Chapter 404: Strong forces join forces!

Chen Xiao looked at the information about Ayu carefully.

She really doesn't have a name.

Ah Yu was also the old lady who adopted her, because she happened to catch a basket of fish that day and came back to get it.

Grandma herself has lived in the village her whole life.

There is no culture either.

Perhaps due to financial constraints, Ayu has never been to school.

At a young age, it seemed like he could do anything.

However, the information collected by Guo Zhengchang was limited. In addition to taking some photos of daily life, there were only a few introductions.

After Chen Xiao sent the information to Lin Xi, he was about to call her, but he didn't expect that another person he didn't expect contacted him at this time.

The head of Xiangdu Zong Village and Chen Xianzu’s father-in-law, Zong Yuanmao.

Chen Xiao answered the phone: "Hello, Mr. Zong, how are you?"

"Hello, Mr. Chen, aren't you busy right now?" Zong Yuanmao's tone was not very good, and seemed to be mixed with strong doubts.

"I'm not busy. Mr. Zong, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Don't Mr. Chen know why I made this call?" Zong Yuanmao asked.

Chen Xiao frowned.

He actually vaguely guessed something, but he felt that Chen Xu shouldn't do that.

After all, Chen Xu's attitude had always been cautious before. How could it have changed in just a day or two?

"Mr. Zong, just tell me what you have to say. There is no need to ask me back like this." Chen Xiao's tone was also a little lower.

His relationship with Zong Yuanmao was not very good.

To be precise, he had never thought about how to contact Zong Yuanmao.

On the contrary, Zong Yuanmao has never repaid the favor he owed him.

So he didn't like Zong Yuanmao's tone.

Zong Yuanmao seemed to realize that his mood was wrong, so he said apologetically:
"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen. I was a little anxious just now. Mainly because I received a phone call. The person told me that you and Chen Xu met, right?"

When Zong Yuanmao said this, Chen Xiao's eyes immediately froze: "Did Huang Zhaozhong tell you?"

"It's him."

When Chen Xiao was sure that it was Huang Zhaozhong, Chen Xiao couldn't figure it out for a while.

What does he want to do?

Not only did I contact Chen Xu to inquire about me, but now I contacted Zong Yuanmao.

What is he trying to provoke?
Or does he have other purposes?
Chen Xiao was unsure for a moment.

Zong Yuanmao may also be confused, but subconsciously thinks that Chen Xiao may want to help Chen Xu.

After all, Zong Yuanmao is still suppressing Chen Xu. If Chen Xiao gets involved, it will be very difficult for him.

"Mr. Chen, I have contacted you several times before. In fact, I am not pretending to be in love with you. I, Zong Yuanmao, have been traveling in the world for so many years, and I know the importance of the word friend best."

"I owe Mr. Chen a favor, and I have been looking for an opportunity to repay it, and finally made you a good friend. But you have been busy, and I have not had this opportunity, so I have been waiting for this opportunity to appear."

"It's just Huang Zhaozhong's phone call that left me really confused. You caught Chen Xianzu and trained Chen Xu. Logically speaking, you and he should not have anything to do with each other anymore, right?"

Zong Yuanmao expressed his inner thoughts, and Chen Xiao also solemnly replied:
"I did meet Chen Xu, but I only met him because I went to Haicheng to investigate a case, so my encounter with him was an accident." Hearing this, Zong Yuanmao breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could say anything, Chen Xiao said:

"However, I am really thinking about whether to help Chen Xu."

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean by this?" Zong Yuanmao became nervous instantly.

"You know the relationship between Chen Xu and I. To be honest, I want to put him under my nose. Can you understand what I mean?"

Chen Xiao expressed his thoughts, but Zong Yuanmao fell into silence.

After a while, he tentatively asked:

"If I remember correctly, Mr. Chen once said that Xiangdu's hotel and entertainment industry will enter an unprecedented peak state in the next few years."

"At that time, I was curious, is there really anyone who would just let money go without making any money? But after understanding what you did, I always thought you wanted to focus on criminal investigation."

"But later you joined Longding and did a great job in Shencheng. At that time, I was even more confused. Why didn't you want to join the Xiangdu hotel industry if you wanted to make money!"

"I thought about it carefully many times, and finally I think it may be your sense of crisis that makes you unwilling to do this, right?"

Zong Yuanmao is worthy of being a veteran.

As for the hotel and entertainment industry in Xiangdu, it can only be done by veterans.

Because it requires a lot of connections and courage that is different from conventional businessmen, in order to gain a foothold in that very unique city in today's era!
But in an industry that requires more connections, courage and extraordinary means, sooner or later there will be a storm.

Once that thunder explodes, many people will die!
When he saw that Chen Xiao didn't reply and just laughed softly, Zong Yuanmao combined with what Chen Xiao had just said under his nose and instantly understood what Chen Xiao meant.

"Mr. Chen, I have a suggestion here. I wonder if you would like to refer to it?" Zong Yuanmao's tone was much more relaxed.

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "You tell me."

"How about Chen Xu and I join forces, what do you think?"

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes: "Can Mr. Zong let go of the past?"

"There is no such thing as an eternal enemy in the shopping mall. Instead of fighting with each other, it would be better to join forces with him. Then wouldn't he be under Mr. Chen's nose?" Zong Yuanmao said with a smile.

Chen Xiao believes that there are no eternal enemies in the mall.

But he also believed that his relationship with Zong Yuanmao could not reach the point where he would be willing to give.

"Then what do I need to do?" Chen Xiao asked.

Zong Yuanmao said: "Mr. Chen saved our Zong family, how could I need you to do anything else!"

Zong Yuanmao's words were righteous, but Chen Xiao smiled and said: "Mr. Zong, since you and I are friends, we should be honest with each other."

"Actually, I just want Mr. Chen to take a stake in my hotel!" Zong Yuanmao expressed his thoughts.

"What's the reason?"

"I think you are very strange, so strange that you seem to be able to predict something. Of course, I let you participate in the stock. In fact, it is also a gamble. And the reason why I decided to take the gamble is that I just let you Make some profit."

"But if the profit I gave up can be used to keep me safe when a crisis breaks out in the future, I think it's worth it."

Chen Xiao replied meaningfully: "It seems that Mr. Zong also has a strong sense of crisis."

"Every time I learn something, I gain wisdom. My career has been my lifelong endeavor. Before, it was almost taken up by Chen Xianzu because I had no sense of crisis. Now, I dare not be careless anymore, and I also know very well that any industry will inevitably grow after it grows barbarically. It will bring disaster, so..."

"Mr. Chen, are you willing to make the proposal I just made?"

Chen Xiao felt that Zong Yuanmao's proposal was very good, and after thinking about it for a while, he said:
"Yes, but I need you to send me a copy of your hotel's information. I will give you a final reply after reading it. In addition, please give me Huang Zhaozhong's contact information. I want to see what Mr. Huang wants to do. Well!"

(End of this chapter)

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