Chapter 159 Know-it-all!

Arrived in the county.

Chen Xiao still relied on the documents issued by the police and easily found what he wanted in the business hall of the communication company.

However, all call records and number change records were checked.

None of them found what he really wanted.

When investigating cases in this era, Chen Xiao rarely checks call records.

It's not that this query method is useless, sometimes it is not needed, sometimes it is because he knows that in this era few people use their ID cards to apply for numbers.

Usually, you go to the business point and ask for a number, and then the staff will get the number after one operation.

Unlike later generations, supervision was extremely strict.

Chen Ding was also watching, especially the numbers on the south side.

However, after reading it, Chen Ding was also puzzled: "There is no call record from there. This is really strange."

Chen Xiao already had a premonition that it would be pointless to continue the investigation, so he stood up and said, "Don't look at it. I'm just checking this as a precaution. It doesn't look like there will be anything to gain."

"Then you mean that my dad sent more than 200,000 yuan to someone for no reason?"

Chen Xiao glanced at him and said, "Do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it, but I can't find anything."

"He can be contacted by phone or by letter." Chen Xiao replied.

Chen Ding's eyes lit up: "Then let's go to the post office to check."

"We have to check, but I suspect that even if there is correspondence, it is by regular mail rather than registered mail. There is no record of regular mail."


Chen Ding was stunned, and Chen Xiao said: "I'm not kidding you, I really want to investigate."

"Okay." Chen Ding also knew that he was destined to follow Chen Xiao to the end today.

Soon the two of them went to the post office, and after checking, Chen Xiao was not surprised at all.

Chen Yuan has no record of correspondence at all.

In this case, either Chen Yuan did not get through the letter with the person at all, and even if he did get through, he would still have chosen a regular letter.

This method of mailing does not give out receipts, does not accept inquiries, and is not responsible for compensation. Naturally, there is no record to check, not to mention that Chen Xiao and the others wanted to start investigating more than ten years ago.

When I walked out of the post office, it was already approaching evening.

Chen Ding was dejected, but he was tired.

Chen Xiao glanced at it and said, "That's it for today."

"Huh... let me treat you to a meal. There is a nice restaurant in the county." Chen Ding asked tentatively.

Chen Xiao shook his head and declined: "No, you have to follow me to the county bureau and make a record of what we did today with the police. After that, I will tell Captain Li to go to the canteen to help you get some food. "

"Ah?" Chen Ding was helpless, but there was nothing he could do.

Now his family is suspected of a murder, and his own lifeline is being pinched by Chen Xiao, so he can only follow him obediently.

When he arrived at the county bureau's criminal police team, Chen Ding was taken away by the police.

Chen Xiao chose a place to sit down alone. After calling Lin Xi to explain the situation, he closed his eyes and waited for Li Hui.

But not long after, a surprised shout suddenly came:

"Chen Xiao?"

Chen Xiao opened his eyes and looked a little surprised when he saw it was Sister Yan:

"It's you, Sister Yan. Are you coming to the criminal police team?"

As he said that, Chen Xiao noticed that the approaching Sister Yan was a little different from last night.

Sister Yan, who had dinner at Chen Xiao's house last night, had put on makeup. Today she was bare-faced and her eyes were purple, as if she had been beaten.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but frown: "What's wrong with your eyes?" Sister Yan smiled bitterly and shook her head: "It's nothing. There was a small incident in the store after I came back last night, and I started to have sex with someone."

Saying that, Sister Yan changed the subject: "By the way, did you find anything valuable in Wande's luggage? When I got home last night, I went to read the news in Dongzhou City. It turns out you are so powerful! "

Chen Xiao saw that Sister Yan didn't want to tell her story, so she didn't ask any further questions.

"I found some. Do you remember that pen?"

Sister Yan nodded: "Yes, what happened to that pen?"

"You definitely haven't opened it, and it's a good thing you have. Otherwise, some things wouldn't be preserved as well."

Chen Xiao said with a smile, and Sister Yan quickly said: "I see, but just keep it well. I was worried that if you take it back, his things will be damaged because of me."

Sister Yan is very perceptive, perhaps this is her life experience.

So when Chen Xiao didn't say what it was, she also didn't ask for details.

After the two were silent for a while, Chen Xiao suddenly asked: "You came to the criminal police team to find someone you know?"

Sister Yan raised her head in surprise, and Chen Xiao replied: "When you fight with someone, you usually go to the street police station or something, not the criminal police team. But when you come to the criminal police team, except when things get worse and you are called in for investigation, then I should just look for someone."

Sister Yan smiled bitterly and said, "Well, there is a deputy captain in the police force who is somewhat related to my mother. My sister is still detained in the police station, so I can only lick my face. Please help me.”

"Do you mind telling me?"

Sister Yan was very hesitant, not because it was difficult to talk about her matters, but because she was afraid of delaying Chen Xiao.

After thinking about it, when she saw Chen Xiao still looking at her with a smile, she understood the meaning:

"The thing is very simple. Last night, a drunkard suddenly stood in front of my store. He was just saying some dirty words, but as he was talking, he came in and started to move! One of my sisters was so angry that she wanted to push him out of the door. Go. Unexpectedly, he couldn’t stand firmly and fell down. He became so angry that he slapped my sister and knocked her unconscious! "

"When I got the call and arrived, I wanted to argue with him. Who knew he was like a gunpowder? Kuku punched me twice more, and then I turned into what you see. In the end, I The sisters worked together to subdue him and give him a good beating."

Chen Xiao knew that Sister Yan opened a massage parlor in the county town.

But Chen Xiao also knew what was going on in the massage parlor, so he just asked: "Are you sure your sister only pushed him once and was knocked unconscious, and what you just said is true?"

"Yes, that sister is still lying in the hospital, and the other sisters are all still in detention at the police station."

Chen Xiao nodded: "I'm just waiting for Captain Li. I'll talk to him later."

"Really! Is it Captain Li Hui?" Sister Yan looked surprised.

"It's him."

Chen Xiao said something, and Sister Yan was immediately overjoyed.

But she also knew very well that Chen Xiao helped her not because of the good relationship between them, but because of the suitcase.

Soon, Li Hui was also busy.

When I saw a woman beside Chen Xiao, I couldn't help but feel a little strange.

After Chen Xiao told what happened to Sister Yan, Li Hui said with a smile: "I thought it was related to the case we were investigating, but it turned out to be something like this. I happen to know the director of that street, so I gave him a call Just let him deal with it fairly."

Sister Yan thanked her repeatedly, and Li Hui waved his hand to indicate that it was okay.

Just the next second, Li Hui looked at Sister Yan and fell into thinking.

He looked a little strange.

Chen Xiao was also confused. In the exchange between Sister Yan and Li Hui just now, he could tell that Sister Yan knew about Li Hui, and Li Hui also knew about Sister Yan.

But why did Li Hui know about Sister Yan?

Is Sister Yan very famous in the county?

Didn't her fame come from those years when she went south to work?

Wait... Sister Yan was a legend in the eyes of the working fellows back then. Sister Yan could even be called a know-it-all.

So is it possible that she has heard of Lucy Lu?

After a while, Chen Xiao asked directly: "Sister Yan, do you know Lu Yuling?"

(End of this chapter)

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