I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 204: Tolerance and love, Zhao Xiaoyu waving!

Chapter 204: Tolerance and love, Zhao Xiaoyu waving!

Suddenly I heard Liu Dayou's shout.

Chen Xiao also ignored Xie Wensheng for the time being, ran to Liu Dayou's side and asked:

"What do you mean by Xian Gua?"

"Xian Gua means that the hexagram has appeared. Based on the dates of birth of the two people provided by Captain Xie, I concluded that these two girls are guilty of a taboo!"

"The word taboo means that disaster comes from the mouth, and disaster comes from the mouth. From this hexagram, I think it seems that disaster comes from the mouth!"

The reason why Chen Xiao brought Liu Dayou to Shencheng was because he had high hopes for him due to his previous life.

It's just that now he's causing trouble through his mouth. Isn't this all in vain?

A large amount of food residue and high concentrations of alcohol were detected in the stomachs of the first two deceased persons.

Isn't this just plain misfortune comes from the mouth?

After hearing this, Xie Wensheng gave a thumbs up with a smile: "If nothing else, this friend of yours does have some skills. He can even see this from the hexagrams."

Although Liu Dayou was a little late.

But both Chen Xiao and Xie Wensheng knew that Liu Dayou didn't know that information, so he was able to divine the fortune, which was indeed amazing, but it lacked a little surprise.

Chen Xiao did not hesitate to praise, saying: "Well done, can you see anything else?"

"No, why do I think you two are so reluctant? Am I mistaken?"

"You're not wrong, you're just a little late, and the forensic doctor has already identified whether the disaster came from the mouth."

Liu Dayou was a little disappointed: "Okay, but I still need to think about other things."

With that said, Liu Dayou collected all the copper coins. Chen Xiao was surprised and said: "Why don't you take a look at it?"

Liu Dayou shook his head: "The hexagram is in my mind."

Chen Xiao nodded and said no more, and then looked at Xie Wensheng: "What did Captain Xie just say that there was a hint?"

"There is a tattoo of words on the tiger's mouth on Xiong Ruru's right hand. The word is "forbearance". At your reminder, I took apart the word "ren" and found the blade heart. Not far from where Xue Zhaodi was found, there was a benevolence heart. bridge!"

Chen Xiao was stunned, and Xie Wensheng said with a distressed look:

"I had already seen the word "forbearance" when I arrived at the scene, but there are too many people with tattoos of this word. I really want to defend myself, but it is true that if you hadn't said that the murderer might have guided me, I would still have no idea until now. I can’t think of it.”

Xie Wensheng blamed himself.

But Chen Xiao understood him very well.

Tattoos have become popular these days.

But most people still don’t choose flower arms, and the text type is not words like “emperor” or “rich”.

There are two words leading the tattoo trend this year, one is tolerance, and the other is love.

When no one sees the tattoo with the word "forbearance", they will think that it is a hint from the murderer!

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao automatically ignored Xiong Ruru's hint to Xue Zhaodi, and instead asked how Xue Zhaodi's body hinted at the third corpse.

Xie Wensheng had also calmed down and pointed in a circle with himself as the center: "In this area, there used to be an old man named Yaoxi. The name has been changed for ten years."

When he said the place name Yaoxi, Liu Dayou shouted: "Hey, I seemed to have seen these two words on Xue Zhaodi's ID card information you provided just now, right?"

Xie Wensheng nodded: "Yes, Xue Zhaodi also had a wallet in her pocket when she was found. In the wallet was her ID card, which said the name of her hometown village is Yaoxi Village!"

"Then it's basically certain that the murderer will look for information points that can guide him from the body of the deceased. These information points are very obscure, but they all point to place names, so I hope he didn't change his mind when the third corpse was found."

Chen Xiao said that he had given up the idea of ​​going to the criminal police team to see the deceased's belongings.

The most important thing at the moment is to find out from the deceased the next place where the murderer is most likely to choose to dump the body.

