Chapter 339 Things have changed!

"Lou Xiaodong, his heart is to be killed!"

When listening to Guo Zhengchang say these words, Chen Xiao couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

If Lou Xiaodong knew the origin of "Ten Demon Sons", he would give it to Chen Xiao.

There is no doubt that Lou Xiaodong has ulterior motives for Chen Xiao.

But if Lou Xiaodong didn't know the origin of the thing, but felt that the wood carving was extraordinary and might even be involved in a murder case, then it would be understandable to hand it over to Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao didn't care what Lou Xiaodong's intentions were.

After all, everyone is dead, so it would be difficult for him to pursue the case if he wanted to.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao asked Guo Zhengchang: "Has Mr. Guo asked about the last owner of the wood carving?"

"I've also asked about this. It's said that someone was selling it in Xiuzhou City more than ten years ago. Since then, there has been no news for more than ten years."

Guo Zhengchang's answer was very vague.

It's no wonder that he was the one who probably didn't know what happened at that time.

However, Xiuzhou is right next to Haicheng. If you drive on the highway, the distance between the two places is only a hundred kilometers.

"Well, if there is any new news in the future, I hope Mr. Guo will let me know."

"Don't worry, I contacted you as soon as I heard the legend that there was a curse on that thing. But Chen Xiao, according to your temperament, you won't get rid of that thing so quickly, right?"

Guo Zhengchang still understands him.

Chen Xiao smiled and said: "I have a brother who is good at divination. He made a fortune for me this morning and said that if I am not dealt with in time, I am haunted by evil spirits, which may even affect future generations in the future. I thought about it, In other words, the "Ten Devils" given to me by Lou Xiaodong has something to do with Xie."

" actually have such an expert by your side! When can you bring me to see him, he can also tell me, this old guy, how many years I can survive!"

Guo Zhengchang became interested.

Chen Xiao said hello, and Guo Zhengchang didn't talk any more.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xi walked over.

She just heard the conversation between Chen Xiao and Guo Zhengchang from the side, and said with some worry:

"Is that wood carving so evil?"

Chen Xiao shrugged: "It's not like I haven't encountered evil things before. Most of them stopped here."

After listening to his words, Lin Xi seemed to feel a lot better. She sat directly on Chen Xiao's lap, hugged his neck and said:
"Yes, my husband specializes in treating those monsters and monsters!"

With that said, Lin Xi changed her posture again and faced Chen Xiao.

Seeing Lin Xi change into her nightgown, Chen Xiao finally realized: "When did you change it?"

"I changed it after washing it. Does it look good? I bought it new?"

"Let me check the material. You can't buy this kind of underwear cheaply." Chen Xiao inspected it and finally agreed: "Not bad, it's really D-quality!"

Lin Xi slapped Chen Xiao on the shoulder, but it seemed like he had exhausted all his strength.

Chen Xiao threw the phone on the coffee table and turned off the lights and TV in the living room.

He needed to do a ritual for his recent evil haunting.

When doing things, you should be solemn and solemn, concentrate on it, and don't be half-hearted!

Chen Xiao couldn't remember how long this ritual lasted.

All I know is that when it was over, Lin Xi didn't even want to raise her hand, and in the end he had to carry her back to the room to sleep.

After a night.

Chen Xiao should wake up naturally, otherwise Lin Xi would definitely be late.

Seeing her hurriedly changing clothes and going out, Chen Xiao also got up.

After washing up, he didn't expect that it was Xie Wendong who finally called him first.

"Hey, Brother Wen Sheng, aren't you about to be discharged from the hospital?"

After the last phone call, Chen Xiao no longer called Xie Wensheng Xie Dui. The latter also smiled and said: "Well, the hospital will conduct an examination today. If there are no accidents, I can be discharged in the afternoon."

"Okay, have you decided when to come to Dongzhou?"

"The day after tomorrow, pack your things tomorrow and leave the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, we'll start when you arrive!"

Xie Wensheng's call came and ended quickly.

After ending the call with him, Chen Xiao also opened the drawer and took out paper and pen.

This time, he is no longer painting, but writing down future plans after Xie Wensheng arrives.

Plans should be detailed.

And it has to be so detailed that many details have to be considered.

Whether it is the relationship with the government or the streets, Chen Xiao will start from a pilot project just like the home appliances going to the countryside.

Only when the results of the pilot project come out, can Chen Xiao have the confidence to expand his plan on a larger scale.

Chen Xiao must make sure there are no omissions in this plan.

So Chen Xiao spent the whole day in his room, and it wasn't until evening came again that he stopped what he was doing to cook dinner for Lin Xi.

Another day passed.

The next evening, Chen Xiao went to the airport to pick up Xie Wensheng, Ye Suzhi and Xie's children.

Seeing Xie Wensheng, Chen Xiao couldn't help but think of Cao Chan.

But the most fortunate thing is that Cao Chan's crime in the whole Yanghu Phantom case is not too serious, so he will have to go to jail, but it won't be long.

Therefore, when Xie Wensheng and Ye Suzhi saw Chen Xiao, their eyes were more happy than other emotions.

After Chen Xiao and Ye Suzhi shook hands, they smiled and said: "Auntie, welcome to Dongzhou!"

Ye Suzhi smiled and nodded: "I'm causing trouble for you."

"Hey, brother Wen Sheng and I are considered close friends. There is no such thing as trouble between close friends. Besides, you don't have to worry too much. I've already asked someone to help find your child's school. Dongzhou No. 2 Middle School is the best one." School!"

Hearing this, Xie Wensheng said gratefully: "You are so thoughtful!"

"You're welcome. I've rented the house for you. The size and layout are similar to the house you lived in before. However, you have to pay the rent yourself."

Xie Wensheng nodded heavily: "When you do this, I feel your respect for me, rather than sympathy and pity."

"Then don't say any more. Get in the car and take you to the house to put your luggage. Xiaoxi is already waiting for us at the hotel."

Xie Wensheng and his son didn't say much. After nodding silently, they followed Chen Xiao to the house to put their luggage, and then it was time for dinner.

Seeing Lin Xi, the two sides inevitably exchanged pleasantries.

When the waiter served the food, Chen Xiao took out his plan:

"I shouldn't have taken this out while eating, but I may have to go out of town tomorrow, so let's seize the time to arrange the next thing."

Xie Wensheng took the plan handed over by Chen Xiao seriously.

After flipping through a few pages, Xie Wensheng's eyes immediately fell on Lin Xi.

However, after a few seconds, Xie Wensheng withdrew his gaze again.

He already knew that Chen Xiao's plan was tailor-made for Lin Xi.

So after reading the plan, Xie Wensheng smiled and said: "It seems that Xiaoxi has been promoted, congratulations!"

Lin Xi smiled modestly, and was about to say something when Chen Xiao's cell phone rang.

Chen Xiao looked at the caller ID and frowned, "This is from Bureau Zhang."

With that said, Chen Xiao answered the phone and heard Zhang Xian's anxious words:

"Chen Xiao, can I implore you based on our personal relationship, can you spare some time to go to Haicheng tonight?!"

 The fourth update will be resumed tomorrow! Also, the climate has been changing recently, so book lovers should pay more attention to their health. I'm almost coughing out my lungs. A trash can full of paper is so uncomfortable!
(End of this chapter)

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