Chapter 188 Death Gaze!

Because of the arrival of Guo Zhengchang.

Chen Xiao did not tell Lao Chen about the case.

So Old Chen didn't know who Chen Xu was.

Moreover, it was the first time for Chen Xiao to see his eldest nephew who was about the same age as him.

After Chen Xu came in, Lao Chen put down his chopsticks and walked to Chen Xiao's side.

Chen Xiao didn't have time to explain. He looked at Chen Xu and couldn't figure out why the other party came.

But what he never expected was that after seeing Chen Lie, Chen Xu knelt down in front of Chen Lie.

"Hello, Grandpa Lie, my name is Chen Xu, and I am Chen Ding's child. I came back today to recognize my ancestor and return to my clan!"

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes instantly.

For some reason, Chen Xu's recognition of his ancestor made him feel a little uneasy.

This junior, who is about the same age as himself, is definitely not a young man who knows nothing.

He was trained by Chen Xianzu!

It is precisely because of this that Chen Xu directly chose to kneel down and acknowledge Chen Lie when he saw him for the first time!

Chen Lie was stunned for a moment.

Chen Ding’s son?

Aren’t Chen Ding’s only two daughters married?

This fair-haired man, wearing glasses, looks like the son of an intellectual who just jumped out of nowhere!

Chen Lie looked at Chen Xiao in astonishment, but after Chen Xu stood up, he also knelt down towards Chen Xiao.

"Hello, Uncle Xiao. You must already know about me, so I want to recognize my ancestor and return to my clan. I need Uncle Xiao to help me talk to the elders of the clan. I hope that Uncle Xiao will become my nephew!"

Chen Xiao looked at this cheap nephew and couldn't help but look weird.

He knew very well that his relationship with Chen Yuan's family had definitely reached an unprecedented freezing point.

The day after Chen Xiao came back, Chen Yuan was killed by a stone lion. Then, Chen Xiao arrested Chen Ding, and finally Chen Xianzu was also sent in by Chen Xiao.

Even Chen Yao, the only male member of Chen Yuan's family who had nothing to do with the case, was sent in by Lin Xi.

Therefore, people in Chen Yuan's family should hate him.

However, Chen Xu's appearance was a timely blessing for Chen Yuan's family. The family needed a man to support the family.

Chen Xiao reached out and pulled Chen Xu up.

He knew very well that no matter what the grudges were, it was definitely a certainty that Chen Xu was Chen Ding's son.

Even if Chen Xiao disagrees, it can't stop Chen Xu from becoming a member of the old Chen family.

What's more, why doesn't Chen Xiao agree?

Only by following the other party at this time can we figure out what Chen Xu's attitude will be when he comes back.

"Get up first. I will explain your origins to the elders at home later."

Chen Xu bowed respectfully to Chen Lie and Chen Xiao before preparing to leave.

However, Chen Xiao warned: "Since you are here to recognize your ancestors and return to the clan, there should be no lack of rituals. Go and prepare."

Chen Xu paused for a moment, then turned around and smiled at Chen Xiao: "I know, Uncle Xiao, don't worry, after I recognize my ancestor and return to my clan today, I will return to Xiangdu tomorrow. When I come back this time, in addition to recognizing my ancestor, I will also come here." Picking up grandma. After this is done, we may not come back."

After Chen Xu finished speaking, he turned and left.

Chen Xiao watched him disappear from sight, and then told Lao Chen the case.

Old Chen stared angrily: "How dare they, how dare they!"

"Mr. Guo is still here, please control your emotions. When Uncle Wan De comes back, ask someone to see where it is appropriate to bury him."

Lao Chen seemed to be deflated all of a sudden and cried silently.

Chen Xiao did not comfort him.

At this time, Guo Zhengchang and Guo Qing had also finished eating.

Chen Xiao was very sorry. Guo Zhengchang shook his head and said: "No one thought that he would come back to recognize his ancestors, but he seems to be very sensible." "I hope he will keep his word. Let's recognize our ancestors today and return to Xiangdu tomorrow." .”

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, he didn't say anything more about this matter to dampen Guo Zhengchang's interest.

Naturally, Guo Zhengchang didn't mention it again. Looking at the scenery outside the house, he sighed: "Compared to my mountaintop villas, your place is a retirement resort. It's clean, pleasant, and very comfortable."

Chen Xiao walked with Guo Zhengchang for a while, and after eating for a while, Guo Qing said that he had contacted the relevant people.

Guo Zhengchang did not stay in the countryside and went to Dongzhou immediately.

After he left, Chen Xiao returned to the house and walked into his parents' bedroom.

Lao Chen was still looking at the only photo left of him and Wande.

Wan De is so young in the photo, and he will always be so young in this life.

Chen Xiao opened a pack of cigarettes, took out one and handed it to Lao Chen, and lit it for him herself.

After Lao Chen finished smoking the cigarette, Lao Chen said, "It should take a long time for the police to go through the process, right?"

"I'm afraid it won't be short."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Chen Xiao shook his head: "It's all what I should do."

Old Chen grinned and then stood up. Chen Xiao saw this and asked, "Are you going somewhere?"

"Go to Wanzhuang. Although they don't care about it, I understand Wande, so I should tell his parents."

Chen Xiao originally wanted to stop them, but then he thought it was right, so he reminded: "They were sent to the nursing home in the town, you go there."

Old Chen was stunned for a moment, then sighed: "If parents are not kind, it is difficult for children to be filial!"

With that said, Lao Chen left the house.

Chen Xiao stayed at home all afternoon, chatting with her mother about homely matters.

In the middle of the afternoon, Lao Chen came back, and the two of them went to various houses of the same clan to explain Chen Xu's situation.

After everyone understood the reason, they waited for Chen Xu to visit one by one.

This afternoon, the sound of fireworks and firecrackers in Songshanping kept ringing.

Chen Xu saluted each house, and when he arrived at Chen Xiao's house again, he already had several obvious bumps on his head.

Chen Xiao didn't speak much from the time he came to him until he left, leaving everything to Lao Chen to handle.

Watching him leave, my mother suddenly said: "He will never return to Songshanping. Why do you recognize this ancestor?"

"He definitely doesn't have any feelings for Songshanping. Maybe he came back to replace Chen Xianzu."

Chen Xiao said something faintly, and her mother said "Oh" and picked up a bag: "Okay, nothing will happen to you back home, so you should go back quickly."

Chen Xiao was stunned for a moment: "Mom, what are you doing? Are you driving me away?"

"That's right. Apart from letting me wash a few more clothes, what's the use of laying out a quilt for you to stay at home? Hurry up and accompany Xiaoxi. You who are young should spend more time with your wife. Don't run around here and there. , you know that running away makes me upset as a mother?"

Why are you upset?

I am an eyesore!

Chen Xiao was speechless, looking at intelligence agent Xiaobo running over again and thinking about teasing him.

Unexpectedly, my mother was one step ahead, walked over and pinched Xiaobo's fat cheeks with a loving look on her face, and said with a smile: "Xiaobo heard that your mother went to the hospital for a checkup today. Is she going to give birth to a younger brother or sister for you?"

Xiaobo shook his head: "I don't know, grandma. As soon as they came back, they went back to the room and closed the door. I could only listen to them outside!"

"Oh? What did they say?"

"It seems that my father is very happy. He keeps praising my mother, saying that he gets two at a time and so on!"

After hearing this, my mother stopped laughing immediately, and slowly turned her head and gave Chen Xiao a death stare.

(End of this chapter)

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