Chapter 215 His rules!

That moment.

Jiao Hu didn't quite understand what Chen Xiao was talking about.

But Xie Wensheng understood it instantly!

"Garbage dump! Garbage dump!" Xie Wensheng shouted twice.

Chen Xiao nodded: "That's right, the garbage dump! Only the complex smell of the garbage dump can achieve a certain effect of covering up the smell with smell, and the clothes of the three male corpses have smells attached to them because they stayed in the garbage dump for a long time!"

Xie Wensheng: "This is the only explanation. It turns out that he had designed it a long time ago! It's just that there are many workers in the centralized garbage treatment plant, and the garbage has to be disposed of regularly. How can he hide it from others?"

"Yes, under normal circumstances, to cover up the odor of so many corpses, it would take a lot of garbage and various smells to interact with each other to cover it. However, let's not forget that the garbage dump has a natural advantage!"

"That is, when ordinary people see a garbage dump, they will avoid it from a distance, and no one will check it at all. Of course, there are still many garbage pickers who will rummage through large garbage dumps. Once someone goes If you look for scraps, you will still be discovered easily!"

As Chen Xiao spoke, Xie Wensheng nodded. The latter knew that Chen Xiao must not have finished what he said.

"But I would like to ask, are there many people engaged in waste recycling business in Shenzhen City?"

"Of course there are many, this is also a way to make money!" This time it was Jiao Hu who spoke, and Chen Xiao replied:

"That being the case, if there is a place that looks like a recycling bin on the outside, but is filled with all kinds of garbage, no matter how strong the smell is, will anyone be suspicious?"

Xie Wensheng looked at Jiao Hu.

Jiao Hu was also looking at Xie Wensheng.

Later, Xie Wensheng said: "If we are people like us who often deal with the smell of corpses, we may be suspicious. However, ordinary people will not. They will even stay away as soon as they see the garbage on the surface and smell the smell! Furthermore, If it looks like a recycling bin, scavengers will subconsciously think it’s someone else’s territory and won’t easily enter it!”

"That's right, ordinary people are so unfamiliar with corpse odor. Even if they smell a strange smell, they rarely think about dead bodies!"

Jiao Hu also understood everything and solemnly explained to Xie Wensheng:

"Wen Sheng, go check immediately and count all the waste recycling stations in the area!"

"I know Jiao Ju, Chen Xiao... let's go!"

Of course Xie Wensheng will ask people to do the inventory, but if he and Chen Xiao do the inventory, it will be a waste of time.

Xie Wensheng directly pulled Chen Xiao into his office, wiped the whiteboard clean and wrote down a few elements with a "swish".

While writing, he said: "You have found most of the clues in the entire case so far, but I have also kept them in my mind. Now let me ask you to remind me which ones are true and which ones are false."

The murderer likes hints, which means that he is most likely a person who likes to get pleasure from this.

But such murderers often tell the truth and lie, and the truth and lies!

Chen Xiao nodded silently, and Xie Wensheng continued: "The first clue is the professional guess of extending the facial features - physiognomist."

"Profession 2: Doctor (Chinese medicine, Western medicine), which one do you think is true and which one is false?"

"One false and two true." Chen Xiao gave his own advice.

Xie Wensheng immediately drew an "×" on the face and asked again: "The second clue is that the team ceremony extended to the things behind the case. However, after verification, even if it went back to the time when Xiong Ruru came to Shenzhen to investigate, it was not Such murders have happened, so is it true or false?”

"It is tentatively considered true." Chen Xiao replied. Xie Wensheng was a little surprised, but did not express any thoughts and followed:

"The third one is not a clue, but I think the two of us need to discuss it carefully. That is why the murderer used a long nail to penetrate other people's heads? Also, after the six victims were killed, Why were the eyes, eyebrows, nose, ears, tongue and mouth smashed out?"

"Is this really just a trick used by the murderer to confuse and hint?"

"Of course it's more than that. This kind of killing method is very rare. Moreover, his killing method is obviously clean and neat, but after killing people, he digs out or destroys their facial features. This is illogical."

Xie Wensheng fell silent, and after a while he said: "Then let's continue grooming. Xiong Ruru has no eyebrows and nose."

"Xue Xiangdi: eyes, nose."

"Hu Caixia: ears, mouth." "Luo Yan: eyes, throat."

"Youyou: tongue, ear."

"Uri: eyebrow, mouth!"

"These are the facial features of six people who were destroyed after death. If we just talk about the eyebrows, nose, eyes, ears, mouth, tongue, and throat, there seems to be no pattern."

When Xie Wensheng said this, Chen Xiao interrupted: "No, there is a rule. Through autopsy, it can be determined that Hu Caixia and Wu Rui, whose mouths were smashed, had the most food remaining in their stomachs, which can also be understood as the last one. They both ate the most during the meal!"

With that said, Chen Xiao said again: "Among these six people, Xue Xiangdi is not that bad after my interview. Has Luo Yanqian investigated it?"

"It's not too bad."

"Then they correspond to eyes. What is the murderer implying by gouging out their eyes?"

Xie Wensheng: "Does it mean that you become blind when you encounter someone who is not kind to you?"

"It's very possible! But how to explain You You and Hu Caixia who both had their ears cut off, and what's the reason for Xiong Ruru and Xue Xiangdi's noses?"

Chen Xiao asked, but he walked aside, picked up another marker, and drew lines on the whiteboard.

Xie Wensheng didn't understand and asked, "What are you doing?"


"What are you drawing at this time? Is it possible that you can still draw the murderer?"

"Try, we know that more than half of the case has passed. We just have to figure out the last problem, which is what happened that caused all of this to happen!"

Chen Xiao said as the marker drew bit by bit on the whiteboard.

Seeing this, Xie Wensheng could only laugh politely and stepped aside.

Of course he knew that there was a method in the field of criminal investigation called simulated profiling.

But this method is mostly used in cases where there are eyewitnesses.

Witnesses tell the suspect's physical characteristics, and then the portrait artist can draw a general appearance of the suspect based on the oral description.

The criminal police can conduct a search based on the portrait provided by the portrait artist to find the suspect!

It's just that Chen Xiao's method is completely different from the simulated portrait!

Others drew the suspect's appearance based on witnesses, but Chen Xiao said it was based on the facts of the case!

Xie Wensheng found it incredible!

But when half of the back picture appeared, Xie Wensheng was stunned again: "What you drew is the back!"

"Otherwise you think I can draw his facial features? Captain Xie, this can be considered a kind of simulated portrait, but it is not to the point of perfection. To be precise, what I drew is the murderer in my heart, who brought me Various impressions!”

Chen Xiao responded, and Xie Wensheng said a little embarrassedly.

But the next second, Chen Xiao said: "There is something missing. He shouldn't be as lonely as I drew him. How could he make that last meal if he was too lonely!"

"So what's the difference?"

Chen Xiao said, moved to the side again, and drew half of his face!

(End of this chapter)

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