Chapter 283 Bathing? The power of bathing!

Chen Xiao today.

Already getting to know the time when the calendar appears.

It doesn't just happen on a special day.

It was a special day that never appeared before that appeared in Chen Xiao's mind.

Every time it appears, it means there will be new rewards.

Chen Xiao today.

Possess the abilities of sophistry, capture, repair, killing, sculpting, collecting gold and diamonds, and stealing.

But spending a lot of time, no matter whether it is appropriate or taboo, seems to Chen Xiao that he can't think of any ability.

It is advisable to worship inside, bathe, decorate the walls, clean the roads, and do nothing else.

Most of the taboos include important events in life.

Chen Xiao couldn't keenly feel which one it would be.

So instead of thinking too much about it, it’s better to wait quietly.

Soon, the word "bath" in Yili stood out.

These two words were completely beyond Chen Xiao's expectation.

He couldn't relate these two words to ability.

Bathing, to put it simply and popularly, is taking a bath!

Strengthen Chen Xiao's bathing ability?

Just thinking about it, the corners of Chen Xiao's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

But then I thought about it, are you very good at helping Lin Xi bathe?

This doesn't seem too bad.

But, no matter what, this cannot be regarded as ability!

He is a great detective, could it be that he wants to change his career to become a master of bathing?

Chen Xiao felt that the calendar would not be so messy, and then he gradually became more rational.

One of the previous abilities was to pick up gold and start diamonds.

The acquisition of this ability gave Chen Xiao a real introduction to forensic medicine.

But getting started is actually a thousand miles away from being proficient.

So does bathing mean cleaning and cleansing?

When cleaning up the scene, you find something that ordinary people can't find, thus echoing the power of capture?

And when the corpse is cleaned, does it echo the discovery of gold and diamonds?

Chen Xiao thinks this is the truth.

Even now, he has no way to test whether his idea is correct.

At first he couldn't check on the new body.

Secondly, he had already made plans to return to Dongzhou.

If he continues to come into contact with new cases in Shen City, his plan will definitely be disrupted.

So thinking about it, Chen Xiao didn't care about anything anymore.

After being sleepless for a while, I called Lin Xi to make a video call.

However, he didn't know that a call came back to Dongzhou late at night.

But the person who received it was not Lin Xi, but Zhang Xian.

This call was from Zhang Xian's teacher Han Zai.

When Zhang Xian answered the phone, he asked in a very respectful tone:

"Teacher, why did you call me so late? Aren't you currently working on your research plan?" Han Zai never held an important position in the police force.

Throughout his career as a police officer, he has been able to achieve success all over the world, which shows that he is more engaged in the work of a professor.

"Put my affairs aside for now. I want to ask you what Chen Xiao is doing recently? I heard that he and Lao Guo built a food city in Dongzhou, and then they are going to build a crayfish base. , is he very busy?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xian smiled bitterly and said, "Teacher, if you want to know about him, why don't you take the initiative to contact him?"

"I don't know about taking the initiative yet? But if I take the initiative, then Chen Xiao will definitely not refuse me, and he will even put aside his own affairs to help me first. For me, this is something I don't want to see. of."

Zhang Xian suddenly said: "I see, he was in Shencheng recently. But it seems that the matter over there is over, and Xiaoxi has returned to Dongzhou today."

"Then what plans does he have next?"

"I heard from Liang Yan that he might go back to Dongzhou at noon or afternoon tomorrow. After he comes back, he will go to his parents' house in Xiaoxi."

"This way... forget it, everyone has their own life. I can't disturb his life just because I am interested."

After Han finished speaking, Zhang Xian thought briefly: "Teacher, have you encountered something?"

"It's nothing. Oh, by the way...where is his father-in-law's family?"

"Yangguan County."

"Then there's no need for me to call him. The Yangguan County Bureau may take the initiative to find him by then. After all, his reputation in Dongzhou is huge!"

Zhang Xian heard this and said: "It seems like it's a bit tricky?!"

"I don't have much contact, but my intuition tells me that it's a bit strange, but if Chen Xiao comes, it might be much simpler."

"Okay, if he comes to Yangguan County by then, he will definitely hear the news. As far as I know, that guy wants to be involved in the case every day!"

Han Zai smiled: "I don't think so, as far as I know. If others say this to me, I will mostly believe it. But when you Zhang Xian said this to me, I always feel that Chen Xiao will probably Just the opposite of what you said!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Zhang Xian was very sure. Han Zai smiled again and said, "Okay, I'll think about it with Yue Kai first. You are now the deputy bureau, and the work you do is still very different from that of the criminal police captain. Perform well." !”

"Everything depends on destiny, but there happens to be one thing that I want to discuss with you, teacher."


"That is, after I left the Hongshan Branch, Liang Yan naturally took over the captain's affairs, but now the Hongshan Branch still lacks a deputy captain. I wanted to bring Xiaoxi up, but you know her shortcomings, so you Do you think I should take the initiative to do this?"

Zhang Xian has his own concerns.

It's not that he doesn't want to take risks.

He was afraid that if he rushed to promote Lin Xi when he first came up, he would cause dissatisfaction from others.

Han Zai thought for a while: "Lin Xi's shortcoming is indeed the word qualification, but her personal ability should be enough. We all know that although Chen Xiao's light shines, in fact, Lin Xi's work ability Your Hongshan branch has witnessed this for all to see."

"So in my humble opinion, if you want to consider it for yourself, then you must try your best to get the position of vice captain for Lin Xi. Of course, Guo Zhengchang from the provincial capital previously asked Lin Xi to accompany him during the entire investment process in Dongzhou, which is very important to her. It is equivalent to a very hidden resume that no one can ignore."

"I think you can try this thing without any worries. If it succeeds, it will be good. If it doesn't, it won't be too harmful to you."

Zhang Xian seemed to have taken reassurance: "Teacher, I feel safe with what you said. Yangguan County is affiliated to Dongzhou, so it is better for them to work together to cut off the wealth!"

"Just do whatever you want. After all, those young couple are really miracles in their own fields!"

"Let's not talk about that young couple. The more I think about it, the more unreal it becomes. How can anyone be so talented and beautiful as that?"

Han Zai laughed: "Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. After Chen Xiao arrives in Yangguan County, I will see what he means. If he is not interested, then it will not be too late for me to find him again!"

After the master and apprentice finished speaking, they hung up the phone.

As for Chen Xiao and Lin Xi, they are making a sweet video between husband and wife!

(End of this chapter)

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