I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 320 Look at 3 steps to lure the snake out of the hole!

Chapter 320 Look at three steps to lure the snake out of the hole!

The lights come on again.

Through the curtains, Chen Xiao could see many figures entering the room.

Chen Xiao held a flashlight in his hand.

Even though that flashlight is useless.

But he kept playing with it.

The couple behind him couldn't help but came over curiously.

Boy: "Comrade police, there seem to be a lot of people across the way?"

Girl: “Are your comrades catching bad guys?”

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded: "As I said, I'm not sure whether it's bad or not, but I'm definitely arresting people."

The boy's eyes were bright. Perhaps the curtains between them emboldened him. He said excitedly:
"There are so many people, it looks like we caught a heavyweight!"

"Not necessarily." Chen Xiao said with a smile.

Girl: "How is that possible? There are so many people catching bad guys. They must be very scary bad guys."

The girl just finished speaking.

The curtains on the opposite side were suddenly pulled open, and then someone was seen going to open the window.

When Chen Xiao saw this, he immediately turned on the flashlight in his hand and shined it on.

The person who rushed to the window subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands, and was then pushed to the ground by the police.

During that block, Chen Xiao saw the chest of the person rushing towards the window covered with blood.

Chen Xiao frowned and looked across.

Then Lin Xi quickly closed the curtains.

Chen Xiao sighed: "Silly woman, I taught her how to do it, why do you still need to let people know that I am right across the street?"

"Comrade police, is the woman who pulled the curtain just now the wife you just mentioned?"

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded: "It's her."

"Wow, it turns out you two are police officers!"

"I'm their adviser, I'm actually not a police officer."

The couple nodded in understanding. Chen Xiao returned the flashlight to the boy's hand and said with a smile:

"Okay, I have to go."

"Shall I give you a gift?"

"Need not."

Chen Xiao declined the other party's kindness, but stopped when he reached the door.

He counted six hundred and sixty-six yuan from his pocket and put it on the coffee table, and said with a smile: "I don't know if we will see each other again in the future, and I didn't know your situation when I came here. Just think of these as my red envelopes for the baby. , I wish you both a lifetime of love, and I wish your family peace and success."

After saying that, Chen Xiao opened the door and went out.

The boy picked up the money on the coffee table, looked at the closed door, and said with emotion: "Honey, what did the police comrade say he was called just now?"

"I'll just say you are careless. It's Chen Xiao written on his ID."

"Well, we have to remember him. When the baby is born, we will write this money in the gift book. He is really thoughtful!"

"Just make the decision."


After Chen Xiao left the couple's home, he waited downstairs in the opposite community.

When he arrived, members of Lin Xi's task force were taking Zhang Cheng and Qiao Zhong downstairs.

Qiao Zhong was completely frightened, and his face was pale as a ghost.

Looking at Madman Zhang again, he had a gash on his chest.

But at this time, Madman Zhang felt completely different from what Chen Xiao had seen before.
Chen Xiao ignored Qiao Zhong and looked directly at Crazy Zhang: "Are you going to show Qiao Zhong your topping skills in public?"

Madman Zhang raised his head: "I'm... so unwilling to be caught by you like this!" Chen Xiao curled his lips and looked at Lin Xi.

The latter stepped forward and said to Chen Xiao: "I now suspect that he is not faking it, but that he has gradually improved recently. Otherwise, even if it is intermittent, it will not be like this."

Chen Xiao thinks it makes sense.

But he still felt that Madman Zhang still had his good and bad moments.

Maybe his improvement lies in the fact that the time when he is crazy is getting shorter and shorter, and the time when he is good is getting longer and longer.

Chen Xiao didn't say anything, but Lin Xi understood what he meant, so she stood beside him and whispered something.

Crazy Zhang's face changed drastically when he heard this.

At that moment, his face began to turn red.

Then the veins in his neck popped out.

He wanted to say something, but when he was stimulated by those words, his thoughts began to get messy.

Chen Xiao stepped aside, and Lin Xi said in a deep voice: "Take him away to the hospital and take good care of him."

"I understand, Team Lin, but what about Qiao Zhong?"

"Send him to the hospital for a check-up. I'm so scared that I haven't recovered yet." Lin Xi explained.

But after Qiao Zhong finally recognized Chen Xiao, he came to his senses: "Consultant Chen, my son was wronged. The murderer is that bastard Zhang Crazy. He was so crazy that he just wanted to dig out his own heart in front of me! "

"He was the one who killed Jiao Guoxuan's family!"

Qiao Zhong said, Chen Xiao nodded: "I know, the police will give Qiao Zhiyuan an explanation."

"That's good, that's good." Qiao Zhong was still frightened, and then followed the task force to the hospital.

After they all got in the car, Lin Xi asked Chen Xiao:

"What do you think we should do next?"

Chen Xiao leaned into Lin Xi's ear and said four words: "If you make a mistake, you will make a mistake."

Lin Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded and said: "I understand, it's convenient to catch thieves and make them into pairs!"

"As expected of my wife, she is just too upright for me sometimes."

"I'm happy to have you take care of it! I'm busy now and I'm too lazy to take care of you."

Lin Xi said and also got into the police car.

Chen Xiao looked at the car shadow of the task force leaving and drove to find Han Zai.

The latter had returned from the detention center, and the two met at a late-night snack stall.

Han ordered another piece of fried noodles, while Chen Xiao ordered a piece of casserole porridge.

While eating, Han Zai said: "I heard Zhang Xian talk about one of your characteristics, that is, when you complete a step in the process of solving a case, you are not thinking about that step or what happened before, but You have thought about the next few steps."

"So tell me, where do you think of it now?"

Chen Xiao drank porridge and said: "Crazy Zhang will be interrogated tonight, Qiao Zhiyuan will be released early tomorrow morning, and even the county bureau will report the topping case to dispel some people's doubts as much as possible and make them fully believe that we are ready Case closed.”

"Tomorrow at noon, I will leave Yangguan County with my parents and my parents-in-law. However, I haven't fully figured out the way down yet."

Han Zai: "Tell me, I hope I can give you some advice."

"I'm thinking that if all my guesses are correct, then the people behind it will definitely be in an unprecedented state of excitement. Even if they commit another crime the same day after the police close the case, they will be extremely satisfied with the sense of accomplishment they want. And I The troublesome part is who their next target is!"

"Only by luring them out of the hole can I finally verify whether my guess is completely correct. And only if it is verified correctly, can the motive for the crime and the true role of Crazy Zhang be revealed!"

Chen Xiao expressed his doubts.

Han gulped down another plate of fried noodles, and then asked for a can of beer.

But when opening the beer, Han said again: "A single success may make many people lose their minds. They will think that their abilities far exceed their opponents. As a result, they are extremely satisfied with their sense of accomplishment. It could cause a bigger stir.”

"How can we create a bigger sensation? Is it easier to kill more people, or is it easier to kill someone who has been exposed to the case and has a certain reputation with the police?"

After saying that, Han drank the beer in one gulp, and then looked at Chen Xiao with a smile.

That smile made Chen Xiao frown subconsciously, but in the blink of an eye, Chen Xiao suddenly realized it!
(End of this chapter)

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