I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 233 Didn’t she have a reason to hang herself?

Chapter 233 Didn’t she have a reason to hang herself?

Return to your residence from the hospital.

Chen Xiao was thinking about the Phantom of Yanghu Lake in his mind.

This legend began a long time ago, and few people can even tell exactly which era it was.

But in the past twenty years, only the one twelve years ago had the greatest influence.

It wasn't just the four people who died.

Xie Yan's identity, as well as the environment of the entire deep city at that time, all led to the recurrence of the Phantom of Yanghu more than ten years later, which still attracted many people's discussion.

When Chen Xiao left, Xie Wensheng did not say whether the branch would go find Chen Xiao.

Because it's almost predictable.

The Phantom of Yanghu happened again, and Xie Wensheng went straight to the hospital again.

For a case that no one is sure about, and that no one is even willing to investigate, Chen Xiao is naturally the most suitable one.

Because Chen Xiao was not found out, it would have no impact on many people.

Even if the case ends up being dropped again, no one will hold Chen Xiao accountable.

Of course, in Xie Wensheng's heart, the Phantom of Yanghu will definitely find out the truth. He believes in Chen Xiao, so he does not hesitate to destroy his own reputation to promote Chen Xiao.

Lying on the bed, Chen Xiao couldn't help but lose sleep again.

However, he didn't call Xiaoji and the three of them to come. After all, he didn't know much about the matter now, and he thought Xie Wensheng's reminder could be used as a reference.

Before there is absolute proof, investigate separately!

After thinking for a while, Chen Xiao gradually fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Chen Xiao received a call from Jiao Hu.

"Hey, Mr. Chen is still in Shencheng, right?"

Chen Xiao was not surprised at all by such a question: "I'm in the Jiao Bureau, what can I do?"

"Can you please come to Mr. Chen, please come to the Criminal Police Team. There is a case we want to hear your opinion on."

"Is it tricky?"

Doesn’t Chen Xiao know whether it’s tricky or not?

It’s just that the people you talk to are different.

"There is some trouble, involving an old case. I heard that Mr. Chen also has experience in investigating old cases, so everyone agrees that your opinion is very important."

"Okay, I'll be there later."

After ending the call with Jiao Hu, Chen Xiao called Guo Qing again.

When the latter heard this, he immediately said with a serious face: "It's such a big case, then you go to the branch as soon as possible. Leave the other matters to me, don't worry, I won't make my own decisions now, everything is up to you." .”

Guo Qing was a bit afraid of being bitten by a snake for ten years.

"There is no need to make any arrangements this time. Team Xie has already pushed me to the front. However, risks and opportunities coexist. If it is found out, my reputation will definitely be further improved. But if it is not found out, Coming out will have some impact."

"Don't worry too much. Our work these days has already established a lot of connections through the previous case. Let's do our best and obey fate!"

Chen Xiao hummed and said no more to Guo Qing.

He already has a plan. When the matter about the Phantom of Yanghu is found out, it will be time for him to return to Dongzhou.

Soon, Chen Xiao had breakfast and drove to the criminal police team.

Jiao Hu was already waiting. When Chen Xiao opened the conference room door, there were already many people sitting inside. Seeing Chen Xiao arriving, Jiao Hu was the first to stand up and welcome him with a smile.

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry to trouble you again."

Jiao Hu was polite, but Chen Xiao waved his hands repeatedly: "Jiao Bureau, I am still the consultant of our branch, so it is my responsibility."

Chen Xiao glanced over as he spoke. At this moment, the seat that originally belonged to Xie Wensheng was currently occupied by a former deputy team member.

Upon seeing this, the latter also came over: "Jiao Ju, Mr. Chen, let's take a seat first."

"Well, let's continue with the meeting. But this time, Qin Fei will introduce the meeting. Wen Sheng was hospitalized due to a sudden illness, so his work in the team will be temporarily replaced by Qin Fei."

Chen Xiao nodded silently.

Everyone knows that Xie Wensheng is hospitalized.

If Jiao Hu doesn't talk about Xie Wensheng in detail, Chen Xiao won't mention it.

After everyone sat down, Qin Fei also began to introduce: "On the morning of September 9, an alarm was received in the jurisdiction, saying that someone had hanged himself at home. The police station arrived as soon as possible after receiving the report and determined that the person who had hanged himself had lost his life. Physical signs.”

"The person who hanged himself: Lian Yuhong, female, 24 years old. She lived at No. 67, Changlong Village. She was unmarried and about 8 weeks pregnant. Her father, a relative of the family, passed away in 1994. After his death, her mother remarried elsewhere and then lived with her grandparents. After my grandparents passed away one after another two years ago, I lived with my boyfriend."


"Just after eight o'clock, Li Xi had arrived at the door of the deceased's house, but after calling the door phone several times and failing to contact the person, Li Xi and others kicked the door open. As soon as they kicked the door open, they found that Lian Yuhong had already He hanged himself on the beam."

At this point, Tan Fei paused for a moment.

Chen Xiao also said: "She has no one at home, and she is eight weeks pregnant. How can she still live alone?"

"This has something to do with Lian Yuhong's mother. Originally, the deceased Lian Yuhong lived with her boyfriend Li Xi. However, her mother strongly requested that she must go home one month before the marriage, saying that customs did not allow it."

Chen Xiao: "Then her mother is relieved?"

"Her mother stayed with her for a few days, but unfortunately two days before the incident, her mother's remarried stepson was admitted to the hospital, so she went to the hospital to stay with her. According to neighbors, the two had a fierce quarrel over this matter. Li Xi's attempts to mediate the situation were ineffective, and Lian Yuhong may have chosen to continue living alone out of anger."

"After Team Xie led the team to the scene, he also met the mother of the deceased, but..."

"However, after accepting our questioning, the deceased's mother drank paraquat when she returned home. She is now receiving treatment in the hospital. Police officers were arranged to go there in the morning. Her condition today is relatively good, but her breathing has become difficult."

Chen Xiao was suddenly a little stunned.

After experiencing so many cases, he encountered many things that were difficult to explain in words.

Wan De's relative, Xue Xiangdi's relative, and now Lian Yuhong's mother.

But this was the first time he encountered a relative who committed suicide because of this.

Moreover, he drank paraquat!

"Does she know the toxicity of paraquat?"

"I know, her mother has been working in the hospital. When we went to see her, she said that she specially selected paraquat, saying that she had no face to live anymore, and as punishment she chose to let herself die in pain."

After Qin Fei finished speaking, Chen Xiao couldn't help but fell silent.

Ten seconds later, Chen Xiao raised his head and asked in a questioning tone:

"Then how can we be sure that Lian Yuhong's death was a criminal case and not an actual suicide? Didn't she already have a reason to hang herself?"

(End of this chapter)

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