I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 332: A layman watches the fun, an expert watches the door!

Chapter 332: A layman watches the fun, an expert watches the door!
Chen Xiao walked towards Lin Xi.

Not long after, Dai Bingquan also left with Dai Hong'er.

Although Luo Sifu also invited his grandfather and grandson.

But Dai Bingquan knew very well that if he and Dai Hong'er were present tonight, it would change a lot of the warm atmosphere.

Because everyone present, except them, are all relatives and friends.

As an outsider, Dai Bingquan was not suitable to stay, so he left consciously.

During dinner, Chen Xiao could tell that no matter who it was, he was very happy inside.

Especially the elders, who were already drunk with alcohol only halfway through the meal.

As soon as they came up, their wives started to scold them one by one.

However, their scoldings did not affect anyone's mood, and instead they all laughed.

The meal lasted from seven o'clock in the evening to about nine o'clock in the evening, and then everyone left.

Luo Sifu didn't know whether he was thinking or sincere. After dinner, he insisted on dragging Lao Chen and his mother, as well as Lin Shanhu and Han Meixiang to stay at his house.

They also agreed that when they sobered up tomorrow, they would go to a famous Taoist temple in Dongzhou to pray.

When Luo Dali, who had not drank during the banquet and had always served Ye Xiu with food and rice, showed up in a business car, Chen Xiao suddenly understood something.

Maybe this was Luo Dali's plan to give Chen Xiao and Lin Xi more private space.

Watching Luo Dali drive away with Chen Xiao and Lin Xi's parents.

Liu Dayou, who hadn't had enough to drink, was halfway through speaking out his suggestion when Xiao Ji covered his mouth and dragged him away.

That guy actually wanted to find another late-night snack bar to drink!
Seeing everyone leave, Lin Xi put her arm around Chen Xiao's shoulders and said, "How about we walk back? It's not far from Phoenix Street anyway."

"Okay, you can do whatever you want. When you're tired from walking, I'll just carry you."

Lin Xi held his arm tightly and whispered: "You spoil me so much, aren't you afraid that you will spoil me bad in the future?"

Chen Xiao did not answer, but silently squatted in front of Lin Xi when he came to a corner.

Lin Xi didn't show any composure, lying on Chen Xiao's back and jokingly said: "Zhu Bajie carries a pretty wife on her back, she is so beautiful!"

Chen Xiao raised his hand: "Change your words randomly."

"Then tell me whether you feel beautiful or not."

"I'll be beautiful if you watch a movie with me. I won't be beautiful if you don't watch."

"It depends on who is afraid of whom, but I want to watch something from abroad, just so I can learn a foreign language."

The corner of Chen Xiao's mouth twitched: "Then what's there to learn? Just a few words over and over again."

"I want you to take care of it!"

Lin Xi deliberately tried to show off his temper, but slowly put his hand into Chen Xiao's collar.

With such a slight movement of his fingertips, Chen Xiao felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

He didn't know how other couples got along.

But he was certain that whenever he and Lin Xi were alone together, she would feel like she had ADHD.

Those hands are always busy, either squeezing the flesh on his body or reaching into his clothes to wipe his oil.

Lin Xi was not idle along the way, so Chen Xiao didn't care about anything as soon as she got home.

The door opened and closed, no matter what big things happened outside, except for going to the bathroom, he had no intention of getting out of bed tonight.

The next morning, Chen Xiao discovered that Lin Xi's sleeping posture was strange.

Waiting for Lin Xi to wake up, Chen Xiao asked her: "You didn't sleep like this before, why did you suddenly do this?"

Lin Xi said with a mysterious face: "You don't understand. I heard this from some female colleagues in the bureau. They said it was easier this way." Although Lin Xi said it in a vague way, Chen Xiao understood it immediately.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but hugged Lin Xi into his arms and whispered: "Are you really ready?"

"Tell me husband, always be ready!"

Lin Xi said playfully, and Chen Xiao grinned: "It's still early, let's... not be in a hurry to get up!"

"Ah...but I have to go to work today!"

“The day’s plan begins in the morning, and everything else must come later.”

"Your Majesty, please spare me, I will never dare to do it again!"

Chen Xiao ignored him.

But he also paid attention to time and didn't really dare to delay Lin Xi's work.

But before Lin Xi went to work, Chen Xiao took out the hidden Ten Demons.

As soon as Lin Xi saw this wood carving, he immediately frowned: "What is it? Why does it make people feel so uncomfortable?"

"Lou Xiaodong died. Hu Yue sent this to me according to Lou Xiaodong's last words. I don't know whether he carved it himself or whether he got it from someone else."

Lin Xi couldn't help but be stunned.

I still remember the first time Chen Xiao knew about Lou Xiaodong’s existence, when she told him on the phone.

But I never thought that Lou Xiaodong would actually die just now.

Chen Xiao also told the cause of Lou Xiaodong's death. After hearing this, Lin Xi couldn't help but sigh:
"I really didn't expect that Senior Lou would end up like this, but what Captain Hu said is right, maybe that is the best destination for him. After all, he has no relatives in the world, and the only relative who is still alive is only time away from death. question."

Chen Xiao hummed, then pointed at the "Ten Demons": "What do you think of this thing?"

Lin Xi did not answer in a hurry, but looked at it seriously.

After watching for a long time, Lin Xi's frown didn't even relax.

"I don't think this is a good thing. It's more likely that Senior Lou didn't make it himself, so it's very likely that someone else gave it to him, or it was also sent to him."

After saying that, Lin Xi thought for a while and said: "How about contacting Lou Yang? Captain Hu should be able to help contact him."

"That's what I meant." Chen Xiao said, looked at the time and said, "Let's not talk about this for now. I'll take you to work, otherwise you may be late."


Lin Xi nodded, but when she walked out of the room, she would look back at Shi Mozi from time to time.

After Lin Xi was sent to the unit and Chen Xiao returned home, he called Hu Yue back.

Hu Yue: "Mr. Chen, have you received the things?"

"I received it last night. As you said, I was shocked the first time I saw it. I didn't expect anyone to use wood carvings to present such a work."

"Yeah, I think he must have a deep meaning when he sent it to you. But after I thought about it, I didn't have any clue."

"Then have you visited Lou Yang? Has he seen that wood carving?"

Hu Yue: "I knew you would ask, so I went to find him a long time ago. Lou Yang said that he had never seen that wood carving, and he had never even heard of it in his daily life."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but frown.

Even Lou Yang didn’t know about that wood carving!
In other words, Lou Xiaodong kept the wood carving absolutely confidential until something happened to him.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao still felt that what laymen saw was excitement, and only insiders could see the secret.

He didn't know much about the traditional craft of wood carving, and it seemed like no one in his life was engaged in such work.

Therefore, he should ask someone to find out if there are any wood carving masters, and what kind of profound meaning the "Ten Demon Sons" have in the eyes of those masters!
(End of this chapter)

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