I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 177 The peak showdown between the old Chen family!

Chapter 177 The peak showdown between the old Chen family!

When he heard the news, Chen Xiao was so shocked that he couldn't calm down.

Chen Xianzu went crazy.

Crazy enough to use his own blood to sacrifice those bone works!

As for what kind of bone the so-called material was, Chen Xiao immediately thought of a possible one!

Although very absurd.

But when Chen Xianzu was frightened one after another, would he have the idea that there is no place where he can be safer with him?

Yes, very much!

Although transportation was not convenient in that era, it also meant that supervision was not so strict.

Suppose he takes a black car or a long-distance bus from Jiang Province to Xiangdu.

Chen Xiao vaguely remembered that it seemed that the first long-distance bus in Jiang Province in early 1992 ended up in the Xiangdu area!

And if you stopped the train on the way, you didn’t need to pay for the ticket directly without your ID, let alone having your luggage checked!

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but ask seriously again.

"Ms. Lu, do you know where the box of works is now?"

Lu Yuling shook her head: "I don't know, he has been keeping a close eye on that box of works. After breaking up with me, he gave me the house where we originally lived, and took away all his things, including the box of works. However, I heard someone said that he has been staying in Zongcun since he married Zongmei and never came out. I think he has taken the box of works to Zongcun."

Chen Xiao frowned and looked at Xiao Ji: "How much do you know about the situation in Zongcun?"

"It's very clinging."

Chen Xiao's brows did not relax and he kept thinking.

After a while, seeing that Lu Yuling had nothing else to say, she said to the knife man: "You can send Ms. Lu off, but remember to stay with her during this period and don't let her leave your side for the time being. Eyeliner.”

Lu Yuling also became unhappy: "Mr. Chen, what do you mean by this? I'm already very sincere. Besides, I don't want much. I just want to find out what Xu Zaiwen did and make him regret his fate!"

"You misunderstood me, Ms. Lu, I was thinking about your safety. You know so many things about him, and I think it's a miracle that you are still alive now!"

Chen Xiao's words are no exaggeration.

Chen Xianzu, who had such a strong sense of crisis, let Lu Yuling live well.

Does this mean that Chen Xianzu feels that Lu Yuling is not a threat?

Obviously impossible.

Perhaps the answer to this question lies in the relationship between Chen Xianzu and Lu Yuling.

Chen Xiao did not delve into this. After Lu Yuling understood it, she followed the knife man.

Seeing Xiao Ji close the door, Chen Xiao asked: "What do you think the works in that work box are made of?"

Xiaoji blurted out: "Isn't it some bone products?"

"What kind of bone am I talking about!"

Xiaoji's face changed drastically: "Can't? Can he bring people to Xiangdu? He can't get on the train!"

"Do you think the security checks at that time were as strict as they are now? Who else can be sure that he took the train? As long as he paid enough, he could take any train at that time, but he couldn't take the one that required an ID card. !”

Xiao Ji was stunned, but still said: "What about the meat? Has it been all disposed of?"

"Did you forget Xi Yi'an's knife? What's more, the bones had already turned into bones by then, so where could the meat come from!"

Xiaoji couldn't help but slapped his forehead: "MD, how much mental endurance does this have to be able to do such a scary thing? The most important thing is that he has now made it into a work. This is even crazier than Xi Yi'an."

"Forget it for now, let's think about whether it is necessary to go to Zongcun."

Xiao Ji's face changed: "Brother, you don't mean to say that we go inside and steal the box of works, do you? I heard that someone in Zong Village was robbed before. He was hung directly at the entrance of the village, stripped naked and whipped with a whip!"

"Don't worry, they can't catch it. I'll do it myself when the time comes."

Chen Xiao replied in an understatement.

The ability he gained this time was "stealing". If he didn't even have the ability to take out something from the clan village, what else could he call the ability of stealing?

But when he just stood up and was about to walk out, Xiao Ji gritted his teeth and grabbed him again:

"Brother, I'm not afraid. I have been reading law books during this period. I remember one of them very clearly. Evidence obtained when evidence collection personnel are illegal and evidence collection methods are illegal will not be used in court. it's useless!"

Chen Xiao couldn't help but his eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "Yes, you are really taking things seriously now!"

Xiao Ji smiled bitterly: "It doesn't matter whether I am serious or not. What is important is that we cannot do this. If we can do it, it can only be done by the police, and the police must produce a warrant to legalize the evidence."

Chen Xiao gave a thumbs up: "You have thought carefully, but you have neglected a little."


"What Lu Yuling said just now."

"Feed blood!" Xiao Ji finally reacted.

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes, he fed the blood, which is irrefutable evidence. But you are very rational and calm, stealing is really not advisable. We can go on a search together with the company of the Xiangdu police."

Chen Xiao is indeed happy for Xiaoji's growth.

But Xiaoji thought for a moment and said, "But what if he destroys it?"

"It's what Lu Yuling said. After he broke up with Lu Yuling, he took away the box of works. And he fed them with blood. What does that mean? It means that those works have become the top of his heart, a big treasure. ! Until his life is threatened at the last moment, I don’t think he will necessarily give up!”

Xiaoji thought for a while and shouted: "Then we have to hurry up now. It just so happened that Mr. Guo used a method to take away Xu Zaisheng's father-in-law. If we go to Zongcun with the police, we will definitely not encounter too many obstacles. The only difficulty is how to find the box!" Chen Xiao nodded.

With Zong Yuanmao gone, Xu Zhengsheng's biggest support is gone.

