Chapter 186 Luo Dali’s Fox

After dinner, Chen Xiao and Guo Zhengchang went to the study together.

Chen Xiao thought about shrimps and Songtan dog meat at the dinner table.

The latter was hastily promoted by the two brothers Chen Ding and Chen Xianzu in order to cover up the secret.

But no one thought that this would eventually become an industry in Songtan Township.

However, Chen Xiao was not interested in Songtan dog meat, so he pulled Guo Zhengchang into the study room to talk about crayfish!

As a reborn person, Chen Xiao knows very well how attractive these "three words" will be in the future.

Moreover, in this era, some people have already begun to target these three words!

However, everything is still in its early stages.

So there’s always time for anything!

There was Chen Ding and Chen Xianzu’s Songtan dog meat before, but Chen Xiao wants to create a Dongzhou crayfish!

Once it is done, Chen Xiao knows that this is definitely a good thing that can not only make money but also benefit one party.

But after listening to all Chen Xiao's explanation, Guo Zhengchang looked questioning: "Crayfish? Can that kind of thing be put on the table? Does anyone eat it?"

Chen Xiao was not surprised at all by such questions.

Guo Zhengchang is the group of people who least represents the broad masses!

So Chen Xiao was not in a hurry. After explaining it seriously again, he also made an invitation:

"If Mr. Guo has any doubts, how about going for a walk in the countryside with me tomorrow? The lobsters from June to August are the most plump, and now we can still eat the last batch."

Because it was Chen Xiao's recommendation, Guo Zhengchang nodded: "Okay, then I will go with you tomorrow. Will it be in your hometown of Songtan Township?"

Chen Xiao is from Songtan Township, so naturally his first stop is Songtan Township.

Nowadays, in the fields, ponds and river banks of my hometown, you can still see many young people lifting up their trousers to catch toads and lobsters.

"Yes, I will take you to experience the whole process of fishing, handling and cooking lobsters!"

"Okay, okay, let's set off early tomorrow morning!" Guo Zhengchang also became interested.

Chen Xiao nodded and asked teasingly: "Do you want me to contact the leaders of Lanshan County?"

Guo Zhengchang immediately turned cold and said: "If you dare to contact me, I will turn away and leave! It's not easy to go to the countryside to experience life. If you try this trick with me, I will beat you even if you are on crutches!"

Chen Xiao laughed and quickly admitted his mistake.

But soon, Chen Xiao became serious again.

In tonight's conversation, he could tell that Guo Zhengchang deliberately used Zong Yuanmao to open up the topic.

In fact, Guo Zhengchang also has some questions about the Guo family's career.

Chen Xiao didn't know why Guo Zhengchang, such a big boss, had so much trust in him.

But people are so kind to him, Chen Xiao thinks that sometimes he can still give some opinions and make money together!

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao opened the laptop on the desk and searched for a piece of news.

Upon seeing this, Guo Zhengchang said: "First shot in Shenzhen City? Buy land!"

"Yes, isn't the Guo family also involved in this field? The Guo family's company is fully equipped with such financial resources. I think if you intend to train Guo Qing, you might as well let him find Zong Yuanmao in the name of the Guo family and go together. Take a look at Shencheng.”

“Although it’s a bit late to enter now, you don’t have to worry about being late for a good meal!”

Guo Zhengchang squinted his eyes and read the news over and over again carefully.

"So how much value do you expect from this?"

Chen Xiao smiled and said: "The Guo family is an expert in this field, so it doesn't matter whether I expect it or not. You can definitely ask your people to study it. I believe that everyone below you will not refuse. Remember to take me with you when the time comes, I will support you with all my wealth!"

Guo Zhengchang was not as relaxed as Chen Xiao.

He is very serious.

After thinking about it carefully again, he said seriously: "I will tell you to go down and study it carefully."

"Well, but you'd better be quick, time is money! In my opinion, the space is still quite large! Even if others have already eaten the meat, some leftovers are still a big cake!"

Guo Zhengchang nodded. Lin Xi called just at this time. Chen Xiao said this and walked out of the study to answer the phone.

As soon as the call was connected, Lin Xi quickly asked: "Husband, are you going home tonight?" "You won't come back tonight. I was talking with Mr. Guo in the study just now. He will go back to his hometown with me early tomorrow morning."

Hearing this, Lin Xi was very surprised: "Mr. Guo is going to our house!"

"Well, I told him some business matters, but he didn't agree with it, so I decided to take him to our house for a nice tour!"

"Is that so? Then what kind of business are you talking about? Mr. Guo is a giant in the business world. Tell me, I think I should support you based on the truth or on the relationship between husband and wife!"

Chen Xiao was speechless for a while, but still told Lin Xi about the crayfish.

After listening, Lin Xi immediately replied: "This is good. I support you with both hands. I even warmly invite Mr. Guo to come to our house to experience it. I remember that the crayfish my mother cooked last year was delicious!"

As the saying goes, if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog.

Chen Xiao prefers river fresh food, and so does Lin Xi.

But the difference is that Lin Xi likes fish and shrimp, while Chen Xiao only loves clam meat.

"When I go back tomorrow, I will catch more and bring it to Dongzhou to cook for you." Chen Xiao said with a smile.

Lin Xi immediately refused: "I don't want it, what you made is terrible, not delicious at all."

"Don't worry, I've come up with a wonderful recipe. I'll keep it for you to enjoy."

"Okay, I will reluctantly believe you again. Well... Husband, I won't tell you anymore. I have to go visit with Sister Liang."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but said: "So you haven't gotten off work yet?"

"Yes, there is a small case. The time given by the superiors is tight, so we have to work overtime."

As Lin Xi said, Chen Xiao didn't want to disturb her, so she hung up the phone after replying.

He knew that Lin Xi talked about small cases, but actually she didn't want him to worry about it.

But now the Hongshan Branch is full of talents. Lin Xi can investigate the case together, which can not only improve himself, but also earn some credit or something.

Chen Xiao put down his phone and did not look for Guo Zhengchang again.

When he went downstairs, he saw Luo Dali and Dao Nan sitting in the yard.

Both of them seemed to be preoccupied. They clearly had beers in their hands, but they didn't drink them.

Sword Man: "Brother Dali, who do you think a woman is?"

Luo Dali did not hesitate: "It's a fox."

The knife man was puzzled: "Fox? Why? Because it looks good?"

Luo Dali shook his head: "Stupid, there are good-looking women and bad-looking women, and the same goes for foxes."

"Then why do you say women are foxes? Don't there also be male foxes? Not all foxes are female."

"You are so ignorant. Have you read "The Legend of the Gods"? Do you know Daji? Who is Daji?"


"What has she eaten?"

"Uncle Bigan Wang's seven-orificed exquisite heart."

"That's right, women just love to eat men's hearts!"

The sword man tilted his head slightly. At that moment, he seemed to understand and nodded in approval.

Luo Dali looked up at the stars and raised the beer in his hand:

"Daozai, brother, I am a man whose heart has been eaten by women."

"Hey, Xiu'er... I miss you. I respect... you from far away!"

Dao Zai also raised the wine bottle: "I... respect the past, respect... her who never believes in men again!"

"Good brother, do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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