I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 300 The prototype of the male protagonist!

Chapter 300 The prototype of the male protagonist!
Conflicting impressions of Jiao Yan.

This made Chen Xiao suspicious of her.

One of the bases of suspicion, in addition to image issues, is the signal sent by the murderer.

People have seven emotions and six desires.

In murder cases, many people's emotions and desires will be infinitely magnified.

Those amplified desires are the basis for the police to find the motive for their crimes.

But when there is almost no emotion bursting out in a murder case, it is definitely a sign of increased difficulty for the police.

In a case that is not mixed with emotion, the motive will become impossible to start with.

When Chen Xiao was in the autopsy room, she thought of the word scene.

He believed that since the murderer knew so much about Jiao Guoxuan and Qiao Zhiyuan, and other details showed that he knew the deceased's family.

From this point, it is enough to prove that he may have been involved in what happened to the Jiao family and the Qiao family many times before the case occurred.

Chen Xiao came to Jiao Guoxuan's house with the purpose of looking for a scene.

After coming out of Jiao Yan's room, Chen Xiao finally came to the restaurant.

The restaurant was the scene of the crime.

The murderer knocked out the three deceased persons by administering drugs.

The three deceased persons were then tied up and finally killed.

There is the only survivor in the whole case, Jiao Yue.

She said she saw the man covered in blood at home!

That person, she was definitely Qiao Zhiyuan.

Both Chen Xiao and Lin Xi knew all this information.

But Chen Xiao discarded all that information at this time, and sat quietly at the bottom of the dining table, facing the main seat where Jiao Guoxuan was sitting.

Chen Xiao looked ahead and began to analyze in his mind.

There is a record in the case file that the death times of the three deceased were some time apart.

Moreover, the time when the murderer committed the crime was not during dinner.

The drugs he put in were put into the drinking fountain in the deceased's home.

In other words, everyone in the Jiao family actually fell into a coma that night.

The difference is that Jiao Yue woke up and was not tied up, so she saw a bloody man in her home.

As for why Jiao Yue didn't scream, the reason was that it was already very late when she woke up.

At that time, she saw someone leaving her home!
After waiting for others to go out, she went to the restaurant and found that her parents, mother and sister were all dead.

After Chen Xiao reviewed the case in his mind, he began to seriously think about the currently known scenes.

The first scene is, of course, Qiao Zhiyuan's car accident and Jiao Yan's broken hand.

The second scene: The Qiao family breaks up with Jiao Guoxuan, and Qiao Zhiyuan threatens to take out Jiao Guoxuan's heart to see if it is evil!
The third scene?
Chen Xiao originally didn't have a third person in mind, but now he has a new scene.

That is, when Jiao Yue woke up and walked out of the room, did he see Jiao Yue?

Regardless of whether he saw it or not, he let Jiao Yue go in the end.

And he should not have much hesitation or pause when leaving.

If so, Jiao Yue would have a high chance of seeing his whole face!

Therefore, there has always been a very obvious direction in the entire case, and that is why the murderer let Jiao Yue go.

Is it because he has a special relationship with Jiao Yue?
If not, would a murderer who used such a weird murder method be merciful because the witness was a child?
Chen Xiao doesn’t think so.

Since he is not merciful, it is most likely that there is a connection.

If this relationship is further extended, Chen Xiao can come up with two very reasonable explanations.

For example, isn't Jiao Yue Jiao Guoxuan's biological daughter?
For example, Jiao Yue is Jiao Guoxuan's biological daughter. But some men have unreasonable love in their hearts.

He loves Wei Rong, so he loves Wu and Wuxia and cannot bear to kill Jiao Yue.

But if this is the case, isn't the motive likely to be love murder?

Does the whole case smell of murder?

At least now, Chen Xiao doesn't have strong feelings.

So he had a third explanation that wasn't so reasonable.

This explanation is: Is it possible that the murderer left Jiao Yue behind on purpose? Moreover, he did not see Jiao Yue who had woken up when he left!
And the reason why he kept Jiao Yue alive was because he wanted the police to investigate Wei Rong!

Chen Xiao, who was sitting on the chair next to the dining table, was thinking rapidly.

But no matter how he thought about it, he didn't feel anything about the first two explanations. Although they were reasonable, Chen Xiao was still a little excited about the third explanation.

"If my feeling is correct, can I rule out the key person who caused the case now, and it is not Wei Rong!"

"Furthermore, Teacher Han Zai's previous investigation basically focused on Jiao Guoxuan. The reason is simply because Jiao Guoxuan made too many enemies."

"But in the end, Teacher Han Zai's investigation came to nothing, so can I use this to temporarily rule out Jiao Guoxuan?"

"With these two excluded, plus my suspicion of Jiao Yan, I might as well identify the key person as Jiao Yan!"

After having this idea in his mind, Chen Xiao got up and went back to Jiao Yan's bedroom, taking away the book "Before and After" written by Wang Dahe.

After leaving Jiao's house, Chen Xiao called Wang Juan to make sure they were still at Kangxin Hospital and drove there.

By the time Chen Xiao arrived, the doctor's consultation had already ended.

After the face-to-face consultation, Wang Dahe's condition did not change much. After all, most of his mental illnesses were hidden.

Chen Xiao said a few words to Wang Jun, and then someone pushed Wang Dahe forward, handed over the book, and also handed him a pair of gloves.

Wang Dahe put on his gloves and saw a look of surprise in his eyes when he saw that it was his own work:

"How come you have this book of mine?"

"My wife found this work by the teacher at the crime scene of the case she was investigating. It was written by you, and I think you must understand it better than anyone else."

"That's it." Wang Dahe suddenly realized, and then continued:

"The prototype of this book is actually based on... Qin Qing's brother."

"Huh? Master's wife's brother!"

"Yes, Mrs. You's brother was a very successful man before I wrote this book. But I have never liked him very much. I always feel that others are doing one thing and others are doing another, and no one can really understand him."

"But later I felt that I was wrong. I misunderstood him because I didn't understand him. He didn't want to be hypocritical in front of his relatives, it was just because his career made him accustomed to that. In front of his relatives, he was also fragile, and He loves his family very much."

Chen Xiao nodded silently, and Wang Dahe then sighed:
"The reason why I decided to write a novel based on him is because he died because of Wang Juan."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but wonder: "What happened?"

"Wang Juan was his only nephew, and he only had a daughter, so he loved Wang Juan very much at that time. On the third day of the first lunar month of that year, I took Wang Juan to your wife's house to pay New Year greetings. Wang Juan pestered his uncle to go To play, Qin Hao took him there and the two of them played under an old wall."

"But no one expected that the continuous heavy rains years ago had already washed away the old wall and was on the verge of collapse. At the critical moment, Qin Hao grabbed Wang Juan and threw him aside, while he himself was hit in the head by a brick. All died."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao was silent for a moment.

Wang Dahe couldn't help but sigh because of the past; "If he were still alive, he should be a more successful big boss now. It's a pity that Wang Juan has not let him down yet!"

Chen Xiao still said nothing, after all, it was not easy to talk about such a topic.

Wang Dahe sighed, changed the topic, and asked with some surprise: "Is the case your wife is investigating a murder case or something else?"


"The person who was killed must be quite old. You won't be able to buy my books in the past few years!"

These words made Chen Xiao's eyes suddenly freeze, and even his heart couldn't help shouting:
"Yes, the teacher's book was written many years ago. His book had no impact, so it is impossible to buy it now!"

"In that case, where did Jiao Yan come from in "The People Before and After"?"

(End of this chapter)

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