In addition, Lu Yuling also said that Xu Zainsheng has been living in Zongcun recently and has not been out at all.

So he must regard it as the last barrier he can struggle against!

As Chen Xiao took a step forward, he couldn't help but glance at the two newspapers he put on the table for Lu Yuling to read.

It was also at the moment when he saw the newspaper that Chen Xiao's steps suddenly stopped.

Xiaoji walked to the door and saw that he didn't follow him. He turned around and asked anxiously: "Brother, what are you doing? We have to hurry up. Otherwise, if he knows that we are really coming, it will threaten his life. He The evidence will definitely be destroyed!”

"How did he know we were coming?" Chen Xiao asked back.

Xiao Ji was stunned for a moment, but Chen Xiao didn't give him time to answer at all, and then asked another question:

"Why wasn't Lu Yuling silenced? She even saw Xu Zai feed the blood dominoes. Can Xu Zai allow her to live?"

"It's not that he didn't do it in the end, maybe he missed Lu Yuling's companionship for more than ten years!" Xiao Ji gave a reason.

Chen Xiao had thought about this reason before, but now he directly denied it:

"Impossible. Chen Ding's career suffered a heavy blow in the millennium, and Xu Zhengsheng was already prosperous at that time. He could even stand by and watch his brother from the same mother's side live and die. What does this mean? It means that he no longer has any emotions in his heart!"

"It's impossible for him to cause trouble for himself because of his emotions. There should be two reasons why Lu Yuling is still alive."

Xiao Ji was confused when he heard this, and Chen Xiao also said very solemnly after a brief silence:

"The first reason is that he is not absolutely sure that he can escape safely after killing Lu Yuling. Now is not the past. Back then, he could get away with killing people, but what about now? If he is accidentally caught, the skull case will be It’s very likely that the police will uncover it!”

"The other and most important reason is that Lu Yuling also plays a big role. She can bring Xu Zhengsheng information about whether anyone has come to Xiangdu to investigate him! As long as someone investigates the skull case, it is possible to find out who Two hundred thousand. If you find out 200,000, you will definitely be able to find Lu Yuling. Once you find Lu Yuling, strangers may approach you."

"The strangers who approach Lu Yuling can only come to check Xu Zaishan. Even Lu Yuling can guess that we have something to do, let alone Xu Zaishan? So when he is in danger, he feeds his bones with blood. No matter how heart-warming the work is, Jian, no matter how precious it is, he will give it up!"

After saying this, Chen Xiao's face turned pale: "It's too late, it's too late!"

Hearing this, Xiaoji looked guilty after understanding: "Brother Chen, I'm sorry, it was me and Xiaodao who did something bad."

Chen Xiao shook his head: "I can't blame you, because no matter what method you use, you will come into contact with Lu Yuling sooner or later. And Xu Zaisheng only needs to identify whether you are the people Lu Yuling once knew. Once you are not, he will Know what happened."

"So the combination of him and Zong Yuanmao's daughter was, firstly, to find a backer who could help him, and secondly, his sense of crisis told him that Lu Yuling must be pushed out as bait. No matter whether it is us or the one who finally takes the bait, Police, the result is the same!”

"When there is no physical evidence, what's the use of Lu Yuling's personal testimony? He could have said that Lu Yuling was abandoned by him, so she planned his criminal behavior out of revenge."

"The only thing he can't dispute is the fact that he is Chen Xianzu. But the fact that he is Chen Xianzu does not play a decisive role. Suspicion and any suspicion are untenable in court. What's more, today's Will he not be able to form a strong team of lawyers? Once he does, those lawyers will be able to extend the trial time of this case indefinitely!"

Speaking of this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but sigh: "High! Really high! He is worthy of being the repeater of the old Chen family, and later the academic freak!"

Xiao Ji lost all his mood after hearing this.

He said with a frustrated look: "Brother Chen, so we can't find any evidence to convict him except for asking the police to control him and make him feel disgusted?"

Chen Xiao didn't speak, he was thinking.

It was like there was a storm in my mind!

I keep telling myself that there is absolutely no such thing as a murder case in this world!

There must be hope!

Chen Xiao thought while muttering: "Human bones are not easy to handle unless they are ground into powder and thrown into the sea, or cremated, especially cremation..."

Chen Xiao was still muttering, but Xiao Ji suddenly pulled him.

"What's wrong?" Chen Xiao frowned.

Xiao Ji's eyes were full of despair: "Brother Chen, cremate! Cremate!"

Chen Xiao just felt a buzz in his head!

Yes, cremation!

Zong Yuanmao was cremated and buried yesterday only because he had an elder!

Xiao Ji and Dao Nan came the night before yesterday. If Xu Zai had that intention, could he do it?

He has used this trick to kill people long ago!

How could he not do it!

Those are just pieces of dominoes that have been made long ago, no longer a human skeleton!

Subconsciously, Chen Xiao couldn't help but look at the sky outside the window.

He was thinking, who is Chen Xianzu?

Even God is chasing him like this and giving him opportunities to be reborn again and again?

Chen Xiao was a little unwilling.

He really wanted Lao Chen to no longer have to worry about him.

I also want to give the truth to the uncle who regards his father as a biological brother and him as a biological nephew.

But now, he seems to be at his wits end.

Gradually, Chen Xiao became quiet.

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a sudden knock on the door outside the room.

Chen Xiao subconsciously looked towards the door and heard a shout from outside: "Hello, is Chen Xiao here? I am...Xu Zaisheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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