I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 206 The match is getting better and better!

Chapter 206 The match is getting better and better!

Chen Xiao saluted Xie Wensheng in front of him.

Xie Wensheng still couldn't understand it at first, until Chen Xiao's movements froze, and his eyes widened little by little.

It’s like he even forgot to spit out the puff of cigarette he took into his mouth!

"Somebody come!"

"Somebody come!"

Xie Wensheng immediately shouted at his subordinates.

All the police officers at the scene gathered around and asked with puzzled faces: "Team Xie, what's wrong?"

"It's a holiday now, and all the schools are on holiday, so except for the teachers or security guards who are watching the schools, they are all empty!"

"Go down and search all the elementary schools in the district. Don't worry about it yet. Just show your ID and go in. I'll go find the leader to approve the note!"

Xie Wensheng already understood what Chen Xiao meant.

That's not another gift.

It is a team ceremony for the vanguard team that exists in elementary school!

There were beads of sweat on Xie Wensheng's forehead, but Chen Xiao said to him calmly:

"Don't worry, the murderer showed such a courtesy on an adult, can you only think that this is his hint to the scene where the body was dumped?"

Xie Wensheng raised his head, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Chen Xiao spoke again: "According to your current investigation, how many people can't be found?"

"Six! After the four of Xiong Ruru, Youyou, Xue Xiangdi, and Wu Rui, two friends are missing!"

"How many have been found now?"

"Three, three women in their circle of friends have discovered it!"

"Then when he was dealing with the last female deceased, by showing such a saluting posture, did the murderer have any hints?"

Chen Xiao's words have been made very clear.

Xie Wensheng's eyes tightened: "You mean, this is not only a hint to the place, but also a hint to the murderer's heart!"

Chen Xiao nodded: "You still have to search, but have you discovered a characteristic of the murderer's body dumping?"


Xie Wensheng became particularly humble.

This is not a show, Xie Wensheng is coming from the bottom of his heart at this moment.

"Xiong Ruru hinted that Xue Xiangdi would be thrown into the Renxin Bridge, but Xue Xiangdi was not found under the Renxin Bridge, but some distance away. Similarly, Xue Xiangdi hinted that the third deceased was in Yaoxi, but Yaoxi is no longer called Yaoxi. , so the fourth corpse dumping site hinted by the third deceased may also not be in the center."

"After all, it is a corpse. If you don't go through the main entrance, you have to climb over the courtyard wall. Once you climb over the courtyard wall, there are many uncertain factors. Therefore, I suggest focusing on searching around the school. In particular, it is suitable for the site of dumping the body. Place, for example, is there a mountain or woods behind the school?"

"And back to the point where I think there are hints from the murderer's heart, Captain Xie...why do you think he made such a hint in the body of the last female deceased?"

Xie Wensheng frowned: "The order is not necessarily worth studying. There must be the first one whose body is thrown out. If there is the first and the second, there will be the third."

"That's what it means, but what if... the discovery of the last deceased person is equivalent to half of the deceased's inner catharsis? Don't forget, any serial murder case that involves the continuous death of multiple people, at the end of the case There is most likely another case behind it!"

Let alone Xie Wensheng, even ordinary people can understand this.

Why would one person go to great lengths to kill several other people?

Let's put aside for the moment that he is a crazy murderer, because this possibility is relatively rare in murder cases.

What's more, the six people currently missing are all related!

Therefore, in serial murder cases where there are clear connections between the deceased, there is usually an incentive behind them, that is, the six of them most likely did something.

That thing was the murderer’s motive for the murder!

Xie Wensheng already understood. He took out a long breath and said, "The last woman, Young Pioneer Ceremony...Have Xiong Ruru and the other six done anything to the little girl?"

Although he was asking, Xie Wensheng already gave an apologetic look and quickly left the scene.

He had to go find it.

What he hopes most is that there is such a case! As long as there is a case, it will be obvious who the murderer is!

However, Chen Xiao is not sure whether Xie Wensheng is optimistic about the next progress. Anyway, he is not optimistic.

Because this is only half of what the murderer hinted at!

There are three more men, what should they look like?

Xie Wensheng left, and so did most of the police.

Only two or three police officers were left at the scene to help the forensic doctor.

Zhao Hai stared blankly and asked: "Chen Xiao, what should I do?"

Chen Xiao looked back at him and said with a smile: "It's okay. You and the police comrades will return to the criminal police team later. You will make do with it tonight. I'll watch over Xiaoyu. In the evening, I will arrange to follow you. Sleep with Lin Yao."

Zhao Hai nodded and followed the police into the police car.

Chen Xiao looked at his back and was speechless for a moment.

Liu Dayou came over and said with a cold expression: "Brother Chen, get his horoscope and I will tell him his fortune!"

"Is there any limit to the number of times you can perform power this day?"

"I don't know. It is said that spying too much on secrets will shorten your lifespan, but I haven't felt it. So no matter how much you love, if your life is not wonderful, even if you live to be a hundred years old, it will be a mess!"

"You are very open-minded, but why are you telling Zhao Hai's fortune?"

"I see that the way you look at him is wrong."

Chen Xiao regained his composure: "You said that prying too much into the secrets will shorten your life, so there is no need for anyone to tell him a divination."

"Okay, so where are we going now?"

"Go back to the hotel first."

Chen Xiao said and walked towards the car. As soon as he opened the car door, Zhao Xiaoyu asked: "Uncle, where is my dad?"

"Xiao Yu, uncle wants to discuss something with you. If the policeman is catching bad guys but needs your father's help, would you like him to help the policeman first?"

Zhao Xiaoyu's eyes brightened: "My father can also catch bad guys?"

"Of course."

Zhao Xiaoyu nodded: "Then Dad won't be in any danger, right?"

"No, he is safe. It's just that he can't accompany Xiao Yu tonight. You have to follow uncle first."

"Okay, uncle, I'm so sleepy, can I go to bed?"

"Well, I will take you to find a beautiful aunt, and you can sleep with her tonight."

Chen Xiao comforted Zhao Xiaoyu, then got in the car and headed to the hotel.

When they arrived at the hotel, Chen Xiao handed Zhao Xiaoyu over to Lin Yao.

Lin Yao's eyes suddenly turned sharp when she saw Zhao Xiaoyu, but she counted on her fingers and shook her head.

Chen Xiao knew what she was talking about and scolded with a smile: "This is the daughter of a fellow villager. He has gone to cooperate with the police. You can help him tonight."

"Ahem...I know, little sister, I will take you to your room."

Seeing the two people entering the room, Chen Xiao turned around.

As soon as he turned around, the information points discovered during the case investigation could not help but appear in his mind.

"This is more and more compatible with Zhao Hai!"

(End of this chapter)

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