Chapter 355 Paleness in the Thunderstorm!

Chen Xiao was alone in Leigong Mountain.

On Qiu Tingfang's tree.

Another possibility came to mind.

In that possibility, the characters involved in the case are the same, but the circumstances of the case are completely opposite.

In the original speculation, both Chen Xiao and Pan Huiping felt that it was very likely that Qiu Tingfang had changed the situation and occupied the magpie's nest, thus triggering the current killings.

But now, Chen Xiao feels that maybe the two of them are willing to change the situation.

But standing in front of the tomb, Chen Xiao still had doubts in his mind and couldn't explain it clearly.

Look at the pits.

Qiu Tingfang was forced to kowtow.

Don't be forced.

Who kowtows and creates a pit?

But the relationship between the person who called her to Leigong Mountain and her was either threatening and being threatened, or absolute trust.

Otherwise, why would Qiu Tingfang, who clearly has security capabilities, come here alone?

As for the threat, Chen Xiao thinks it is unlikely, unless there is something wrong with the death of the director of the welfare home named Zheng Xiang, and it is directly related to Qiu Tingfang.

Otherwise, simply replacing a civet cat with a prince would not have allowed Qiu Tingfang to come to such a dangerous place.

After all, more than ten years have passed, and she and Qiu Huasheng have become a family.

Chen Xiao looked at the tomb and couldn't help but sigh:
"It was really Qiu Tingfang who called you over, but you didn't expect that it wasn't her you saw, right?"

"But if that's the case, then you should run away the first time you see that person."

"If that's the case, then why are there no traces of fighting or chasing in this forest?"

"From my contact with Captain Pan, I believe she is a very careful detective, so she did not miss any traces."

"She didn't miss anything, but I felt like I missed something tonight..."

Chen Xiao muttered to himself.

But when he said the last sentence, Chen Xiao hit his head hard.

"Clothes...why did I forget my clothes!"

"Before Qiu Tingfang died, she was sitting naked on a tree!"

"This is a very important message!"

Chen Xiao reacted and immediately began to analyze the reasons for the murderer's behavior.

In cases where the characteristic feature of nakedness appears.

Most involve assaults on women.

But Qiu Tingfang didn't.

When discussing the case with Pan Huiping, Chen Xiao never discussed this feature of the case with him.

Now Chen Xiao couldn't help but think about why the murderer took off Qiu Tingfang's clothes after everything was done.

If one goes by the initial guess, this behavior is easy to explain.

After all, the clothes on Qiu Tingfang are worth a lot of money.

When the murderer who was supposed to enjoy such a life was taken over by Qiu Tingfang, the jealousy in her heart might lead her to do such a thing.

Now, Chen Xiao wants to overturn his previous speculation, but the murderer's behavior is difficult to explain.

Chen Xiao thought.


Without warning, a muffled thunder suddenly sounded above Chen Xiao's head.

This made Chen Xiao raise his head involuntarily.


Thunder comes again.

There should even be lightning in the distance.

However, the dense leaves blocked the view, allowing Chen Xiao to only slightly feel that the light at night was different for a moment.

Listen to the thunder that is getting faster and faster.

Chen Xiao also knows that the weather in October is unpredictable.

What's more, the name of this mountain is Leigong Mountain.

There is probably some truth to the name of the mountain.

He looked again at the lonely grave.

I think he should leave first at this time.

Otherwise, the thunder will be followed by a downpour. To him, getting caught in the rain is nothing, but it always makes people worry a little bit more.

Chen Xiao's concerns are right.

When thunder appeared one after another in the sky over Haicheng.

Pan Huiping, who was taking a nap in the office, frowned.

After thinking for a while, Pan Huiping immediately called Chen Xiao.

But at this moment, Chen Xiao was in Leigong Mountain and there was no signal at all.

Pan Huiping quickly went to get an umbrella and raincoat, and called Xiao Ji.

"Hey, Captain Pan, what's wrong?"

"I think it's going to rain heavily. I'm a little worried about Chen Xiao being alone in Leigong Mountain. You and I will go pick him up together."

After Pan Huiping finished speaking, Liu Dayou said casually on the other end of the phone:
"Xiao Ji, please continue to check on the Sacred Heart Church. I will go with Team Pan."

Hearing this, Pan Huiping didn't say much.

After leaving the criminal police team with a raincoat and umbrella, he drove to pick up Liu Dayou first.

But as soon as I walked out of the door, a heavy downpour fell fiercely.

Chen Xiao, who was in the forest, didn't get too much rain because of the cover of the leaves.

But with the crackling sound above his head, he also knew what the scene was like outside.

Looking at the tomb, Chen Xiao sighed.

After he has been here, he may never see the complete picture again if he comes again.

The rain came quickly and fell very hard.

The protection of the leaves is useless if it lasts much longer.

Even if a parasol is set up above the Cenotaph, rainwater will flood the entire Cenotaph from top to bottom due to the terrain.

Chen Xiao gave up the idea of ​​saving the tomb.

He knew that Pan Huiping should have considered it before. The reason why no protection was set up was that the investigation and evidence collection had already been done.

Chen Xiao didn't think any more and headed outside the mountain.

The further you go outside, the more rain you get.

The thunder also ceased.

The rumbling sound seems to be constantly showing its power to weak people.

Soon, Chen Xiao was soaked all over.

In the mountain forest, rainwater began to gather into small streams in just a few minutes.

Chen Xiao continued to walk quickly.

But in my mind, I can't help but think about the case.

That's what his subconscious was telling himself.

After he left Leigong Mountain, he would definitely run into Pan Huiping the next day.

He came to Leigong Mountain in a hurry. If Chen Xiao found nothing the next day, although Pan Huiping wouldn't say anything, Chen Xiao himself felt that he could still handle it.

As for his desire to overturn his previous speculation, in his opinion it still lacks some convincing.

Because it's all just imagination.

Imaginations and guesses can only be used as references in cases and are untenable.

Chen Xiao was thinking as he walked, but the thunder above his head and the lightning that brightened his eyes from time to time in the distance kept disturbing his thinking.

Halfway through, Chen Xiao finally shook his head and gave up all thinking.

At this moment, it’s better to empty your mind and get out quickly.

Otherwise, with this amount of rain, he wouldn't even be able to walk in another ten minutes.

After all, the route he took was from top to bottom.

The water flows downward, so Chen Xiao would have to go faster.

It's just that he may be the only person in this mountain, but there are more than one living thing.

The pouring rain caused many beasts that were originally sleeping to run around in the woods.

Every scurrying beast will attract Chen Xiao's attention.

At this moment, accompanied by a huge lightning, Chen Xiao felt that the night was lit up by it.

I don't know if it was a rabbit or something, but it suddenly jumped out from Chen Xiao's side.

Chen Xiao looked subconsciously.

But just by looking at it, with the help of lightning, his eyes turned pale!
(End of this chapter)

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