I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 173 How about I dig up his grave and see if he is worried?

Chapter 173 How about I dig up his grave and see if he is worried?

"Yes, his name is Xu Zaisheng. Brother, how do you know his full name?"

Chen Xiao did not explain why he knew the name Xu Zhengsheng. He told Xiaoji and the others to pay attention to their safety and then hung up the phone.

Just holding the phone, Chen Xiao did not immediately return to Chen Xianzu's tombstone.

He needed to digest the news.

This news was shocking to him!

I still remember that when they were fishing by the wild river, Chen Xiao and the fishing uncle Zhang Zhuang talked about Yubingshao and the big and small people who came out of Dongzhou.

Many people who work hard in the sea get what they want.

There are people in the south who, with their hard-working hands, have taken care of their parents, sent their children to school, bought new clothes, and built a new house.

There are also people in the south who have a bad fate and can never escape the prison of poverty.

There are also people who stand out from the crowd and earn unimaginable wealth there.

Fishing uncles Zhang Zhuang and Sister Yan are the second type, and Xu Zainsheng is the last type.

Zhang Zhuang once said that Xu Zaishan's hotel was very exciting, and the people there were proficient in all kinds of martial arts.

To this end, Chen Xiao also deliberately fabricated a story.

But Chen Xiao never expected that Xu Zheng, whom Zhang Zhuang casually mentioned, would appear for the second time.

And Xu Zhengsheng's reappearance was obviously telling Chen Xiao something.

It is very likely that Xu Zai’s surname is not Xu, but his surname is Chen!

Because Xu Zaisheng was the man behind Lu Yuling, Lu Yuling received a remittance of 95 from Chen Yuan in .

Chen Yuan and Lu Yuling should be strangers to each other, so Chen Yuan's remittance can only be sent to people who are very important to him.

Could this man be Chen Xianzu who should be lying in the tomb?

Chen Xiao still didn't rush back to find Chen Ding, but made another call to Sister Yan.

"Sister Yan, have you heard of Xu Zhengzheng?"

"Who hasn't heard of Xu Sheng? He is a big shot from Dongzhou!" Sister Yan praised without hesitation.

Chen Xiao asked again: "Have you or any of you seen Xu Zhengzheng?"

"Ah? This... I have never seen this before. How can such a big boss meet little shrimps like us?"

"Has anyone seen it?"

Sister Yan thought for a while: "It seems that no one has ever said they have seen it. Some people who say they have seen it, as far as I know, many are just bragging."

"Then how do you know he is from Dongzhou?"

"Everyone says so. When Xu Sheng speaks Mandarin, he has our Dongzhou accent. Some people even laughed at Xu Sheng's Dongpu dialect!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but frown.

He felt that this was not enough. Someone must have seen it. Otherwise, how could he be sure that Xu Zai was from Dongzhou based on his accent?

"Sister Yan, if you think about it again, are you sure that no one has seen Xu Zhengzheng?"

"I really don't know this, but I can ask. Anyway, none of the fellow villagers I know have ever met Xu Sheng."

"Okay, I'll wait for your call."

Chen Xiao ended the call and returned to Chen Ding.

Chen Ding looked a little distracted and looked like he was pulling weeds. In fact, after so long, he didn't even pull out weeds as big as his palm.

"What happened to you today? You feel like you have lost your soul?" Chen Xiao asked calmly.

Chen Dingshou paused and said with a smile: "Maybe there are too many things going on these days and I haven't had any rest. I always like to be distracted."

"Well, your relationship with Brother Xianzu used to be very good, right?" "Brothers from the same mother and father must have a good relationship. Do you still remember the title of repeater king? When he first entered elementary school, I was so stupid that I wanted to kill him every day. He was hung up and beaten. I really can't understand how our old Chen family could have such a stupid person."

"But later I found out that the boy was going against the whole family. It wasn't that he couldn't learn, he just didn't want to learn. In addition, the family pampered him, so he was always lawless. After I beat him a few times, he started to slow down. He was a slow learner and finally showed his talent."

"At that time, I was very motivated every day. No one wanted to take care of my family more than me. But I knew that no matter how much money I made, if my family didn't have any cultural background, they would be a nouveau riche. A nouveau riche would not last long. So every day I hope that he will grow up quickly and become successful in his studies!"

"Maybe it's because I focus on him every day, so the second child hates me and has not been close to me since he was a child. When he grows up, he would rather go out hungry for a few days without food than ask for a cent from me. money, and thus embarked on the path of MLM.”

"There is also the third child. The third child is also not close to me and the other brothers. If we were close, he would not go to play in the water alone that year. If he did not go alone, he would not drown."

When he said this, Chen Ding couldn't help but rub his face fiercely.

Chen Xiao asked almost at the same time: "Then do you regret it?"

"I..." Chen Ding said for a while, and then said: "I don't regret it back then. For the sake of the whole family, I will definitely train the fourth child more. There is no doubt that I cannot be blamed for this. I can only blame the second and third children. I don’t live up to expectations. It’s just that the fourth child was short-lived, and all my hard work over the years was in vain.”

Chen Xiao smiled: "If I didn't know, I almost thought you were your father."

"Is there any difference? My dad has never done anything serious in his life, let alone achieved anything famous. I am in charge of everything in the family. If I say that the eldest brother is like a father, the second oldest, the third oldest, and the fourth, they can dislike me. , but they can’t refute me!”

Chen Ding became silent as he spoke.

After Chen Xiao kicked aside the weeds he pulled out, he suddenly said: "Do you remember the sudden rise of dog meat restaurants in our area in 91?"

When he said this, Chen Xiao kept paying attention to Chen Ding from the corner of his eyes.

He clearly saw that Chen Ding's body stiffened suddenly. Although it quickly returned to normal, a slight movement in front of Chen Xiao's eyes was enough to explain the problem.

"I know, now we in Songtan Township still have Songtan Dog Meat as our signature dish."

"Yes, because dogs of this brand can no longer survive in our area. As long as they show up, they will be picked up, stolen and sold for money."

"As long as it's something that can make money, it can all be wiped out in one fell swoop. Isn't that what everyone does?" Chen Ding spread his hands.

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes, but in the second year there will be a very good person in our village, do you know?"

"I don't know, who is it?"

"Han Zai, have you heard of it?" Chen Xiao looked at Chen Ding.

The latter looked confused, shook his head and said, "I don't know him, who is he?"

"At that time, we in Dongzhou were like a police god. He sealed off the mountains here to catch fugitives."

Chen Ding suddenly realized: "Oh, you're talking about him. I remember my dad mentioned it to me, saying that people at that time were panic-stricken."

"Is your dad also worried?"

"Who is not worried?"

"Where is Chen Xianzu?"

"We have already said that people in our area are panicked. Xiaozu has probably never seen that battle before, so he must be panicking!"

"You're wrong. I wasn't afraid back then. I was still waving the flag and following Han Zai, shouting that I wanted to go into the mountains and catch the fugitives!"

Chen Ding smiled: "Haha, you have not been a worry-free person since you were a child. Your father has suffered a lot because of you!"

"Brother Chen Ding, do you think I was smart when I was a kid?"

"You can become a great detective now. You must have been smart since you were a child!"

"Since you are not even afraid of me, then why would Brother Xianzu be afraid as the smartest person our village has produced in many years?"

As Chen Xiao said, Chen Ding's expression changed, but Chen Xiao didn't give him time at all and said again:

"How about I dig up his grave and see if he is really panic-stricken?"

Chen Xiao said with a smile and looked directly at Chen Ding!

(End of this chapter)

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