I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 191 You can’t chew good oil out of rotten wood!

Chapter 191 You can’t chew good oil out of rotten wood!

Liu Dayou finished his breakfast and wiped his mouth.

"I have fallen to this point. Now I just want to make some money to eat."

There is indeed no story about Liu Dayou.

If I remember correctly, Liu Dayou in his previous life had always had low self-esteem because of his appearance.

Now he is thirty years old, and he still has no wife and children.

Of course, the biggest problem is still because of the poor family background.

Chen Xiao nodded: "Why don't you set up a stall to tell people's fortunes? I think you're pretty good at telling fortunes."

"Hey, it's not like I haven't done it before. I did make some money, but who would have thought that I was so unlucky!"

"How to say?"

"When my business was at its most prosperous, even millionaires came to me to calculate their fortunes. But you said those rich people just need to calculate their wealth, right? He just got crazy and wanted to calculate his family. emotion!"

"It's my fault that I was distracted at the time and did the calculation on the spot without thinking much. It doesn't matter, but I was so frightened when he calculated it. He clearly said that he has two children, and now his wife is expecting a third child, but I actually calculated it. He has no children in his life!"

"Originally, I thought that his fate was like that, and that his children might be in trouble in the future. But what a surprise, it turns out that none of them are his!"

"That has nothing to do with you, right?" Chen Xiao smiled bitterly.

Liu Dayou sighed: "It has nothing to do with me, but I can't bear to have my stall smashed by someone the next day. Every one I opened was smashed, and in the end I had no choice but to quit!"

Chen Xiao nodded, and just when he was about to say something more, his phone suddenly rang.

Seeing that it was Zhang Xian, he answered the call: "Hey, Captain Zhang, what's wrong?"

"Chen Yan has been brought back. Do you want to come over and meet him?"

Chen Xiao was a little surprised: "Didn't I say before that you would go and bring him back in person?"

"Originally, but the teacher suddenly returned to Dongzhou, I let others go."

"I see, then I'll go over and have a look later."

Chen Xiao put down his cell phone as he spoke, and couldn't help but think of Chen Yanlai in his mind.

The reason why the latter was escorted by the Hongshan police was because of the murder of Zhao Xiaohong.

As for Chen Yan himself, he is in trouble now, but it's not serious.

First, Liu Guaizi sued Chen Yan for personal injury to him. This did not pose much of a threat to Chen Yan, after all, a long time had passed.

But with the tacit cooperation of many parties, this is also a reason to keep Chen Yan.

Furthermore, Chen Yan's biggest trouble is his intention to help Lou Yang escape!

From the conversation between Chen Yan and Lou Yang, we can clearly know that Chen Yan has definitely done something!

Otherwise, he would not go to Lou Yang to negotiate terms and deals.

The Qingxi police used this to trap Chen Yan, while the Dongzhou police used the Death Note to find out the details of Chen Yan.

But the strange thing is that Chen Yan’s information is blank!

In the household registration file, the result for this person is that there is no such person!

So now it has become a question whether Chen Yan is just called Chen Yan!

But when Chen Xiao saw Liu Dayou, his eyes lit up: "Taoist Priest, come with me to meet someone."

Liu Dayou was stunned: "Taoist Master? When did I become a Taoist priest? Don't talk nonsense. I'm still thinking about asking for a wife!"

Chen Xiao was also startled and said with a smile: "It's up to you. You come with me to meet someone, and I'll give you the money for those plates last night when we get back."

"What disc? I've never seen it! But you hit me on the shoulder last night and you have to pay me five hundred yuan for medical expenses!"

Chen Xiao was speechless: "Okay, okay, five hundred is five hundred, but you have to give that person a fortune." "It's such a small thing, as long as he gives his birth date, I can strip him naked in front of him. ." Liu Dayou was very confident, but after he finished speaking, he immediately added:

"But I have to warn you in advance. Sometimes I will go too far! So all interpretation rights belong to me. Don't blame me for being a liar when the time comes!"


Chen Xiao doesn't want to talk nonsense.

Liu Dayou's abilities were unknown to others, but he knew them all too well.

At that time, he witnessed with his own eyes that the police comrades shook hands with Liu Dayou and called him Daochang Liu with smiles on their faces!

Driving in the car, Chen Xiao took Liu Dayou to the criminal police team.

Lin Xi, who was busy working in the team, immediately looked unnatural when he saw Chen Xiao arriving with Liu Dayou.

"Why did you bring that disc seller here?" Lin Xi asked.

"Captain Zhang told me that Chen Yan was brought back, so I thought about asking the Taoist priest to give Chen Yan a fortune telling."

Lin Xi's face was full of surprise: "Is this okay?"

"Chen Yan is completely blank, so let's do a fortune telling for him according to his birth date and see what we can figure out."

Lin Xi smiled bitterly: "Investigating a case is a very rigorous matter. Is it really appropriate to do this?"

"I'm not a policeman, what should I be afraid of?"

Chen Xiao chuckled and took Liu Dayou to find Chen Yan.

Seeing Chen Yan again, the latter seemed to be a little fatter, with a rosy complexion, and no trace of panic at all.

"Hello Chen Xiao, I haven't seen you for a few days and I miss you so much." Chen Yan took the initiative to say hello.

Chen Xiao pulled up a chair and sat across from Chen Yan: "Seeing you look like this, I feel relieved. You have eaten a lot recently, right?"

"There's nothing I can do about it. The police comrades nowadays are all friendly. They have plenty of food every day and don't have to touch anything."

Chen Xiao nodded and winked at Liu Dayou.

It's just that Liu Dayou stared at Chen Yan for a long time and held back a sentence for a long time: "Can I touch him?"

"Um, where do you touch?"

"Just touch your head, face, hands, whatever."

Chen Yan frowned: "Who is he?"

"I have a friend who is good at fortune telling."

Chen Yan was stunned at first, then laughed loudly: "Chen Xiao, are you crazy? You can even believe the words of such a magician!"

Before Chen Xiao had time to say anything, Liu Dayou snarled him directly: "You know nothing! Feng Shui and Bagua are the essence of wisdom left to future generations by our ancestors!"

"But that's right. You open your mouth and shut up your mouth before you understand. I guess you haven't seen much of the world. How can you chew rotten wood to make good oil!"

Chen Yan's face turned dark and he said in a deep voice, "Have a good mouth."

"Fart, you were the one who attacked me first, and now you're slapping me down and mocking me for my sharp tongue. You're touching your rotten conscience and saying that if you don't mess with me, I will attack you? Is it just you who has a big face and is scolded by you? I have to say thank you to you!"

Liu Dayou's words are simply reasonable and well-founded!

Chen Xiao looked at the frustrated Chen Yan with a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "I think you'd better cooperate, otherwise I don't know what else this guy will say."

Chen Yan smiled coldly: "I'll give you some face, but you'd better advise your friend to touch the places he should touch and not touch the places he shouldn't!"

"Come on, you are all handcuffed, and you said it was to give my brother face. Tsk, believe it or not, my brother will monitor you for a while, fuck your ass and face, and give you as much face as you want!"

Liu Dayou said, and directly pressed Chen Yan's head with his hand.

Chen Xiao clearly saw that there was a strong sense of shame in Chen Yan's eyes, which was like a tiger being bullied by a dog!

(End of this chapter)

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