I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 152 Heroic pen, friendship lasts forever!

Chapter 152 Heroic pen, friendship lasts forever!

Sister Yan is a little drunk.

But she responded immediately to Chen Xiao's question.

"I kept it."

Chen Xiao's eyes became brighter: "More than ten years have passed. Is his luggage...still there?"

Chen Xiao was very worried.

After all, times have changed, and few people will preserve a bag of old people’s luggage.

In particular, Sister Hong seems to have wandered in many places.

Will she take Wande's luggage with her every time she leaves?

The result did not disappoint Chen Xiao.

She really kept it!

"During the dinner, I asked you about your relationship with him. Originally, I wanted to give it to his family, but then I found that his family didn't seem to care about him, so I kept it. But I think you really care about him, but just now When I drank, I forgot about it."

"Okay, I'll drive with you to pick it up. The things inside may be of great help to us in finding his whereabouts."

Sister Yan nodded and asked the driver to drive.

Chen Xiao followed and drove to an old community in the county before stopping.

Sister Yan lives here now.

She didn't get married, and she didn't seek refuge with her parents' family.

A man has been wandering around for many years and has saved some savings. Now he opens a massage parlor in the county town.

Following Sister Yan upstairs, she took out a leather suitcase from a cabinet in the bedroom.

"Back then, he tied it up in a broken bag. Later, when the bag broke, I changed it into several boxes to keep his things."

Chen Xiao nodded: "Then you haven't left anything behind, right?"

"No, everything is still inside. Originally, I thought I would see him return these things, but I didn't expect that it would be so many years after we were separated on the train. Later, I don't know if the things in this box were missed or become Habit."

Sister Yan sighed with emotion, but Chen Xiao didn't rush to open it here.

Most of the things inside must be clothes.

The clothes are not what Chen Xiao is looking for. What he is looking for is something related to Wande's disappearance.

Even if Sister Yan has seen those things, it is not suitable to ask Sister Yan.

After picking up the suitcase, Chen Xiao said goodbye and left.

By the time I got home, it was already late at night.

Lin Xi, Lao Chen and his mother were all awake, waiting for Chen Xiao.

Seeing that he was back, Lin Xi asked with surprise as soon as he saw the suitcase: "Is Uncle Wan De's luggage really being kept?"

"Yes, this is an unexpected surprise. What's even more surprising is that Sister Yan said that she has never left anything behind in the box in so many years."

When Old Chen heard this, he said with regret: "There is love and justice, that girl has such a kind heart."

Chen Xiao didn't say much, put the suitcase on the table, and said seriously: "Dad, when you open the things inside, you have to read it carefully. Uncle Wan De must have had something happen when he left, and I even doubt his Walking away is not a normal event, it is a last resort."

Old Chen also looked solemn, and Chen Xiao opened the suitcase and took out the contents one by one.

As expected, the items inside, apart from clothes, were some of the things Wande liked to use before.

For example, a small knife. Lao Chen already had tears in his eyes when he saw it: "I gave this to your Uncle Wande on his birthday when you were five years old. I didn't expect him to still take it with him when he left."

"There is also this comb and this mirror. This Shaobao always looks in the mirror to comb his hair wherever he goes. I didn't expect that he carries all these things with him."

After searching for it, Chen Xiao suddenly saw a pen lying quietly in the suitcase.

The brand of the pen is called "Hero".

If Chen Xiao remembers this brand correctly, it was a famous brand in Dongzhou back then.

It's just a pen, something used by school or intellectuals, what does it have to do with Wande?

Especially the pen seems to have two letters and a few small words engraved on it: LX - friendship lasts forever!

Whether it is letters or words, you can recognize them at a glance. After buying the pen, you carved it out bit by bit with a sharp instrument.

The carving technique is very childish, and it looks like someone has never learned this craft. But we can also feel that the person who carved it should be full of passion and sincerity.

Chen Xiao carefully held the pen and asked Lao Chen: "Dad, has my Uncle Wan De ever gone to school?"

"I went to elementary school for two or three years, but as I grew up, I learned a lot of words."

"Then his handwriting is very beautiful?"

"Contrary to his person, his writing is like a ghost."

"Then why is he carrying this pen?"

Old Chen shook his head: "I don't know. Neither he nor I have much education, and we have never liked writing."

Chen Xiao didn't ask again, and Lin Xi also noticed the letters and small print on the pen.

“LX—Friendship lasts forever.”

"LX should be the abbreviation of a person's name, right? Paired with the four words friendship, is this another friend of Uncle Wan De?"

Chen Xiao is not sure: "Not necessarily. Uncle Wande is definitely not such a person according to Dad's story. Even if he gives gifts to friends, unless the person named LX particularly likes them, it is impossible to give them pens. Besides, look at this A few characters are engraved, although you can tell at a glance that he doesn't know how to engrave them. But he is very serious. The characters are just a little crooked, but they still look good."

"You mean, this pen may have nothing to do with Uncle Wande?" Lin Xi also muttered, then she pulled him aside and began to communicate with Lao Chen about names that could be formed by the two letters LX.

Lin Xi made up many names, but Lao Chen had no impression of any of them.

And there are countless names that can be combined with these two letters. Just a surname that can be extended by L can make the number of people go up for a while.

Seeing Lao Chen, Lin Xi had no choice but to give up.

But while talking, Lin Xi suddenly smiled and said: "Husband, have you noticed that my name also has these two letters? L Lin, X Xi."

Chen Xiao was stunned and said in surprise: "It's true!"

The surname Lin is very common.

Lin is named Xi, who knows how many there are?

The two of them didn't talk about this topic again. They waited until everything was checked. Except for the pen, Chen Xiao found no other problematic items.

Moreover, the appearance of this pen made Chen Xiao very regretful.

He regretted that if the pen had been kept for more than ten years instead of more than ten years, it would still be possible to identify it through fingerprints.

However, more than ten years have passed, and no matter how well it is stored, all the fingerprints that were on it have long since oxidized.

What's more, today's identification technology is still far behind that of later generations.

So Chen Xiao is very sorry and also very helpless.

He stared straight at the pen, thinking of all the options in his mind.

Finally, he suddenly remembered Wan De's appearance in the photo that Lao Chen had hidden.

Wande is indeed a tall and handsome man as described by Sister Yan.

It's just that in that era, whether it was Wan De or Lao Chen, his life was very hard.

There are even patches on the clothes.

This was a common scene in the countryside of Jiang Province in the 90s!

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao focused on the word poverty.

These two words mean that people will pay special attention to their own things, so the clothes that Wande brought with him when he went out could clearly be seen to be extremely old.

That being the case, that means that when he got out of the car and looked out the window, he must have seen a scene that would make people forget everything.

That scene should have the character of approaching danger.

The danger must not have just happened at that time, but had already happened!

Will Wander really leave nothing behind?

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but take off the cap of his pen.

After looking inside the pen cap, he turned the pen barrel away.

After taking another look inside the metal pen barrel, Chen Xiao's eyes widened little by little!

(End of this chapter)

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