mother and told her, "Go get some food and more dishes to go with the wine. We have guests coming tonight."

My mother was confused: "What are you doing? Are you two going to drink heavily tonight?"    "I told you that there are guests coming, and the guests who come know Ade!"

"Ah!" Mom couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Stop it, I'll go get ready with you."

"You look so anxious that you don't even know where you are. Just don't cause trouble for me. Just rest and calm down. I can do it by myself!"

Mom quickly went to the kitchen, and Lin Xi naturally followed her without hesitation.

Chen Xiao looked at Old Chen's fidgeting look and did not offer any further comfort.

No amount of words will have any effect at this moment.

What's more, Lao Chen is his father, and he understands him too well.

Often, people who are loyal and honest like Lao Chen are more likely to get anxious and angry about things they care about.

My heart is either as calm as Lao Jing's.

Or it is really like the sea, with rough waves.

Time passed by, and when the sun set, the fishing uncle finally led a man.

The man was about forty years old, and his appearance and temperament were very good, but Chen Xiao didn't expect it to be a woman.

Lao Chen was the first to react. When he saw the fishing uncle Zhang Zhuang enter the door, he immediately greeted him: "Brother Zhang, is this your friend?"

Zhang Zhuang nodded. Chen Xiao took a look and hurriedly interjected: "Dad, go to the room and get the wine out first. I'll greet Uncle Zhang and the others."

Lao Chen understood the meaning and went to the room.

Chen Xiao invited the two people into his home. After sitting down, Zhang Zhuang also introduced his friends.

The woman's name has the word Yan in it, so many people call her Sister Yan.

According to Zhang Zhuang's description, Sister Yan is a legendary figure in their hearts.

Chen Xiao also heard the meaning from those words, the goddess who benefited the fellow villagers.

But this had nothing to do with Chen Xiao. After waiting for the food to be served, Chen Xiao smoked a pack of cigarettes and then started to get straight to the point:

"Sister Yan, you should know that we really want to know about Wan De, so can you ask what happened on the train? And after so many years, how can you remember clearly that he was the one who got off the train?"

Sister Yan did not deliberately try to take advantage of her. She said happily: "Because he is very good-looking and tall. When he talks, he is very manly. Women are just like you men. They will look twice at good-looking members of the opposite sex." Eye."

Chen Xiao's memory of Wande was not clear enough, so he looked at Lao Chen.

When Old Chen nodded, Chen Xiao then asked, "Then you talked to him?"

"As I said, I said hello to him and asked him where he was going. It was also because I asked him that I could remember him."

"What did he say?"

"We were having a good chat at the time, and I even asked him if he was married and had children. Hey, don't be curious. I'm such a good person and like to ask questions. But when I asked him where he was, He was actually thinking about it. I joked with him that if I didn’t let him follow me, we would get off the bus at the same place and help each other.”

"He didn't say yes or no. Anyway, he was still distracted. He seemed to have something very serious on his mind."

Chen Xiao frowned slightly.

He has the ability to reason, capture, build, kill, and shape.

The acquisition of these abilities can improve his thinking, logic, analysis, etc. to a certain extent.

Therefore, Chen Xiao feels that just a few words of conversation like this are not enough for a woman to remember a man for more than ten years.

And she also roughly estimated that Wande had never been to that area.

The fact that she can be so sure means that she asked many people to ask. In fact, the time to inquire should not be short.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao felt that there must be another story here, so he asked again: "Did something happen in the car that day?"

Sister Yan raised her head, exhaled a puff of smoke and looked over in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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