Chapter 202 How to cover up corpse odor?

Chen Xiao's words made everyone puzzled.

Some police officers even said subconsciously:

"The five senses are the five senses. What is their connection with Taoist physiognomy?"

When the police officers were asking, Xiao Jidao boy and Liu Dayou happened to come over.

After Chen Xiao indicated that they were his own, Xie Wensheng let them in.

"The three of them are all my friends. This one has some knowledge of Taoist physiognomy. Let him introduce to you the different interpretations of the five senses in various fields."

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, he explained something to Liu Dayou. After the latter understood it, he replied:

"Almost everyone can blurt out the five senses of a person, which are the eyes, ears, mouth and nose. But the eyes, ears, mouth and nose are not the only four sense organs. Where is the other one?"

"The facial features in Taoist physiognomy refer to the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and eyebrows!"

“But in Chinese medicine, the five sense organs refer to the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and tongue.”

“In addition, Western medicine also talks about the five sense organs, which refers to the eyes, ears, mouth, nose and throat!”

This is equivalent to suddenly entering Liu Dayou's professional field, so he can talk freely when facing the police.

A group of policemen seemed to have gained new knowledge after listening to this. Even Xie Wensheng couldn't help but say:

"Mr. Chen means that the facial features of the three deceased people who were disposed of after death may have something to do with Taoist physiognomy?"

"I'm not sure, but if people do this, there must be some connection."

With that said, Chen Xiao looked at Liu Dayou again, who continued:

"In the Taoist facial features, the ears are the listening officer, the eyebrows are the longevity officer, the eyes are the supervisor, the nose is the judging officer, and the mouth is the cashier. Usually the eyebrows are related to health and status, the eyes are related to the will and heart, and the nose It controls wealth, the mouth controls happiness, food and salary, the luck of noble people, and finally the ears control life span!"

When Xie Wensheng heard this, he couldn't help but said confusedly: "If according to this statement, Xiong Ruru lost her eyebrows and nose, does it mean that the murderer deprived her of her health, status, and wealth? In the same way, Xue Xiangdi lost her eyes and nose. It’s equivalent to depriving one’s will, heart, and wealth.”

"The last deceased person has lost his mouth and ears, which means he has been deprived of his fortune and lifespan!"

After saying that, Xie Wensheng frowned, and then sighed: "Isn't this too mysterious?"

"It's just a reference. There are so many weird people in this world. These information points were exposed in the murder case, so you might as well use these information points to do some related things."

Chen Xiao expressed his opinion, and Xie Wensheng nodded in approval: "But, how to do it?"

Liu Dayou didn't need Chen Xiao to remind him this time, and said directly: "Comrade police, give me the birthdays and horoscopes of the three of them, and I will make a divination for them. But I have to make it clear first. I will tell you the divination. If anything, it can only be used as a reference, and we do not bear any legal responsibility!"

The cautious Liu Dayou was as cautious as ever and was determined not to threaten his personal safety.

Xie Wensheng smiled and nodded: "You can do whatever you want, but I only know the birthdays and horoscopes of the deceased for two people now."

"No problem, let's get two people first."

Liu Dayou opened the information on the deceased handed over by the police, but Chen Xiao did not follow it. Instead, he carefully observed the body.

Chen Xiao could see the fatal injuries Xie Wensheng said at a glance.

Blood holes could be clearly seen on the left and right temples of the deceased, but the fatal nails were not left behind.

Chen Xiao stretched out his gloved hands, and then pressed a bloody hole with the index fingers of his left and right hands.

When the forensic doctor next to him saw this, he couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Mr. Chen, what are you doing?"

Chen Xiao didn't answer, just closed his eyes silently. He used the power of killing!

This was also one of the few times when he used this ability.

Soon, two fingers seemed to record the bloody holes on both sides of the deceased's temples, and then Chen Xiao's fingers fell on the deceased's smashed mouth and cut off ears.

The forensic doctor mistakenly thought that Chen Xiao also knew about forensic testing, but when he opened his mouth the next second, he was horrified to find that Chen Xiao made a move.

His left hand seemed to be holding something, and his right hand seemed to be holding something.

Then the left hand was parallel to the temple of the deceased, and the right hand hit the left hand.

The forensic doctor understood immediately and felt a chill running down his back!

Chen Xiao was imitating the murder scene based on the traces of the wounds.

But it's just imitation, and the forensic doctor won't be frightened.

The reason why his back felt cold was because Chen Xiao's eyes were extremely cold at the moment, without even the slightest emotion in them.

I don't know how much time has passed, but the forensic doctor didn't see Chen Xiao's eyelids blinking or his eyes moving!

Suddenly, Chen Xiao asked: "What did you see in my eyes?"

The forensic doctor was stunned: "Very cold-blooded and emotionless!"

"Any more?"

"I don't know how to put it, but I always feel like there's nothing left in your eyes!"

Chen Xiao couldn't help but frowned.

He didn't control his emotions at all just now, but used the wound marks of the deceased to feel the possible inner world of the murderer when the deceased was killed.

Under the eyes of the forensic doctor, Chen Xiao was cold-blooded and devoid of any emotions.

In other words, the forensic doctor did not read the ferocious, happy, distorted colors in Chen Xiao's eyes!

After Chen Xiao thought for a while, he asked the forensic doctor again: "Besides the obvious external scars, are there any other characteristics on the bodies of the three deceased people?"

The forensic doctor took a deep breath. For some reason, he looked at Chen Xiao with a critical eye from time to time.

"You don't have to look at me like this. This is just the first time you have met me. You will get used to it after more contact with me."

Chen Xiao said lightly, and the forensic doctor smiled awkwardly: "There are strangulation marks on both wrists and ankles. In the blood test of the first two deceased people, very strong alcohol content was found. It is suspected that high-alcohol liquor was consumed before death. . Moreover, although the bodies of the three deceased were thrown out at different times, the time of death was very close. The murderer just deliberately threw them out one by one."

"That means the deceased were drunk and then killed at a similar time. Well, did their stomach tests detect any special food?"

The forensic doctor shook his head: "No, there was a lot of food residue in the stomachs of the first two deceased people. They were both very full. Beef, pork, enoki mushrooms, cabbage, and fat beef and mutton rolls were detected."

Chen Xiao raised his head: "The last meal was hot pot."

The forensic doctor nodded: "Yes."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but patted a fallen mosquito on his shoulder, and then sighed: "In this season of deep city eating hot pot and drinking wine, many people were killed one after another and their bodies were dumped almost completely. The environment where the murderer was located was either No one else lives in the surrounding area, or there are a lot of freezers. However, it doesn’t look like the body has been frozen, and the degree of decomposition of the body is normal based on time."

"Tsk, how remote does it take to be able to block the stench caused by several corpses?"

(End of this chapter)

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