Chen Xiao and Xie Wensheng returned to the third corpse together.

However, in this kind of matter, Chen Xiao can only play as a support because he is not familiar with Shencheng and the place names.

If the murderer really had hints in the place name, it would be difficult for Chen Xiao to think of it, so he could only rely on Xie Wensheng to think about it himself.

While Xie Wensheng was observing carefully, Chen Xiao walked aside and asked, "Did you take any photos of the deceased when he was first discovered?" "Yes."

"When you were filming, the witnesses didn't move the deceased, right?"

"It hasn't been moved. Mr. Chen, let me show it to you."

With that said, the police officer handed Chen Xiao several photos of the deceased taken at the scene.

After Chen Xiao took it, he sat on the floor and observed several sets of photos of the deceased taken by the police.

It can be seen at a glance that the girl in the photo has a deliberately arranged posture.

As soon as the deliberate signal came into his mind, Chen Xiao immediately became alert.

Why did the murderer need to deliberately manipulate the dead body he dumped?

There is most likely a deep meaning here!

Chen Xiao didn't think much about it for the time being, and first carefully considered the posture of the deceased.

Her feet were together.

Place your left hand vertically, close to the edge of your pants.

But the wrist area of ​​his right hand fell on his forehead!

Chen Xiao looked at the photo and couldn't help but demonstrate it himself.

But no matter how he demonstrated it, he always thought it was a gesture of slapping his forehead with his wrist!

Chen Xiao thought about this posture for a long time but couldn't think of any meaning.

While he was thinking about it, Lin Xi called.

Chen Xiao paused his thinking and answered the phone.

"Husband, I heard from Yaoyao that you stayed at the scene where the body was dumped. Did you decide to adopt my suggestion?" Lin Xi said.

Chen Xiao laughed and said, "I was roasted on the fire by Guo Qing."

"Ah? What's going on?"

"He thought of going together with you, but he was too radical and just invited some reporters over. He wanted to push me up and push Xie Wensheng down, so that I could be the business card of the Guo family enterprise in the shortest possible time."

Lin Xi understood the meaning immediately: "Hey, I really don't know what he is doing in such a hurry. Things can be done slowly."

"It is normal and in line with his character. All his thoughts are now on becoming the heir to the Guo family. Now that he is arranged to come to Shenzhen to do business, he is naturally anxious. The only thing that is incomprehensible is that he did not do this before There was no discussion with me.”

"Well, let's not talk about him. What kind of case are you facing now? Is it difficult?"

"Intuitively, it's very tricky. The murderer has very obvious behavior of provoking the police, but I can't figure out his thoughts yet." Chen Xiao replied.

Lin Xi: "Then why don't you talk to me and see if I can give you some advice!"

"I'll tell you the case later. When I send you a picture message, you can help me see if the deceased's posture has any meaning."

Chen Xiao quickly found a place with good lighting, then carefully took the photo and sent it to Lin Xi via MMS.

After a while, Lin Xi's voice came from the phone: "Why does this posture feel like it was done deliberately? But if it is done deliberately, what deep meaning can there be in patting the head with the wrist?"

After seeing the photo, Lin Xi and Chen Xiao had exactly the same idea. They both thought it was a slap on the head.

Chen Xiao thought about it seriously again, and finally said helplessly: "Yes, the murderer made her hand slap the Tianling Gai..."

Chen Xiao was talking, but his words suddenly stopped at this moment.

His eyes actually saw two familiar figures appearing outside the warning circle.

Zhao Xiaoyu, who was being held in his arms, raised his right hand above his head and waved to him to say hello!

 There will be three updates temporarily from January 1th to 24th, and four updates will resume on January 27th! I’m getting ready to go home for the New Year. I’ve driven 28 kilometers... There may be some trivial things to do after I get home, so I’ve left a little more time for myself. Book friends, please forgive me!



(End of this chapter)

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