Chapter 393 Skill Test!
When the "code tracking technique" is reflected in the mind.

Chen Xiao himself was shocked!

The first time Chen Xiao heard the words "code tracing technique" was in Lin Xi's story.

And when Lin Xi first told about this tracking technique, she was still a police officer at Fenghuang Street Police Station.

At that time, Lin Xi was obsessed with criminal investigation, and once considered becoming a criminal police officer his dream.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Xi likes to read or inquire about various magical criminal investigation techniques.

"Code Tracking Technique" is a special ability that Lin Xi has heard of.

It is said that this ability can infer the body shape, height, age, gender and walking posture of the owner of the footprints using just the naked eye and a pair of footprints.

At first glance, this may seem like nothing magical.

Even today's police have relevant formulas to calculate the height, weight and even gender of the owner of the footprints based on the footprints.

But the magic of the code tracking technique is that if it is Wu Guansheng who is deliberately disguised like this, the code tracking technique can also see through it at a glance!
In Lin Xi's narration, suppose dozens of people with similar height, weight, gender, age, and foot size gather together.

The code tracing technique can still find out who the owner of one of the footprints is!

In Chen Xiao's past experience, all his abilities were rewarded by the calendar.

But since the last Bathing Power reward, the calendar has not issued rewards for a long time.

As for all the data Chen Xiao had just deduced, there was absolutely no diary to help.

It was just his current experience and the cooperation of many previous abilities that allowed him to write those data!
"Does it mean that I can now slowly learn some criminal investigation skills by myself?"

Chen Xiao thought of the possibility of exploring it on his own.

This possibility is just like what is said in the book, creating your own skills.

The only difference is that the code tracking technique is an ancient skill that has existed since ancient times.

With the changes of the times and the limitations of teaching at that time, this skill gradually became difficult to access, let alone acquire.

Chen Xiao was very happy.

Although this is not his own creation.

But this is a skill that he has actually learned by himself from the practice of case after case!
He is very excited now.

I even want to go out and try this skill right away.

Just what kind of situation does it take to determine that this skill is code tracking?

Chen Xiao feels that the more people there are, the better the occasion will be.

This is the best way to test your true ability!

But it was already late at night, and he was unfamiliar with Haicheng. Should he continue to look for Pan Huiping?

"Forget it, she finally got a night's rest after working around for so many days, but she still can't be bothered to disturb her." Chen Xiao thought, already having another candidate.

So he immediately took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Hey, Mr. Chen, why are you looking for me so late?" Dai Hong'er's tone was full of surprise.

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "Do you know a lot of people in Haicheng?"

"Well, there are some, what's wrong?"

"Then can your friends help me find some people? As for what it is, you can just treat it as a game, but it is still very important to me."

As Chen Xiao said, although Dai Honger didn't understand what was going on, he still said:
"How about you come to my place? I happen to be with my classmates."

"Okay, then you tell me an address and I'll go there right away."

Dai Honger also gave an address simply.

Chen Xiao immediately changed into clothes and knocked on Xiaoji's door. Xiaoji asked curiously: "Brother Chen, what's the matter?"

"Follow me somewhere."

Xiao Ji said hello, but also asked: "Why don't you take Dayou with you?"

"He fell asleep while riding in the car with me today, so I won't call him now. It's not a serious matter anyway."

Xiao Ji didn't ask any questions and left the hotel with Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao drove to the address and met Dai Hong'er outside a villa not long after.

When Xiaoji saw the latter, he couldn't help but said: "Brother, are you here to see Miss Dai at night?"

"Well, I don't want to disturb Captain Pan, so I thought it over and decided that it would be appropriate to take Hong'er's place."

Chen Xiao said something, and Xiao Ji didn't ask any more questions.

Dai Honger quickly walked to the car and said:
"Mr. Chen, you came so quickly. It seems that things are not as simple as you said."

Chen Xiao smiled: "It's really not a big deal. Let's talk about it inside first."

Dai Honger nodded, and then made a gesture of invitation.

But soon, a boy also came out of the villa.

Seeing this, Dai Hong'er introduced: "This is my classmate when I was studying abroad, and this villa belongs to his family. After you called me, I went to him and told him the reason."

The boy took the initiative to shake hands and introduced himself:

"Shen Shuming, Mr. Chen, nice to meet you."

"Chen Xiao, I disturbed your classmates' reunion so late at night."

Shen Shuming shook his head: "How could it be? Hong'er kept talking about your deeds at our party today. Originally, we all regretted that it was difficult to meet people like Mr. Chen, but we didn't expect that our dream would come true so soon!"

"I didn't expect that Miss Dai's classmate's family actually owned such a large villa in Haicheng. I was shocked when I saw it!"

The two parties complimented each other and entered the manor together.

Chen Xiao's first impression of Shen Shuming was not bad.

At least he appears to be a humble and polite young man.

Under the leadership of Shen Shuming, Chen Xiao also met other classmates of Dai Honger.

There were quite a few people, including men and women.

Looking at the clothes of those people and some of the accessories on their bodies, Chen Xiao was sure that these people should all be considered children of wealthy families.

That is, the rich second generation.

But maybe Dai Hong'er really praised him so much, so the rich second generation all took the initiative to step forward.

A few people even handed business cards to Chen Xiao's hand, which made Chen Xiao a little embarrassed.

After all, he doesn't have the habit of bringing business cards with him when he goes out.

Dai Hong'er seemed to see Chen Xiao's embarrassment, so she explained softly:
"You don't need to pay too much attention. Some of these people came with other students. Originally, like them, I wanted to get to know more people from this party and expand my network. Well, what I wanted most was to recruit friends. To invest, but now that Mr. Chen is here, I don’t need it.”

Dai Honger explained the reason, and Chen Xiao nodded slightly to indicate that he understood what she meant.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Shuming also asked: "Hong'er just told me that Mr. Chen needs our help with something. I wonder what Mr. Chen is talking about?"

Chen Xiao glanced at those people and said with a smile: "Actually, it's not a big deal! Maybe Miss Dai also told you about my career, well... I came here at night just to confirm some of my thoughts. ”

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, Shen Shuming became thoughtful.

Looking at the other people with dry smiles on their faces, they seemed to be in a dilemma!

(End of this chapter)

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