Chapter 198 was dug out!

Chen Xiao's abnormality made Song Ru follow him.

"What's wrong, Mr. Chen?"

Chen Xiao thought for a while and said, "I met an acquaintance. Mr. Song, please wait here while I go say hello to the acquaintance."

"Okay, go ahead."

Song Ru readily agreed.

Chen Xiao chased after the father and daughter.

The unlucky man finally noticed, stopped suddenly, and turned his head warily.

But when he saw it was Chen Xiao, the man was stunned.

"why you?"

Chen Xiao said with a smile: "I came to do some errands. I didn't expect to meet you. Mr. Zhao, long time no see."

Zhao Hai also smiled and nodded: "It feels like we haven't seen each other for a long time, but it hasn't been that long, it feels like a lifetime ago!"

Chen Xiao did not respond to this sentence, but walked up to him and looked at Zhao Xiaoyu.

The latter looked at him with a puzzled look on his face: "Uncle Handsome, how come I haven't seen you before? Are you my father's friend?"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes, but uncle knows your name is Zhao Xiaoyu, right?"

"Wow...handsome uncle, you are so smart, you even know my name!"

Chen Xiao was amused.

He had actually met Zhao Xiaoyu, but Zhao Xiaoyu didn't recognize him.

And not only Zhao Hai, Zhao Xiaoyu has also changed a lot.

Zhao Xiaoyu was a little girl like a pink porcelain doll at the beginning, but now she seems to be a little tanned, and the clothes on her body are no longer as expensive and gorgeous as before.

As for Zhao Hai, it was as if he had completely changed.

Chen Xiao knew very well that Zhao Hai was in his forties, but the drastic changes in his family had made him seem to have aged more than ten years in a short period of time!

Chen Xiao sighed for a moment, and when he looked at a night snack shop not far away, he asked:

"I just heard this girl say that you haven't eaten yet since you got off work, right? How does that store in front taste? We meet fellow villagers, let's sit down and chat together?"

Saying that, Chen Xiao looked at Zhao Xiaoyu again: "Xiaoyu, do you like to eat beef skewers, mutton skewers, crispy bones, eggplant, and big squid?"


Zhao Xiaoyu took a sip, but looked at his father seriously.

Zhao Hai did not hesitate: "Okay."

Chen Xiao nodded.

But on the way to the night snack shop, Chen Xiao was very confused.

Although Zhao Hai took out 500,000 yuan at that time, this should not be considered a lot of money for Zhao Hai.

But looking at his current appearance, he seems to be very nervous.

Chen Xiao didn't hesitate to ask. After ordering some things in the store, he went to the side and bought a lot of fruits and ice cream.

When Zhao Xiaoyu licked the ice cream, little stars seemed to twinkle in his eyes.

Chen Xiao took the opportunity to ask: "Mr. Zhao, did you make any choices later?" Zhao Hai understood what he meant and smiled with relief: "After what happened, I thought a lot. I also hated Gu Yue. , even Xiao….”

Zhao Hai did not finish his words here, and then changed the subject: "But later I understood that the real evil was actually caused by me. And the reason why I caused those evils to happen was actually because of my self-righteousness ."

"And to be honest, the money I earned over the years was not very clean. I wanted to forgive my sins, so I gave all my property to those who needed it. As for Xiao Yu, I want to earn a clean sum for her again. family property."

"Look at how clean our little rain is. It can't be dirty."

While talking, Zhao Hai touched his daughter's little head.

While Zhao Xiaoyu was eating ice cream, he did not forget to kiss his father, leaving cream on his face.

That touch of cream made Chen Xiao seem to see pure whiteness and cleanliness.

Chen Xiao glanced at the ice-cold soda in his hand and admitted that for the first time, he had thought about having a child.

But just when he was stunned, Zhao Xiaoyu raised the ice cream in her hand high and said with a bright smile:

"Handsome uncle, let's drink together!"

Chen Xiao grinned: "Cheers."

He raised the ice-cold soda in his hand and touched it with Zhao Xiaoyu.

Zhao Hai asked: "Tell me about you, why did you come to Shencheng?"

"Come to do something." Chen Xiao smiled.

Zhao Hai was a little unconvinced and said, "When I was leaving, I happened to see you solving the case on the news. Could it be that you were invited to investigate the case when you suddenly came here?"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "My wife's sister wanted to start a business here, but she was robbed of tens of thousands of dollars, so I came over to take a look."

Zhao Hai was stunned and quickly asked: "Then she wasn't hurt, right?"

"That's not true."

Zhao Hai nodded and couldn't help but sigh: "In my opinion, this place is indeed a place where it is easy to make money, but the more money you make in a place, the more the three religions and nine schools are mixed together, and the wealth cannot be revealed! Just like me, I have been wandering around in the world for so many years. , I was robbed once within a few days of coming here.”

Chen Xiao said in shock: "Can't you? Didn't you say that you had been in Hong Kong City before? And with your momentum, you can be robbed easily?"

"That day, I brought Xiaoyu's clothes with me. As soon as I entered an alley, I was blocked by a few young people, who said they wanted to borrow some money from me. But everyone knew after hearing this that they had borrowed money and had not paid it back. "

Zhao Xiaoyu nodded repeatedly after hearing this: "Yes, yes, those two yellow-haired uncles were so scary that day. They even held a knife and turned it around in their hands!"

"Well, I didn't resist for the sake of Xiaoyu's safety. It's precisely because I've been around that I'm most afraid of those young people. They dare to do anything when their brains get hot." Zhao Hai smiled bitterly.

Chen Xiao also quite agrees with this.

There have been interpretations on TV for a long time, and many big men have fallen at the hands of young people.

But just when Chen Xiao was thinking about toasting with Zhao Xiaoyu, Zhao Xiaoyu suddenly said: "It's good to have a sister. She later returned some money to her father and told her father that she would definitely make money." return."

Chen Xiao looked at Zhao Hai in surprise, and the latter replied: "There was a girl. There were four of them at that time. Two boys and two girls, both about 20 years old. Two boys blocked me, and two girls Just standing aside."

"One of the girls dressed up very honestly. I don't know what she told her friends. Anyway, she finally sent me back a thousand yuan, and she kept apologizing when she gave it back to me. She said she was sorry, uncle. , they really don’t have money to eat. After apologizing, she said that she would pay her wages soon, and that she would wait for me in the alley when the wages were paid and then pay me back."

Chen Xiao asked subconsciously: "Then did she pay it back in the end?"

Zhao Hai shook his head: "No."

Chen Xiao pouted, but Zhao Hai suddenly sent Zhao Xiaoyu to another table.

Chen Xiao was curious and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Hai sighed: "She died and was found by the river this morning. I also went to see it at the time, and I couldn't describe my feelings when I saw it. Especially when I saw her eyes and His nose was actually dug off!"

(End of this chapter)

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