I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 323 The call went through and the bell rang!

Chapter 323 The phone was connected and the ringing sounded!
The breakfast shop is opened by a couple.

When Lin Xi was studying in the county town, the couple were only in their forties.

Today, there are more than fifty.

But when they came before, the couple could recognize Lin Xi at a glance.

When they saw Lin Xi again today, the couple said enthusiastically:

"Xiaoxi, you're here!"

"Uncle Niu, Auntie, good morning."

"Hai Zai Zai, Xiaoxi was too busy yesterday to ask, are you back to work now?"

Lin Xi shook his head: "No, I came back with a special mission this time, but now that the mission has been completed, I may not come tomorrow."

Aunt Niu was stunned for a moment, and then said with emotion: "Hey, we have opened a store here for more than ten years, and the number of students sent away is no less than those of the teachers. Nowadays, those students who have graduated long ago are still very few. Goodbye."

Lin Xi smiled and said, "I will go home often to see you in the future."

Uncle Niu pulled Aunt Niu, and then asked: "Is it still the same as yesterday?"


"Okay, you guys sit down first while I get breakfast for you guys. I went to the market to pick all the buns today. They are very fresh!"

Lin Xi said hello and looked at the other seats.

After choosing a seat and sitting down, Lin Xi tapped her fingers on the table.

Although the expressions of the members of the task force did not change when they saw this, they were already wary in their hearts.

They knew very well that those who came to have breakfast at this time were among the first batch.

As time goes by there will be more and more people.

Uncle Niu brought over several drawers of steamed buns and beaten porridge. After Lin Xi said "thank you", he couldn't help but sigh as he looked at Uncle Niu's busy back.

The members of the task force knew why Lin Xi was sighing, and they all ate their buns in silence.

But they ate in small bites.

At this moment, an old man who was having breakfast next to him suddenly tilted his head and lay on the table and passed out.

The friend who was sitting with him also pushed him and shouted: "I can put you to sleep even after breakfast, wake up quickly...ha."

The man also yawned profusely as he spoke, and finally his head sank and he leaned on the table.

If it were one person, the others would really think that they didn't sleep well so they fell asleep while eating breakfast.

But suddenly two or even one or two people started to yawn, and all the guests who were eating steamed buns and drinking porridge changed their expressions.

"What's going on? Why are you all asleep?"

"It can't be such a coincidence. The steamed buns and porridge they just ate couldn't be the problem with these two things!"

"Ha...I also drank porridge, and my eyelids are trembling now!"

When Uncle Niu and Aunt Niu heard this, they came out and asked, "Impossible? How can the newly cooked porridge this morning make people sleepy!"

"Really Aunt Niu, we are... really sleepy right now. Did you... did you put the wrong thing in there?"

"Impossible! Porridge is just rice and water, what can you put in it!"

After Aunt Niu finished speaking, she lay down on the table and fell asleep again.

Lin Xi immediately stood up and walked to one of the sleeping guests. After checking for a while, he said to the members of the task force:
"Hurry up and call the emergency number. It's okay if one person falls asleep, but with so many people asleep there must be something wrong."

With that said, Lin Xi said to Uncle Niu and Aunt Niu: "Don't sell it any more for the time being, and everyone should stop eating it. I am a policeman and have notified the nearby police station. Please don't leave the scene for the time being!"

Members of the task force immediately went to the outermost perimeter and temporarily blocked everyone from leaving.

Uncle Niu and Aunt Niu were frightened, especially Aunt Niu, who held Lin Xi's hand in a panic and said: "Xiaoxi, you know our temperament, how could we be so messy after selling for so many years?" !”

"Auntie, don't say anything for now. Where do you usually get these things?"

"It's in the kitchen at the back. You've been there before."

Lin Xi nodded: "The others stay at the scene to maintain order, while I go to the kitchen to take a look."

While talking, Lin Xi put on his gloves.

Uncle Niu and Aunt Niu were about to follow, but Lin Xi stretched out his hand to stop him: "You just stay here, don't go anywhere and wait for the police to come. So many people are comatose. It's probably collective food poisoning. This kind of thing is very serious. You need to Follow my arrangements!"

"Okay, we all listen to you."

Uncle Niu and Aunt Niu were already panicking, while Lin Xi quickly walked back without saying anything.

The chef Lin Xi has been here before.

This place remains the same as in memory.

The reason why Uncle Niu and Aunt Niu haven't changed locations for more than ten years is because the store location is their own territory.

The kitchen has not changed much from before, and every place is very clean.

It just happened to be the breakfast rush hour, so some tools were placed casually.

Lin Xi walked to the stove. There were two large steamers with multiple layers placed in the pots on the stove.

But at this moment, Lin Xi's body began to sway.

Finally, she quickly held onto a chair and quickly took out her cell phone.

But as soon as she took out her phone, a figure appeared in front of and behind her.

The person in front of him took Lin Xi's cell phone away and saw the number Lin Xi pulled out and said:

"You want to call your husband? Unfortunately, we have figured out your husband's pattern. He is a detective who doesn't like to deal with the aftermath. As long as the murderer is caught, he will leave immediately."

"Hmm...think about it, he should be almost in Dongzhou City by now, right?"

The person behind him answered: "Who says it's not the case? I watched him go up at the highway intersection with my own eyes."

"What a pity, Officer Lin. Originally, our target had always been Han Zai. But then we changed our minds. Although Chen Xiao is our favorite, it is difficult for us to find opportunities with him in Yangguan."

"Only you are different. You used to like eating at home, and you kept the habit after coming to Yangguan. So, we regarded you as a target. Fortunately, God also thinks that you policemen are stupid, otherwise Otherwise it wouldn’t be able to help us like this.”

"Who says it's not the case? If it weren't for God's help, we wouldn't have been able to prevent Officer Lin from coming to have breakfast after finishing the case this morning!"

The two people in front and behind him were laughing and talking, and Lin Xi could see their faces clearly.

"Xiong Nan, Qiao Zhiyuan? You guys!"

"Are you surprised? I have given food to Madman Zhang and helped him. He has always had a grudge against the police because of the death of his daughter, so it is not surprising that he helped us. Besides, you police officers represent the so-called Justice, but are you really delivering justice?”

"If you are seeking justice, then why am I sentenced to several years by you just because I can't bear to see the weak being bullied by others! And those bullies who bully the weak ended up being the beneficiaries!"

Xiong Nan said in a deep voice.

Qiao Zhiyuan also followed with a ferocious look on his face: "There are no people who uphold justice in this world. All those who hold the banner of upholding justice deserve to die! Since they have no ability to punish evildoers, then we should represent God to get rid of you trash." !”

With that said, Qiao Zhiyuan, who took away Lin Xi's cell phone, said with a sinister smile: "I wonder how your husband will feel when he hears your screams with his own ears?"

"Chen Xiao will definitely be crying on the other end of the phone, begging us to let you go! Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, the strongest detective in Dongzhou, it feels so good to think about it!"

After Qiao Zhiyuan said that, he dialed Chen Xiao's number directly.

A second later, the call was dialed, but strangely, Xiong Nan and Qiao Zhiyuan heard a very loud ringing tone!

(End of this chapter)

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