Chapter 329 Ten Devils!
Lou Xiaodong is dead? !

This news was indeed shocking to Chen Xiao!

Lou Xiaodong used to be a figure in the Qingxi police circle.

But later he left the police force because he accidentally killed a criminal suspect, and even went to jail for this.

Many years later, Lou Xiaodong was released from prison. Although he was no longer a policeman, he had been assisting the Qingxi police in solving serious cases and arresting criminals.

It was precisely because of his previous imprisonment that Lou Yang, Lou Xiaodong's son, hated him, and his heart gradually twisted. He single-handedly created the murder of a college student in Xiaofeng Village that shocked the entire Qingxi.

After Chen Xiao arrived in Qingxi, he successfully investigated the Xiaofeng Village case and arrested Lou Yang.

Even in the end, Lou Yang was used as bait to catch Chen Yan.

Throughout the Xiaofeng Village case, Chen Xiao also lamented what happened to Lou Xiaodong.

He was supposed to be a good policeman who could enjoy a lot of praise, but reality played a huge joke on him.

Not only has he lost his position, his only son is also in jail and will even be executed in the near future.

But before Lou Yang's death sentence was handed down, Lou Xiaodong actually left first, which Chen Xiao never expected.

The acting boss on the other end of the phone seemed to be aware of Chen Xiao's emotions and sighed:
"When he went to Haicheng with Hu Yue to handle a case, he blocked a shot from Hu Yue. That shot hit him right in the heart! Originally, it was impossible for me to know about this matter. I saw some citizens I only found out when I spontaneously took to the streets to send him to the cemetery."

"It was also at that time that many citizens in Qingxi learned that they once had a very good police captain who solved countless cases and protected their safety."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "His life is indeed quite touching, but what happened in the end?"

"I don't know about that. The police only said in the report that he had the courage to fight the gangsters. I don't know the details."

Chen Xiao thought for a while and replied: "I understand. I'll have a phone call with Hu Yue later. Maybe he didn't take the initiative to contact me, maybe he can't get out yet."

The case in Xiaofeng Village and the disappearance of Xiaodian Dian gradually deepened the friendship between Chen Xiao and Hu Yue.

In the following time, Hu Yue occasionally called Chen Xiao to ask about his current situation.

Thinking of the last contact, it has indeed been a long time.

After Hu Yue's call was answered, the other end was silent, and Chen Xiao also took the initiative to speak:
"Captain Hu, I know everything. He is dead. Maybe such a death is the best destination for Senior Lou."

Chen Xiao was comforting Hu Yue and affirming Lou Xiaodong's life.

Although Lou Xiaodong is a senior and does not need Chen Xiao's approval, Chen Xiao feels that there should be many people who have the same idea as him.

Hu Yue's voice was choked: "Thank you, I can still think of him. I have been staying at home these days, and it seems that he is still by my side, and he is still teaching me in a boss's tone."

"But you're right. Ever since Lou Yang's accident, something has changed with him. He's crazy about doing things for us, no matter how dangerous it is, he dares to do it, even if I warn him, it's useless. I think, he's also that one At that time, he must have been thinking about finding a home for himself."

With that said, Hu Yue spoke again: "That's good. At least he died gloriously, and if he continues to live, he will probably just continue the pain."

Chen Xiao fell silent.

Hu Yue also stayed quiet for a few seconds before continuing: "He fell into my arms, but his last words were related to you."

"His last words have anything to do with me?"

"Yes, he asked me to send you something. Counting the days, if it doesn't arrive today, it should arrive tomorrow. Originally, if you didn't call me, I would have contacted you. I can only say it's quite a coincidence."

Chen Xiao understood Hu Yue's mood.

Perhaps among all the police detectives he met, Hu Yue's personal ability may be at the bottom.

But his relationship with Lou Xiaodong is definitely that of both teacher and friend.

Therefore, Hu Yue will not forget what Lou Xiaodong told him.

But Chen Xiao couldn't help but become curious about what Lou Xiaodong sent in advance:

"Can you tell me what it is first?" "He named a wood carving work that I didn't feel much about when I saw it. It's called Jumozi. The size of the work is about the same as the belly of a pregnant woman who is about to give birth. The whole work is also spherical.”

"But there was an opening in the middle, and the images of ten little ghost heads were revealed. Each little ghost head has a different shape, but its appearance is either bloodthirsty or weird, and it is very evil."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but frown:
"Where did he get that kind of work? Did he carve it himself, or was it given to him by others?"

"He had no time to tell me at that time, so he grabbed my collar and told me to give it to you. As for the name of the work, he chose it based on the Nine Sons of the Dragon."

Chen Xiao looked solemn.

He didn't quite know the purpose of Lou Xiaodong sending him the wood carving.

And Hu Yue obviously didn't know.

Even Hu Yue didn't know whose hand the wood carving was from.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao didn't say anything more. He thought it would be better to wait until the things were received.

Ended the call with Hu Yue.

When Chen Xiao calmed down and was about to sit down, Ye Xiu suddenly walked over:

"Brother Chen Xiao, why did I seem to hear you mention that place in Qingxi just now?"

"Your hearing is really good. You really talked about Qingxi."

"Then are you talking about Brother Yu Gui's parents?" Ye Xiu asked.

She is a very warm-hearted girl.

She also misses Yu Gui's parents.

But Chen Xiao shook his head and said, "Senior Lou is gone."

Ye Xiu definitely didn't like Lou Yang at all.

That was her sister's murderer.

But she couldn't hate Lou Xiaodong. She knew that he was also a good policeman.

And subconsciously, Ye Xiu asked: "Where did he go?"

"He died. He was shot in the heart. He closed his eyes forever in Captain Hu Yue's arms and lost his life."

As Chen Xiao said, Ye Xiu's eyes were suddenly filled with shock.

Such news was also shocking to her.

However, Chen Xiao did not repeat what he had said to Hu Yue before with Ye Xiu. He gently patted Ye Xiu on the shoulder and turned around to leave.

After chatting for a while with Luo Sifu and his parents who continued to accompany them, there was a knock on the door.

"Hello, I'm here to deliver something. Who is Chen Xiao?"

the delivery boy at the door asked.

At this time, they did not have the unified title of courier boy in later generations.

Chen Xiao walked to the door, looked at the box, and replied: "I am, Mr. Qingxihu sent it?"

"Yes, you check it now and if there's nothing wrong, I'll leave."

The deliveryman said indifferently, Chen Xiao checked it over briefly and signed for it, then returned to his room with the box in his arms, and locked the door to prevent anyone from coming in!

(End of this chapter)

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