I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 276 It’s all that bastard in the sky

Chapter 276 It’s all that bastard in the sky

All complicated cases.

When it was finally revealed, everything seemed extraordinarily simple.

The whole Phantom Lake case.

In fact, it was Li Jindao who started to get rid of his identity as an informant!

Of course, Li Jindao is also using his identity as an informant to continue to make wealth!

The moment Chen Xiao's words fell, Li Jindao also finished watching the video.

He was still staring at the video footage.

His look seemed to say: Why does this thing exist?

How on earth was this thing taken without him paying attention?

Li Jindao let out a long sigh: "I can't understand it. I really can't understand that I would fall into the hands of the three of them in the end!"

With that said, Li Jindao said again without giving Chen Xiao and Qin Fei a chance to talk:

"Chen Xiao, what kind of freak are you?"

"Freak? I don't like this word. In fact, you are lucky. Xie Yan was already old at the time, and his mental state had been maintained by drugs. If his mental state were not so bad, you would have no chance at all. He will definitely find the tape you saw."

Li Jindao frowned: "To put it into perspective, isn't my plan of linking together beautiful?"

"You are already a loser, do you still want me to praise you?"

Li Jindao was stunned, then laughed loudly and said: "You are right, why should I seek this moment of desire to win when I am completely defeated."

"Actually, this is not a chain of links designed by yourself. If I were to guess, when you were following Xie Yan, you would often delay explaining some of the clues you discovered? Because only by delaying, you Only then will you have more time to consider the value those clues bring to you.”

As Chen Xiao said, Li Jindao grinned and sneered:

"I admire it. I am convinced! You are right. From the day I became an informant for Xie Yan, I knew very well that I had no need to commit meritorious deeds."

Having said this, Li Jindao paused, and then said with cold eyes:

"Because even if I have done meritorious service, when Xie Yan needs me, if I don't obey him, he will still use me as an excuse!"

"So from the day Gu Rong and I got married, I had already made up my mind that that damn policeman must die!"

Chen Xiao couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

Sure enough, Li Jindao's hatred for Xie Yan had long been buried in his heart.

"But you are wrong about one thing. Do you really think that I can't see that there is something wrong with Xie Yan? He trusts me very much, or maybe he really regards me as a good friend."

"However, our first acquaintance means that there can be no real friendship between him and me. Therefore, I have always been afraid of him. If he was normal, I would not dare to kill him. thoughts."

“It wasn’t until I discovered that his mental pressure was getting worse and worse that he often resorted to self-harm to relieve his pain, that I knew my chance had come!”

"I connected everything I know together, and finally I have everything you see. At the moment Xie Yan died, you don't understand how relaxed I was! From now on, I will never need to be anyone else A puppet on a string."

"I am Li Jindao. I am no longer a golden leopard or a silver leopard. I no longer need to offend others to get Xie Yan to trust me and get the clues he wants!"

"It's just that I never thought that my son would fall in love with a bartender after twelve years, and I never thought that the bartender would be Lian Da's daughter!"

"At that time, I vaguely felt in my heart that everything was God's will..."

As he said that, Li Jindao looked up at the sky: "That bastard named Tian above is playing tricks on people! If it wasn't playing on people, how could Li Xi and Lian Yuhong know each other? Or even fall in love? If it wasn't playing on people , how could Gu Rong force Lian Yuhong to death?"

"Especially since she still uses it the same way as me!"

"There was obviously no discussion. She didn't know what I did, and I didn't know what she did, but there was such a tacit understanding that there was no difference. When she told me, Lian Yuhong was forced to death by her When it happened, I was totally stupid!”

"But after the shock, I realized that some things may no longer be hidden. Even when you came to my house, I felt extremely frightened and uneasy. I was afraid of being watched by you, so I thought it would be better to just tell you Let me keep an eye on you!"

"In that case, I will only be charged with covering up and disrupting law enforcement. When this storm passes, maybe the deaths of Lian Da and Xie Yan will go unsolved."

"But who would have thought that you would be so powerful... Haha!" At the end of the sentence, Li Jindao himself laughed bitterly.

He didn't offer any resistance or quibble.

Because in that unclear video, he, Li Jindao, could be clearly seen.

And in the video, his words were clearly heard.

Those words were fatal to him!

Just planning to murder Lin Xiaoqi would make it impossible for him to stand up again.

So there is no point for him to resist!

Chen Xiao stood up at this time.

The case of the Phantom of Yanghu has come to light.

Tan Fei and the others only need to handle the rest.

However, when Chen Xiao walked to the door, Li Jindao suddenly said:

"Chen Xiao, is it possible that Xie Yan is the real good and I am the real evil?"

Chen Xiao looked back at him, but didn't say anything.

There is no need to evaluate any good or evil at this time.

Those who kill for their own financial gain are absolutely evil and there is no excuse for it!

As for Li Jindao, Chen Xiao knew what he was thinking.

It's nothing more than trying to find a little bit of ridiculous understanding at the end of the road.

It makes people feel that the reason why he did all this is because Xie Yan forced him to do it himself!

Chen Xiao ignored Li Jindao and left the interrogation room.

After coming out, Lin Xi came up to him and said with a smile: "Handsome guy, congratulations on solving another major case!"

Chen Xiao hugged Lin Xi's shoulders and said with a wry smile: "It's broken, but now I have to go to the hospital."

Lin Xi understood Chen Xiao's dilemma and sighed: "I hope Captain Xie can adjust himself. If the surgery is not possible, just postpone it for a few days."

Chen Xiao nodded without saying anything and took Lin Xi to the hospital together.

Now Li Jindao has pleaded guilty.

Therefore, Cao Chan must go to the criminal police team to cooperate with the investigation.

At this time, Chen Xiao naturally could no longer control him.

The couple didn't talk to each other along the way. When they arrived at the hospital, Xie Wensheng and Cao Chan were stunned when they looked at Chen Xiao.

Xie Wensheng: "Chen Xiao, why are you here again?"

Chen Xiao replied seriously: "Thank you, Captain, for living up to your trust, the case is solved!"

Xie Wensheng's eyes widened instantly!

(End of this chapter)

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