Chapter 196 Working together!

Seeing that Chen Xiao had said this, Song Ru naturally gave up the idea of ​​continuing to seek a relationship.

Driving silently, the group of people arrived at Song's house soon.

After Chen Xiao entered Song's house, he immediately saw Song Zhen's posthumous photo in the living room.

After Song Ru noticed it, he couldn't help but feel a touch of sadness on his face.

Chen Xiao walked to the photo of the deceased and saw some incense placed aside, so he also placed some incense sticks on it.

Song Ru was very grateful and said with red eyes: "Mr. Chen, you are interested."

Chen Xiao shook his head: "The deceased is gone, Mr. Song still has to live a good life."

Song Ru didn't say much, and soon Song Zhen's mother came out. When she saw Chen Xiao paying homage to Song Zhen, she burst into tears.

"Stop wiping your tears. Is the meal ready? Mr. Chen and his friends have worked hard all the way. Let's eat first."

Song Zhen's mother wiped her eyes and nodded: "It's all good. I don't know if Mr. Chen is used to our food. I can't learn the food from Dongzhou at the moment, so..."

"The guest does as he pleases, but I'm disturbing you!"

Chen Xiao said politely, and Song Ru quickly waved his hand.

Then the group of people went to the restaurant.

Liu Dayou was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, his eyes looking everywhere.

Xiaoji tugged at him and said, "Taoist Master, you are a guest who came with Brother Chen. Don't act like a thief. It's embarrassing, you know?"

"Can you blame me? I have lived for thirty years and I have never seen such a luxurious house."

Xiao Ji was speechless: "Then you have never been to Mr. Guo's mountaintop villa. Once you do, you will know what real wealth is."

Liu Dayou's eyes widened: "Who is Brother Chen? I don't think he drives a luxury car, and he doesn't dress like a rich man."

"What do you know? This is called low-key!"

Liu Dayou nodded solemnly and said quietly: "I, Liu Dayou, seem to have really met a noble person in my life!"

The group all went into the restaurant to eat.

After dinner, Chen Xiao also had to get down to work.

He came all the way from Dongzhou to Shencheng just for Lin Yao.

Now that Lin Yao was being questioned in the criminal police team, he couldn't do nothing.

Especially since several hours have passed and there is no news from Lin Yao, it is obvious that the speedster has not been caught.

If the car thief is never found, then things will be really troublesome.

After getting a map of the city from Song Ru, Chen Xiao called over the knife man Xiao Ji and Liu Dayou.

"Xiao Jidao Man, later you two will take Dayou with you to the wholesale market where Lin Yao was robbed."

Chen Xiao made arrangements. Xiao Ji immediately understood Chen Xiao's intention and nodded:

"Okay Brother Chen, we may not be able to find out which speedster is, but we have all been on the road and know that speedsters have a strong sense of territory. However, I am afraid that the two speedsters who robbed Sister Lin Yao are A passing thief."

"Well, judging from the urban map, passing thieves are the most likely. After all, the distance between the wholesale market and the ditch where the police found the body is twenty or thirty kilometers away. If they were members of the speeding gang, they wouldn't throw away their bags. So far away."

Xiaoji couldn't help but become solemn: "That's difficult to handle." "It's not impossible. Lin Yao said that as soon as she got off the car, two speedsters came over..."

As he was talking, Chen Xiao suddenly paused: "Hey, something is wrong here."

Before Dao Nan and Liu Dayou could understand, Xiao Ji's eyes lit up: "Yes, yes, there is something wrong here, and it was in broad daylight in a downtown area!"

The knife man also reacted at this time: "Yes, although the speedsters say they also commit crimes during the day, they are a bit brave in the downtown area in broad daylight. Moreover, Sister Lin Yao said that she brought 50,000 yuan to purchase goods. She You definitely wouldn’t carry 50,000 yuan with you every day, you should just pick it up and then take a taxi to the wholesale market!”

"So what car was Sister Lin Yao riding in at that time?"

Chen Xiao replied: "Taxi!"

"Then go find the taxi driver. He might be in cahoots with you!"

Chen Xiao nodded, and Xiao Ji quickly said: "Then go directly to the criminal police team. I believe they will definitely let Sister Lin Yao meet now!"

"Okay, but we still need to divide the troops into two groups. There are a lot of little Jida men. You three go to the wholesale market area. The criminal police team doesn't need so many people."

"Okay, Brother Chen." The three of them left the Song family first.

Seeing this, Song Ru also said: "Mr. Chen, I will send you to the criminal police team!"

"it is good."

Chen Xiao didn't refuse and took Song Ru's car to the criminal police team.

When he arrived at the place, Song Ru negotiated with a criminal policeman in the local dialect, and then immediately went to an office.

In less than two minutes, someone walked out of the office.

The man walked up to Chen Xiao and said, "I am Xie Wensheng. Do you think you have any clues?"

"Hello, Captain Xie. To be precise, I don't know much about the case you are investigating, so I have no clues to provide. But my sister-in-law, Lin Yao, is currently in the criminal police team because of the case you are investigating. I think she must tell you that she My bag was robbed by a car thief yesterday, so I’m here to provide clues to the car thief.”

Xie Wensheng originally looked a little unhappy, but when he heard that Chen Xiao actually had clues about the speedster, he still looked a little surprised:

"Tell me."

"I need to see Lin Yao and ask her some questions to be sure." Chen Xiaoxian said tentatively.

Xie Wensheng shook his head without hesitation: "Sorry, the case is very serious, and we can't let her have contact with people for the time being. You can tell me what you want to ask first, and then I will ask her."

"It seems that the case is really difficult, Captain Xie, but I just want to ask you, have you gone to find the car thief? Have you found the car thief? Or are you still highly suspicious of Lin Yao? Lin Yao was arrested After you brought her for questioning, did you tell you the details of how she was robbed?"

"In the detailed process she described, did she say that her itinerary that day was to first go to the bank to withdraw money, and then take a taxi to the wholesale market to purchase goods? As soon as she got out of the taxi, two car thieves robbed her. Did she take away her satchel containing 50,000 yuan in cash?"

Chen Xiao's words were full of rhetorical questions.

Xie Wensheng didn't get angry at being asked back, but instead started thinking.

And he only thought about it for a few breaths before suddenly looking up.

Chen Xiao knew that he understood, so he continued: "Lin Yao's sister is also a policeman in Dongzhou. When she came to Shencheng alone to start a business, her sister once reminded her to be careful outside and take traffic. Tools can also be used to remember vehicles and local landmarks when going to unfamiliar places.”

"So I came to see Captain Xie just to ask her if she had written down the license plate number or the company that operated the taxi when she took a taxi!"

"I think when you asked, you probably never thought about the possibility of taxi drivers and speedsters colluding with each other!"

(End of this chapter)

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