Chapter 217 The fuse!

"His wife was put to death by him!"

When Huang Zhao said these words, Chen Xiao and Xie Wensheng both looked at each other subconsciously.

After making eye contact for a while, Chen Xiao and Xie Wensheng came back with a tacit understanding.

"Old sir, you said that Jiang Anguang's wife was executed by him. How old were his children when his wife passed away?"

Chen Xiao asked this question.

In their investigation, they always felt that the Young Pioneers Ceremony was a very important piece of information.

What Chen Xiao and Xie Wensheng didn't expect was that Huang Zhao sighed and shook his head: "This is the cause of everything."

"Don't they have any children?" Chen Xiao was very surprised.

Huang Zhao nodded: "Yes, Jiang Anguang is already in his thirties or forties, and the couple has suffered a lot for having a child for so many years. But the problem lies with his wife. He has seen many doctors, both traditional Chinese and Western medicine. For this reason, Jiang Anguang also made a lot of folk remedies."

"It was precisely because she took too many folk remedies, which were one-third poisonous, that Jiang Anguang's wife suffered a lot from this. By last year, her body was at the end of its strength."

"Did Jiang Anguang treat Xiong Ruru, Xue Xiangdi and the others?" Chen Xiao asked again.

Huang Zhao replied directly without any thought: "Jiang Anguang actually made a lot of money over the years, but in the end he spent it on his wife. Later, after his wife broke her body, Jiang Anguang went crazy. No matter what the disease is, he dares to treat and prescribe medicine."

"Those two girls are surrounded by children who don't learn well. If they have a dispute with anyone and get injured, they will go to Jiang Anguang's place."

"In other words, Jiang Anguang is very familiar with them, right?"

"Well, I remember that the little boyfriend of a very well-behaved girl was a troublemaker. When something happened at first, the little girl would always come to me with her boyfriend, but then I was really angry with them for not living up to expectations, so I refused. I treated him for them. After I died, they went to Jiang Anguang."

Chen Xiao and Xie Wensheng exchanged glances again, and soon the latter asked the most important question:

"Old doctor, do you know that Jiang Anguang has contracted a garbage treatment plant or garbage recycling station?"

"I don't know about this, but I heard that Jiang Anguang has invested in many industries."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao fell into deep thought.

To him, Jiang Anguang's entire image had nothing to do with the murderer in his mind.

Jiang Anguang is a black doctor.

The characteristic of black doctors is greed.

But the murderer's feeling for Chen Xiao was never greedy.

Moreover, the information revealed by Huang Zhao did not match the important points in the case.

So after thinking about it, Chen Xiao still didn't label Jiang Anguang as a suspect.

Even Xie Wensheng was like this. He raised his head and glanced at Chen Xiao, indicating that it was almost time to leave.

Chen Xiao glanced back, then stood up and was about to speak, when his brows suddenly wrinkled.

"Team Xie, what kind of person is the murderer in our minds?"

Xie Wensheng was a little surprised: "A person whose appearance and heart are completely opposite."

"Well, I went and felt the murderer. It seemed to me that he looked easy to get along with on the outside, but he was lonely on the inside. So, do you think this matches?"

Chen Xiao looked at Xie Wensheng, who thought for a while, then raised his head with shock in his eyes:

"It's a good match! In the eyes of greedy people, everyone's appearance may bring a certain value. For that value, they will be easier to contact than anyone else!"

"That's right, this is just like the half smiling face I drew. The smile is so bright! Unfortunately, it's just a feeling." Chen Xiao said lightly.

Xie Wensheng did not let go of this feeling and said seriously: "I'll have someone check it out to see if he has done any garbage recycling business." Chen Xiao nodded silently and saw Xie Wensheng making a phone call, so he asked again Huang Zhao:

"Old doctor, has anything happened to Jiang Anguang's family recently? It's like something that is important to him, but doesn't seem to matter to others."

Huang Zhao shook his head: "That's all his own business. How can a colleague like me know so much."

Chen Xiao smiled: "Yes, do you know anything about him and his wife?"

"His wife has visited me many times, and Jiang Anguang has also come with her. From my perspective, they are a very loving couple."

Chen Xiao was a little puzzled: "Jiang Anguang asked his wife to try various medicines just to have offspring. Can this be considered love between them?"

"You misunderstood what I meant. The problem lies with his wife. This does not mean that Jiang Anguang insists on having a child. It just means that his wife cannot be pregnant with the child. And the couple really can't let go of the person for whom they are married. , but it’s his wife.”

"Maybe it's because Jiang Anguang loves his wife so much that his wife has always felt guilty about her, so she kept asking Jiang Anguang to get folk remedies. Jiang Anguang's medical skills are not good, so he didn't understand the depth of those folk remedies after he got them."

"I see……."

Chen Xiao responded, his voice gradually weakening.

But I don’t know if Chen Xiao brought back Huang Zhao’s memories, or if Huang Zhao was deeply impressed by Jiang Anguang’s wife, so he inevitably talked more.

"Destiny is always playing tricks on people. In my impression, Jiang Anguang's wife Qin Ling is a very cheerful, educated, non-feudal woman. But it happened that a woman like her became obsessed with giving Jiang Anguang a future. In the end, I paid the price with my life, hey..."

Chen Xiao listened and asked subconsciously: "What is his wife's occupation?"

"He is a primary school teacher at Hongfeng Lake Primary School. However, Hongfeng Lake Primary School moved to another location a few years ago, and the old school was abandoned there."

When I heard the name Hongfeng Lake Primary School.

Chen Xiao's eyes froze instantly.

But he didn't say anything because Xie Wensheng had already walked back.

And when I heard the name Hongfeng Lake Primary School, I stopped in my tracks!

He looked at Huang Zhao seriously and asked: "Old doctor, you are talking about Hongfeng Lake Primary School, right?"


Huang Zhao nodded, Xie Wensheng looked at Chen Xiao, and Chen Xiao had also stood up.

Hongfenghu Primary School is nowhere else, it is the primary school where Wu Ruiyouyou and Luo Yan were discovered!

And Jiang Anguang’s wife Qin Ling had been a teacher there before!

This piece of information alone, combined with the entanglement between Jiang Anguang and Xiong Ruru, as well as the identity of Dr. Jiang Anguang, made people have to put all suspicion on him at this moment!

It’s just that this alone is not enough, it’s a little less interesting!

In other words, there is still some logical rationality behind Jiang Anguang becoming a suspect!

Chen Xiao's mind began to spin rapidly.

He thought of Liu Dayou's saying that disaster comes from the mouth.

Thinking of Hu Caixia Wurui's smashed mouth and full stomach during the autopsy.

I also thought of Xue Xiangdi and Luo Yan’s eyes being gouged out!

He even thought of his previous judgment on the case.

That was the trigger that led to this series of killings. It was probably an incident that was not considered a feud in the eyes of many people!

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao asked: "Old doctor, did Jiang Anguang's wife Qin Ling leave anything for him?"

Huang Zhao frowned and recalled. After thinking for a while, he suddenly said:

"Hey, when you said that, I seems like I haven't seen Duoduo for a long time!"

 It’s the 28th...Restore the fourth update~~~~~~~



(End of this chapter)

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