I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 325: People’s hearts can also be disguised!

Chapter 325: People’s hearts can also be disguised!
There is no need for those large police presence.

Just the red dot aimed at Xiong Nan's heart was enough for Chen Xiao to understand.

Lin Xi had already made complete preparations.

Not to mention that she didn't drink the bowl of porridge and water, even if she did, the police force she arranged in the dark would be enough to protect her safety.

Seeing the police officers pouring into the back kitchen, Chen Xiao stood aside silently and watched with his own eyes as Xiong Nan and Qiao Zhiyuan were pushed to the ground and handcuffed.

When Xiong Nan was taken away, he looked at Chen Xiao with a smile and said:

"There is another story that I want to tell you face to face."

Lin Xi signaled the police to let go. Xiong Nan stood up and was about to speak, but Chen Xiao said first with a thoughtful look on his face:
"You and Qiao Zhiyuan should have known each other before you were imprisoned, right?"

Xiong Nan's expression froze: "Have you found it?"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "Intuition, I once investigated the fracture and old injury of Jiao Yan's arm, but failed to find out anything in this direction. Later, I turned my target to Qiao Zhiyuan."

Qiao Zhiyuan's face was full of resentment: "It turns out that you have never let go of your doubts about me."

"Not just me, even Officer Lin, who you thought could be easily subdued, has never given up suspicion on you. Moreover, today's arrest plan was all planned by her. To be honest, I also We have investigated many people, including the family whose wall was broken during the accident.”

At this point, Chen Xiao suddenly reacted: "Did you meet on that day? The car accident at that time was related to Xiong Nan?"

Xiong Nan sighed and closed his eyes: "Yes, that day they actually hit the wall to avoid me. I have always felt guilty towards Jiao Yan for this, but that guilt gradually dissipated as the years passed. "

"When Lao Qiao and I met in prison, we spent a long time testing each other. Finally we became friends and vowed to do something big after we were released from prison. Lao Qiao had a grudge against Jiao Guoxuan, and finally we set our goal on It’s on Jiao Guoxuan’s family.”

"But we had disagreements about who to kill. Lao Qiao wanted to kill them all. I didn't want to kill Jiao Yan, and Zhang Cheng didn't want to kill Jiao Yue. In the end, we drew three lots and decided with fists. Who catches it?"

"In the end I won, but the person I captured was Jiao Yue, so we kept Jiao Yue."

"As for the purpose of staying, you must have already guessed it. In fact, the most suitable person is indeed Jiao Yue, because only a child's words will sway and make it difficult for you to make up your mind."

When Xiong Nan said this, Qiao Zhiyuan sneered:
"It's a pity that we didn't do the last step. Otherwise, the three of us would have made a mark in the criminal history of Dongzhou!"

Xiong Nan glanced at him: "If you lose, you lose. There is no pity or pity. There is no difference between killing people and killing pigs. They are both lives, and they can be killed with one knife. But murder is illegal, and if you are caught, you will be punished. Why should you care? After we die, will anyone know about us?"

"Old Xiong, I've told you a long time ago that I made a vow when I was very young. If I can't be famous throughout the ages, I will be a person who will be infamous for thousands of years. Hahaha!"

Xiong Nan didn't say much to him, but Chen Xiao became interested:

"After Jiao Yan's car accident, did Madman Zhang give a book to Jiao Yan?"

Xiong Nan looked at Chen Xiao in surprise: "Have you found out about this matter?"

"Only I would notice it, because that book was written by my former Chinese teacher."

Xiong Nan smiled bitterly: "I see, it seems that even if we can escape the first grade of junior high school, we can't escape the fifteenth grade. You will still be able to find out about us after all."

There was no change in the expression on Chen Xiao's face. He thought of the suit and asked again:

"In other words, all three of you chose Jiao Guoxuan's family as your targets to compete with the police because of your own experiences?"

With that said, Chen Xiao looked at Lin Xi. The latter also asked: "Xiong Nan, you and Qiao Zhiyuan planned this case together, so you should be the one who picked the heart, right? Crazy Zhang didn't do anything at all. He has always been a smoke bomb, right?" "

Xiong Nan nodded: "Yes, that suit is just for you to keep searching on Crazy Zhang's head, and as long as he is awake, he will definitely cooperate with us. Besides, Crazy Zhang really doesn't want to live anymore. He said he would be shot." It’s a relief for him!”

Chen Xiao didn't ask any more questions.

Lin Xi also waved his hand and asked the police to take away Xiong Nan and Qiao Zhiyuan.

But when Qiao Zhiyuan was taken away, he also said something: "The human heart is unpredictable, so I really wanted to see what color the hearts of Jiao Guoxuan and his family were. But when their hearts were taken out, I I discovered that people’s hearts can also wear camouflage! Red, everything is red!”

As he spoke, Qiao Zhiyuan shook his head.

That look seemed to contain endless doubts.

Chen Xiao didn't reply, and Lin Xi stood beside him silently.

After Xiong Nan and Qiao Zhiyuan were taken away, Lin Xi said to Chen Xiao, "I'm going to see Uncle Niu and Aunt Niu first."

"Go ahead and tell them the real reason."

"Hey... there are some things that I can actually control. For example, I am fully capable of preventing this food poisoning. But the price is that I can no longer be sure when they will take action. So, when I made this choice, Uncle Niu Aunt Niu will definitely be hurt, they have been running this store for more than ten years, it is their family’s source of income!"

Chen Xiao naturally knew that once food poisoning occurred in a store, the local people would completely lose trust and eventually go bankrupt.

But if Lin Xi tried to stop them, Qiao Zhiyuan and Xiong Nan would also pay a heavy price if they escaped justice.

Lin Xi made her choice.

But after thinking about it, Lin Xi couldn't help but asked Chen Xiao for help: "Husband, Uncle Niu's son seems to have a store in Dongzhou selling electrical appliances. Look..."

Before Lin Xi finished speaking, Chen Xiao nodded directly: "As long as it involves my business scope, everything is easy to discuss. You can explain it to them later. For parents, the future of their children is definitely more important than theirs. "

"Okay, then I'll go and tell you."

Lin Xi quickly left the kitchen without any further hesitation.

When they arrived at the breakfast shop, Lin Xi pulled Uncle Niu and Aunt Niu aside and explained the reason.

Uncle Niu and Aunt Niu's eyes were obviously complicated after hearing this, but after finally hearing what Lin Xi said about the home appliances, Uncle Niu called his son immediately.

When Uncle Niu's son heard the name of Dongzhou Sifu Electric (Luo Dali's father's home appliance company), he immediately said excitedly:

"Dad, please introduce it to me. Sifu Electrical Appliances is now a giant in our electrical appliance store in Dongzhou, and may even be the home appliance giant in the province in the future! If we can get online with them, one year's service The income is at least as good as dozens of your breakfast shops!"

When Uncle Niu heard this, he suddenly became excited: "Xiaoxi, do you really know the people from Sifu Electric?"

"Yes, Uncle Niu, it was my husband who started Sifu Electrical Appliances, and it was he who proposed the idea of ​​sending home appliances to the countryside in Jiang Province!"

"Chen Xiao? Dad, is the husband of the person you are talking to named Chen Xiao?"

"It's him!
"That's great!"

Uncle Niu's son on the other end of the phone was so excited that he roared out!
(End of this chapter)

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